Friday, November 17, 2023

Death Battle Predictions: Spooky vs Malak


Running should be saved for the times where you’re being chased” - Simone Elkeles

Spooky, the adorable tyrant hailing from Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion.

Lord Malak, the demon of infinite cruelty from Dark Deception.

Let us propose a hypothetical, you die. The end. Everything stops at that very moment. But then what? What happens AFTER you finally run out of time on this earth? In truth, nobody knows, it could be anything, heaven or hell, resting in peace or wandering the Earth, anything could happen and we don’t know what will happen… it’s impossible to know. But some people have actually theorized an answer… torment. And when it comes to torment, nobody embodies it more than these two indie horror villains, torturing the souls of the innocent to fufill their own desires. But why work with death when you’re too afraid to die? Will little miss Spooks finally prove how scary she is by scaring the literal devil? Or will Malak add another lost soul to his seemingly endless collection? Well, don’t start running yet, or else you won’t find out who wins this DEATH BATTLE!

Before We Start…

For this blog, we will basically be giving both characters access to everything, Monsters and Specimens, but that also creates some problems. For Spooky, while there are already plenty of Specimens she has, there are 4 specimens that we know she has that don’t do anything in the game itself, they come from Akuma Kira’s old games and function more as easter eggs. So, just for fun, we’ll be looking into those games for information on these specimens, who will be listed as ??? 1-4. The same will be done with Malak, thanks to the game’s spinoff Monsters and Mortals adding crossover character as DLC, we’ll looking into the origin games of the crossover monsters for both the ones in and not in the game (yeah, some aren’t finished yet, because Glowstick Entertainment are slow).

Other than that, Spooky will be given the main game of Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion, as well as it’s 2 DLCs, Katamari Hospital and Spooky’s Dollhouse, as well as Lost in Vimeo, a game that’s a part of the Spooky mythos thanks to Specimen 8.

For Malak, he will obviously be given the main game he comes from, Dark Deception, as well as the spinoffs, Monsters and Mortals and Super Dark Deception. There’s also books but they don’t have anything, big oof.

Also, because we don’t wanna fucking die, we’ve actually partnered with the company GL Labs to get information about each Specimen Spooky has, thanks to their incredible CAT-DOS machine. And how did we get information on Malak’s monsters?... uh, don’t worry about it, we didn’t steal anybody’s notes to do it. Trust us bro👍.



“Hello, I am Spooky! And this is my home. Can you, humble player, make it through a thousand rooms? Can you find what lies at the end? Or is there even an end? Cuz I don't really know. Anyway, just... just go.”

Spooky was a bright young girl with a lot of dreams, and yet one of these dreams stood out among the rest, she wanted to be scary, to spook everyone during the spook season. However, there was one big problem, Spooky was absolutely adorable, any attempt from Spooky to be scary was met in failure, disappointing Spooky immeasurably. But Spooky was determined, so she created an elaborate prank to scare someone using the theme of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe. This plan really worked, it worked really well… too well… because that man was a war veteran suffering from PTSD and, in sheer panic, he accidentally shot Spooky in the chest, killing her.

This death brought disrought to everyone, most of all being Spooky’s Father, didn’t help that his wife Monica had died around that time too. Spooky’s Father was in so much disarray that started his own company, known as GL Labs, to connect to Hell itself in order to bring Spooky back, and he succeeded at the cost of his own life. Spooky came back as a ghost, which ironically seemed like a good thing for her, theoretically making her scarier… and yet, she was still adorable and was completely unable to scare anyone anymore.

Pissed, Spooky came up with the most bonkers plan to truly make herself feared, to create an army of monsters that will kill enough people to form a ghost army and take over the world!! As mental as the plan was, with the aid of GL Labs, it was more than possible, and after a few years, she was almost ready to invade, she just needed one more person. Who was that one person? You. The protagonist looking to study the mansion Spooky lived in to find out about its secrets.

What happens next can vary from whatever path you take and in what campaign. Most endings have Spooky actually winning, killing you to become a ghost and bringing havoc onto the world and basically ending humanity, and another ending has her turning YOU into one of the monsters made to kill humans to become ghosts. However, in the game’s true ending, you end up finding the portal to Hell that Spooky’s Father made so long ago. You end up closing the gate, and setting the mansion to self destruct. After escaping the exploding mansion, the souls trapped inside by Spooky get released and set free, including Spooky herself, getting freed from her own torment and finally finding peace with her parents in the afterlife.


“I'm coming to collect what is owed, and I'm bringing your worst nightmares with me. You and the mortal are both going to pay... with interest.”

Malak’s origins are shrouded in mystery, we have no idea where he comes from at the time of this blog being written, the best we have are a few minute details. What we do know is Malak’s original name was Ereshkigal, who was goddess of the underworld in Sumerian Mythology. At some point, Ereshkigal had changed their body and name to become Lord Malak… which would technically make Malak transgender… based. Malak would spend the next few centuries making deals with mortals in exchange for their soul, and Malak would be living in this paradise forever….

Until the early 20th century, when a woman by the name of Helen Beirce found out about Malak ritual and seeked him out to get a life of fame and luxury in the film industry. And then, after 7 years and 1 day, Malak came back to collect Beirce’s soul in accordance with the deal. But Beirce had a trick up her sleeve, she had obtained the Riddle of Heaven, a magical ring that contained all of Malak’s powers and used it to attack Malak. To retort, Malak shattered the Riddle of Heaven into pieces and hoarded multiple pieces for himself, although one was fused with Beirce’s soul and locked in a dimension that he couldn’t enter normally, leaving the Riddle of Heaven shattered.

Enter Doug Houser, a man trying to get back his life after it fell to shit, losing his autistic wife and daughter and getting cancer, all by his own selfish actions. He looked to Malak to fix his life but was met by Beirce instead, asking for help in taking care of Malak once and for all, as many mortals have been asked beforehand throughout the century, all having failed. And thus, it started a small war between Beirce and Malak, with Doug as the main pioneer of everything, getting the pieces of the Riddle of Heaven back from Malak. How will things turn out? Well, the game ain’t finished by the time of writing this blog so only time will tell.

Experience & Skill


While Spooky looks young, she is actually decently old. We know she’s likely been ghosts for a few years now. During this time she took over the company her dad created to bring her back to life. Using the company she would summon, capture, and create specimens in order to kill people to create a ghost army.


Malak is old, VERY old, having lived for “countless millennia” in a constant war to be the best demon of all, building up his army and killing anyone who dared stand in his way. Malak is also very smart, having managed to trick Beirce and Doug into letting him into their hidden ballroom but planting his mark on Doug. He then fought with Beirce and nearly won until Beirce used the Riddle of Heaven to finish Malak off.




Spooky brandishes what appears to be a large Bowie Knife. Not much else to say, it's a normal ass knife.


A simple tool for simple solutions. We all know what a wrench is and what it can do.




The Riddle of Heaven

This magical ring is where Malak’s demonic powers come from but was split into pieces by Malak when Beirce tried using it against him. When the ring has its full power, it’s stated to be able to wrap reality by granting wishes, but one of the pieces is tied to Beirce’s soul and can’t be used by anyone but her, so this wish granting power can’t be used by Malak. But it does have other powers, mostly used by Doug Houser when he stole the pieces of the ring, meaning Malak could replicate said powers.

These powers are:

Speed Boost: This ability increases Malak's speed drastically for a short time, helping them to outrun mortals to easily catch them and kill them.

Teleportation: This ability is admittingly kinda useless to Malak, considering he can teleport without it, so let’s move on.

Telepathy: This ability allows Malak to temporarily see everyone’s auras through walls, allowing him to find anyone he needs to find and either meet them or kill them.

Primal Fear: This ability works as a giant energy blast that stuns any enemies caught in it by showing them their fears, allowing for easy killings.

Telekinesis: This ability magitises nearby soul shards towards Malak for him to collect… which is kinda useless in a vs sense, isn’t it?

Vanish: this final ability makes Malak invisible for a short time, perfect for getting some stealth kills and getting away from situations.

The Eye of Suffering

This eye is what Malak summons during his ultimate in Monsters & Mortals. When used, it will fire a red laser that does a shitton of damage that can kill anyone in seconds.



Ghost Physiology

Due to being a ghost, she has all the cool ghost abilities. Spooky likely has intangibility due to the fact she can phase through solid objects like walls, floors, and ceiling. Spooky also has shown the capacity to turn invisible, slowly changing from in to out of sight. Spooky also has levitation and flight because well she’s a ghost.

“Infinite Stamina”

In room 750, Spooky was shown giving the protagonist “infinite stamina”. Now you may be asking what the air quotes are for, well Spooky actually made it to where the protagonist couldn’t run and only could walk for a short period of time.


Demon Physiology

Malak is a demon, and a mean one at that. There are tons of demons where Malak is from, engaging in an eternal war to see who can punch the best, and Malak is the best of them all so far. Malak’s demon physiology gives him extreme strength and a multitude of powers that he can use to torment his victims in whatever way he wants.

Force Field Creation

Malak can create barriers of magic to stop mortals from getting into where they shouldn’t be, and can be used to block attacks (though he never does this). Although, as good as these are, you can break through these barriers with ‘inhuman speed’ or just by breaking them… ok, maybe there’s a reason Malak never uses these for combat then, they are very fragile.

Teleportation/Dimensional Travel

Malak has shown on many occasions that he can teleport, allowing to evade danger and get the sneak attack on victims with no problem. Malak’s teleportation is so precise that he can even teleport himself and others between entire dimensions with relative ease, this is how he gets around so well.

Phantom Form

While Malak is more than capable of killing in his demon form, he reverts into this phantom form when he’s in active chase with someone. This form is fast, allowing him to outpace normal mortals with ease, and it allows Malak to float and possibly fly.

Memory Manipulation

Malak has been shown to be able to peer into the memories of victims to figure out everything about them in order to give them the most pain possible, mentally or physically. Malak’s even been shown to use these memories against the victims, using them to his “mark” on them. Speaking of…

The Mark of Malak

The Mark of Malak is a hex that Malak can place on his victims in order to mess with their mind. It can do a few things, such as peer through the victim’s eyes to see whatever they’re seeing and allow him to find them to know where they are at all times, as well as to read their mind and whisper into their mind, speaking in their head.


Malak can embrace his inner anime villain and duplicate himself up to 10 times to get the advantage in numbers should he desire it. The clones aren’t very durable, able to be defeated with a single projectile shark from Beirce, but they should still have all of Malak’s powers, and he can even turn them into other monsters just in case.

Soul Manipulation

While Malak usually uses his souls to create his monsters, he primarily turns them into these soul shards, one for every soul Malak has captured, which is insane, considering there’s theoretically over 6,000 of them. Malak can, with this method of killing, affect the very soul by turning it into these shards.


There’s a reason no mortal has been able to succeed in overthrowing Malak’s rain. Malak… maybe has regeneration? During a fight between Malak and Beirce, Beirce used her telekinesis to throw Malak around and crush him, and then she stabbed him with 4 soul shards, but Malak simply laughed and got up moments later, having no wounds on his body. It’s implied that he used regeneration but it’s also possible he’s just immune to pain, but it’s likely regeneration.

Fire Manipulation

Malak has been shown to have the classic demon power of summoning fire, specifically when he set Beirce’s ballroom ablaze.


Fear Manipulation/Paralysis Inducement: is completely immune to Primal Fear (see above)



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Hello Spooky…

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CAT-DOS loaded, have a nice day…

Specimen 1 - “Cardboard Cutout”

Specimen 1, truly the most terrifying specimen of all of them, are cardboard cutouts built into the walls of Spooky’s Mansion by Spooky herself. These cutouts are designed to jumpscare any unsuspecting people as they walk down the halls of the mansion, in an attempt to give them a heart attack. These cardboard cutouts have a multitude of different designs such as ghosts, skeletons, spiders, pumpkins, and even shoes.

Specimen 2 - “Goop/Gel”

Specimen 2, also known as Goop or Gel, is a specter-like being which kills its victims through slashing them with its claw and assimilating them into its goopy body. It is described as being semi-solid, being capable of changing its state of matter whenever it wants.

Specimen 2 has the ability to float and is also capable of summoning green puddles of slime which slows down whoever walks into it considerably, allowing for it or any other specimen to catch up to that person. If attacked, it is shown to melt back into a puddle but then regenerate in only a few seconds before continuing on its pursuit. 

Specimen 3 - “Subject 5/Giant Centipede”

Specimen 3, also known as Subject 5 (not confusing at all), are a set of 3 giant centipede looking creatures that were developed by GL Labs. It ended up breaking out of containment after the sedatives it was given began to run out. The method of killing is infectious bites which knock the victim out so they can be taken to a little den for the specimen to eat.

The specimen's gimmick is capable of burrowing through the ceiling. Due to this, it drops down from holes above the ceiling once they are passed by a fleeing victim. However, if a room has no ceiling, then it just busts down the door and chases the victim down with blazing speed.

Specimen 4 - “Ringu”

Specimen 4, also known as Ringu, is a 14th century spirit that was contained and relocated to Spooky’s Mansion. It was the ghost of a school girl that hunted and killed children who sneaked into school after class by eating them… she’s into vore basically. 

Thanks to being a spirit, she has all the cool spirit abilities such as being able to phase through walls and floors, as well as levitation and floating above areas with no floor. We also see she is capable of making her mouth bigger than normal (for eating) and presumably, through her third form, can grow extra arms to assist her killing endeavors. We also see she can create illusions of a dome of static which closes in on the person until it is covering their line of view before resetting.

Specimen 5 - “Bab”

Specimen 5, also known as Bab, is a mannequin-like creature which was originally found inside the church of a small town, having been followed and worshiped by a nearby cult. While it is unknown what its method of killing is, it is extremely good at using said method against people with weak wills or the mentally ill.

While being slow, it makes up for it due to its unusual abilities, being capable of causing the person it is chasing to hallucinate. They can create hallucinations of the walls, floor, and ceiling of a room, causing them to look a completely different texture which disorientates the victim.

Specimen 6 - “Ben the Merchant”

Specimen 6, also known as Ben the Merchant, is a wooden life-sized humanoid puppet. Ben was originally human, who made puppets in a small town, until the other shopkeepers got jealous and threw his puppets in the river, and Ben drowned (heh) trying to get them back. Its main method of killing is puncturing people with its needles then turning them into puppets themselves. This specimen has been stated to be effective against the visually impaired and people who disregard it, thanks to how it attacks its victims.

Specimen 6 has a very strange ability compared to what he is as he is capable of phasing through the ceilings of the mansion to get the drop on his victims. However, if you look at him, he won’t move which allows for one to recover for a few seconds. This doesn’t last forever though because if you look for too long, he will phase back into the ceiling and drop back down from above you. Given he can phase into ceilings (and walls lol), he also likely has levitation because of this.

Specimen 7 - “Wall of Flesh”

Specimen 7, also known as the Wall of Flesh, is a very strange and peculiar specimen. Depending on the victim's personality, it can change forms and attributes; however, it most often resembles this wall. Its method of killing is unknown however, it works solely on victims with past trauma or psychological issues. 

Specimen 7 likely takes the form of a white cat which appears before you encounter it. This cat is the compassionate side of the wall, calm before the storm, in which it warns you and prepares you for what comes ahead when you face it. 

Specimen 7 is pretty large, spanning the entire horizontal length of the room you are running away from it, due to this, it is slow. However, it makes up for that being capable of killing the victim instantly upon contact, this is because the Wall functions more as a test of mental strength more than anything, casting illusions and hallucinations on the wall to distract the victim so see if they’re strong enough to ignore them and escape.

Specimen 8 - “Deer Lord”

Specimen 8, also known as Deer Lord, is some sort of floating “forest demigod”. The Deer Lord was originally a human child turned into the child of a demon named Bayagototh after his starving family sacrificed him to get trees made of meat. Its method of killing seems to be engulfing and absorbing its victims into its torso region. It is stated to be highly effective against violent victims.

Specimen 8 is capable of floating and levitating above the ground and summon violent deer to attack victims. However, its main ability is being able to open a rift between it and its subject in order to warp and close the distance. This move can be used if the victim is far away or if something is obstructing the view between it and the victim.

Specimen 9 - “#############”


Specimen 10 - “Parasite”

Specimen 10, also known as Parasite, is likely an extraterrestrial parasitic life form which is capable of changing its forms; however, it is unknown what it exactly is. While it was extremely effective due to its parasitic bites and infections, it was nearly impossible to contain which caused it to break out.

Specimen 10 normally is a slow parasitic creature with its mouth constantly open to bite its victims. However, if the victim runs too far away from Specimen 10, Specimen 10 will turn into a worm which is significantly faster than its victims. However, after one attack it reverts back to its normal form unless one tries to outrun it again.

Specimen 11 - “Food Demon”

Specimen 11, also known as Food Demon, is a demon that was found below an abandoned office that was once owned by a fast food chain. This specimen is the hardest to contain given the fact it always finds a way to leave the mansion and testing facilities.

Specimen 11 is possibly one of the most well rounded specimens when it comes to its abilities. Firstly, as a demon, it is capable of phasing through solid objects as well as levitating off the ground. Not only does it have these abilities, but it can also cause hallucinations, making you see weird visuals while also causing the doors into the rooms to turn invisible. Its most interesting ability is being able to send people into a dimension which looks to be a room made of flesh. In this room you are trapped with him until you approach him, in which he kills you after. When specimen 11 kills you, it is likely he takes or destroys your soul as it has been stated that victims souls do not remain after contact. This demon is also capable of teleportation if you thought that was it.

Specimen 12 - “Paranormal Structure”

Specimen 12, also known as the Paranormal Structure, is an old Victorian mansion that seems to be built around its environment. This specimen often chooses a host to possess, allowing them to attack victims through various means. The mansion itself is extremely mysterious however, it is likely there was a massacre or tragedy that happened in the mansion.

The person the mansion possesses gains no abilities besides possibly being stronger and faster inside the mansion than outside. However, the mansion likely has the ability to cause you to hear things and go insane. This thus leads to possessing a host for it to control as stated above.

Specimen 13 - “Mermaid/Siren”

Specimen 13, also known as Mermaid, is as you guessed, a mermaid. It is believed to be a lost soul who died tragically during the Deluge. It’s most effective against those who cannot swim or fall for its looks. Through this its method of killing is usually drowning its victims.

As a mermaid it has one really good ability, it swims really well. It is extremely fast in the water, being able to move faster than the player's own sprint speed. It also can likely breathe underwater given it can stay underwater for prolonged periods of time.

Unknown Specimen 1 - “White Face”

Unknown Specimen 1, also known as White Face, is a “pixelated entity” originally from the game IMSCARED. Its abilities allow it to levitate (like a lot of other entities in this game), teleport at random intervals, phase, manipulate the perception of his opponents when getting nearby by making them see red, pixelate its surrounding area, and even cause rooms to loop.

Unknown Specimen 2 - “Otto the Otter”

Otto the Otter is a dumb stupid fucking animatronic that’s alive for some fucking reason. There’s no confirmation as to why this stupid bitch is alive, there are notes around the mansion that come from a little child, so it could be that the child was killed and stuffed into Otto FNaF style and brought the bitch to life. But still, FUCK OTTO!! He’s beyond useless, he’s slow as fuck, barely does any damage, he falls apart so easily because he’s a stupid animatronic, he’s stupid as fuck, and he’s more goofy than scary. Fuck Otto the Otter, all my homies hate Otto the Otter.

Unknown Specimen 3 - “Spooper”

Unknown Specimen 3, also known as Spooper, is some sort of parasite creature. Spooper has two forms, its normal state and its weird non corporeal mutant state. In both forms, Spooper is capable of teleportation. In its normal form, it doesn’t do anything but block you from continuing on, forcing you to attack it, causing it to teleport away. Once attacked enough, it presumably is either broken out of its shell or killed, causing it to go into its second form.

Its second form is a weird one eyed red ball with hands. In this form it causes spores to fill the air which poison and… impregnate the victim. Yes, these spores impregnate the victim with some sort of fetus that they eventually throw up with large amounts of blood. This specimen is fucking weird.

Unknown Specimen 4 - “Tirsiak”

Unknown Specimen 4, also known as Tirsiak, is a Forest Spirit who is also connected to the winter seasons. Her method of killing is presumably clawing her victims to death. Due to a spirit, she has the snazzy spirit abilities of levitation and phasing. She also is capable of summoning shadowy animal figures which are used to block her victims path to make it easier for her to get to them. Luckily for the victim, a single swing with their ax or sword will destroy it, making them relatively weak. She also has a second ability of causing the victim's vision to be tinted blue by being nearby.

Unknown Specimen 5 - “Lisa”

Unknown Specimen 5, also known as Lisa, is a ghost. Yep, she’s just some random ghost that haunts the mansion, but don’t think just because she’s a random ghost she doesn’t have cool abilities. For starters, she’s capable of teleportation however, this teleportation is only limited to when you aren’t looking at her. She is also capable of levitation due to being a ghost. She is capable of making her victims see in tints of red, possibly making it harder for them to see. She also occasionally has shown the capability of looping the rooms in which you run through.

Monster 1 - “Security Guard”

Monster 1, also known as the Security Guard, is simply put, a security guard infected by some sort of virus. He has no real abilities besides having massive clubs for hands which he uses to kill people through blunt force. He is pretty easy to avoid given his slow speed.

Monster 2 - “Body Bag”

Monster 2, also known as Body Bag, is a human inside of a body bag, I know, creative. Anyways, while the method in which it kills people is unknown, we do have some idea on its abilities. First it is capable of levitating above the ground as it pursues its victim. It is also likely capable of causing hallucinations towards its victims, making them see strange imagery when picking up the medallion or when it hits the victim. Monster 2 is also likely capable of warping reality to some extent, altering the shape and size of the morgue room.

Monster 3 - “Baby Face”

Monster 3, also known as Baby Face, is a massive, crying baby head inside of an outline of a metal box. Its method of killing is unknown however, we do see some of the abilities it is capable of using. To begin with, it is capable of phasing through solid objects and levitating. When attacked, it is capable of teleporting out of the way as well. 

Monster 4 - “The Hanged Man”

Monster 4, also known as Hanged Man, is a human with bandages wrapped around its head. Its method of killing is clawing, however it has multiple abilities to help with this method. Monster 4 is capable of teleportation, teleporting when not looked at. However, similar to Specimen 6, if looked at too long it will teleport anyways. When attacking, it floats above the ground, likely having levitation as well.

Monster 5 - “Ghost Cow”

Monster 5, also known as Ghost Cow, is a deformed cow with a massive mouth eye thing coming from its stomach. While we know it’s a ghost, we don’t know much else about it. It’s capable of simple ghost things like levitation and phasing however, it only shows the capability to phase through doors. It is capable of teleporting away from attacks as well. Looking at this creature causes one’s perception to be messed up, seeing red and black around one's line of sight. However, its most impressive ability is likely its mind manipulation. It's capable of manipulating people into doing things and even erasing their memories of doing these things as well.

Monster 6 - “Bekka”

Monster 6, also known as Bekka, is a pale skinned ghost. As a ghost, it is capable of levitation. It likely is capable of some sort of fog manipulation as during its chase sequence, fog appears. It also likely has spatial manipulation due to the fact it can create an endless hallway in which it will ambush you after walking through it for long enough.


Husks are broken baby dolls with trapped spirits inside of them. They are pretty slow and relatively weak however their strength comes in numbers. These things attack in large groups making it easy to get overwhelmed by. They also likely can regenerate given, after effectively “killing” it with the ax and turning it into goop, going into the next room and coming back (or just going into the next room if you are playing endless) will cause the Husks to be back to normal again. 

Woormy Charles

Woormy Charles is a deformed doll due to the fact the soul sealed inside wanted a bigger host and basically bursted out of the doll body. While it doesn’t really have crazy abilities besides being super long, it’s one of the fastest creatures, moving faster than the protagonist's sprint speed. It possibly has some sort of hallucination or perception based abilities as when Charles sees their victim, a slight static will cover their vision.

The Clown

The clown is obviously a clown. Well not exactly, it's some weird unknown spirit that is sealed inside of a clown's body. Funnily enough, this guy doesn’t attack you and is just there to scare and basically tease his victims. The Clown doesn’t move when looked at however, when you stop looking at him and you look back at him he moves closer to you in a different pose than when you last looked at him.

Hooked Doll

The Hooked Doll is a spirit trapped inside of a life sized female doll. The likely method of killing is either through stabbing or puncturing with the hooks inside of their body. Unlike a lot of entities in this game, it doesn’t like being looked at. Looking towards this entity, either indirectly or directly will cause it to attack. To help with attack it is capable of phasing through walls and levitating above the ground. It also likely can manipulate one's perception, causing static to appear the closer the player is to directly looking towards them.


Frenzy is a very dark female spirit. The likely method of killing for her is stabbing or cutting with the massive bladder weapon she has in her hands. She doesn’t do much besides rush her victims if she is looked at, moving pretty fast in the process. 

??? 1 - “The Mattress”

The Mattress is a creature known as a Shadow, these Shadows hail from an alternate world that was opened up by scientists to come into our world. The Mattress isn’t anything all that special in all honesty, it’s just a really quick demon that had the skin akin to a mattress for some reason.

??? 2 - “The Dolphin”

The Dolphin was a man who became so obsessed with dolphins after swimming with some, that he conducted experiments to turn himself into a human dolphin. The Dolphin is dangerous on his own, but its better ability is the ability to summon little crabs that quickly jump up onto victims and start eating them.

??? 3 - “Lines”

Lines is an ai used by a game developer who found Lines’ code in an abandoned war experiment. Lines was used to make a game called Space Blaster, but the game was unfortunately left unfinished and, in rage, Lines destroyed their home by setting it ablaze. That’s how Lines primarily attacks, though setting things on fire and hacking other tech to his advantage, he’s basically a literal sentient firewall.

??? 4 - “Paina”

Paina is weird. We know she shares some history with the Pied Piper of Hamelin, but it’s unknown how. There’s a theory that this version of the Piper caused a plague that wiped out the town Paina comes from but we have no idea. Also, according to GL Labs, her method of killing is unknown, which is considering the game she comes from has a pretty clear cut way of killing people.

She comes from Akuma Kira’s Day Off and functions as the final boss, where she fires energy blasts in the form of love hearts and fires a big red kamehameha. Though, in her second phase, her stomach bursts open and reveals new powers, such her red laser turning into her firing a geyser of blood from her stomach, summoning giant eyeballs that fire blasts at you, and firing more traditional energy blasts herself. These seem pretty clear cut, so it’s weird that GL Labs has her killing method as unknown.

Perhaps the way she attacks the player in Akuma Kira’s Day Off isn’t even how Paina fights. The entire game was constantly changing styles, from the normal on rails shooter to a DOOM style, RPG horror, and even a dating sim, which is similar to how Lines worked on Space Blaster. For all we know, these could just be illusions that happen when Paina kills someone, or maybe their not and GL Labs are idiots and don’t know how to properly list Paina’s killing method. We don’t know, and we may never know, considering the game itself got cancelled :(.

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“I’ll do the rest of these myself, don’t worry, I hope you don’t mind the bad handwriting”

-Spooks :)

Ghost Army

At the end of my game, it is revealed that the spicymens in the mansion were used to kill people and create a ghost army that i’ll use to take over the world in order to stop people from thinking ghosts are cute or adorable, because they’re NOT, it’s a dumb, stupid argument made by Casper the Fiendly Ghost fanboys! We admittingly don’t know how many ghosts are in this army but luckily, we do have a number on how many people each spicymen has killed. This number gives a solid estimateon of 2,040 people, not including Spicymen 11’s kills given he steals the souls of his victims, which yeah, screw him.

GL Labs

GL Labs was an organization created by my father in an attempt to bring me back from the dead. This sadly killed my father left GL Labs without a boss, so I stepped up and took my father’s role. Now that i’m the leader of the Labortaory, I can force pruswade them to capture and test different spicymens to help me make my ghost army. 

Specimen 9 - “Taker”

I’m sorry about Taker’s CAT-DOS entry, we try not to acknowledge that this thing exists so we bug it out… or at least, I HOPE that’s us doing that.

Spicymen 9, also known as Taker, is a survivor of the GHR Unit 731 experiments. Afterwards, it went into hiding in a farmhouse in Russia. It’s drawn to dead bodies for some reason. Its body is made of a clay like substance, allowing it to change its density and shape. This specimen originally was a head however, continued to gain more mass as it took people, possibly absorbing them into himself. 

Spicymen 9 has plenty of abilities it can use to kill people. In its singular head state, it has shown the capability of phasing, levitation/flight, what I hope isn’t technology manipulation considering the messing with the CAT-DOS entry (I swear, please tell me that’s us), and even possibly BFR by sending people into its hallway or its “Boss room” in its full body state. In its full form, it has even more abilities. It was capable of regenerating from being just a head, shooting out balls of flames, summoning minions to help him fight, firing pillars of screaming faces from the ground, and creating large shadow hands from which more hands can emerge from, and manipulate its victim’s perception, making them see their surroundings as different textures and causing them to see weird imagery along their line of sight like blood.

I hope you guys aren’t gonna try something with this, we can barely contain it, I don’t expect a bunch of losers on the internet fairing much better.

The Protagonist

The Protagonist is the character you play as when you play my game… obviously. We don’t know anything about this guy, we think it’s a woman but we’re kinda scared to ask/check, thus explaining why they don’t have a CAT-DOS entry. They were able to traverse all 1000 rooms of Spooky’s mansion while either defeating or escaping from every spicymen. 

Oh, but this guy is dangerous, like, scary dangerous, even for someone as terrifying as me. This dude grabbed an axe and went ham on the Taker and now they’re a madman and trying to kill EVERYTHING! We tried to kill him ourselves, but this guy either has regeneration or can power through a LOT of pain because nothing we tried works! They also got a sword… I have no idea where they got it from, someone said it’s from the old hospital downstairs which might explain how I’ve never heard of it, I never go down there, bad memories.

“Anyway, there you guys go, I hope our deal checks out and you’ll pay us soon, any fresh ghosts you have would be great. Ask this Malak guy for primarily males, they tend to work the best, or I can visit him myself like you guys suggested, that’s fine too. 

-Spooks :)

P.S. Why do you guys have so many notes? Who’s E?


“My letters are gone, somebody has discovered where I’ve hidden and stolen my letters! I haven’t been to this hotel in ages, I don't remember much from being here, but I remembered leaving notes in one of the hotel rooms that DIDN’T have one of those beasts in there. But now, I’m back in the hotel room and that letter is gone, someone or something has taken it. I know it wasn’t a beast or even that demon, they would have found me if so, so I don't know who took them, maybe Beirce? Don’t see why she would want these, or even that she knows they exist. Those notes had critical information about each of the demon’s monsters that I’ve come across, but now that they’re gone, I’m left wondering what they’ll be used for, something good I hope…”


Murder Monkeys

Murder Monkeys are the first and most basic of Malak’s monsters. From what I can tell, these things are the souls of murderers and serial killers that died and have been placed in these robotic primates that only know 3 things: kill, kill, and KILL! These guys have giant knives for hands, which work great for when they need to kill anything, though, they are quite slow as a result. 

Every monster that’s not a boss or isn’t in the game also has an ultimate ability, the Murder Monkeys have Slicer Dicer, which makes them swing their blade arms in front of them wildly for massive amounts of damage. They also have some form of telepathy, knowing where I am at all times, no matter what.


Chef Monkeys

Chef Monkeys are just beefed up Murder Monkeys. Instead of knives, the Chefs have giant pizza cutters for arms, which helps greatly when it comes to slicing and dicing. They’re faster, stronger, and overall, MUCH deadlier.



Agatha is probably one of the most important monsters Malak has, given how she is actually Malak’s adopted daughter. Agatha was actually the little girl Beirce sacrificed to meet with Malak in the first place, dying in just a tragic way that she became the demon she is today, being adopted by Malak shortly after. She’s overall fast and deadly with her claws, being faster than me no matter what I do, unless I use a speed boost.

Also, like her father, she can teleport, and does so a lot more than her father’s, though it’s unknown if she can travel through dimensions like Malak can. She can also create stupid looking fake portals which explode if you touch them and become immune to getting stunned after getting mad. Her ultimate attack is Hello Friend!, which teleports her to the weakest person nearby so she can finish them off.


The Alphabet Letters

I don’t know what these things are. Well, ok, I know WHAT they are but I have no clue WHERE they come from. I found them in the school Agatha’s from, so maybe her dad made these things as playmates? I have no clue, but these things are still deadly, being extremely quick, making up for the lack of good damage.


Gold Watchers

Gold Watchers are tall golden statues strung around their dark decrepit mansion. They appear to be the trapped souls of greedy millionaires who have become trapped forever within the very gold they obsessed over for years. Normally, just staring at them, they appear emotionless and unmoving, but when you turn your back, they move. These things are fast too, I’ve tried running away, but even with a speed boost, it will not be enough to get away from them.

Their main weapons come in the form of axes they can summon at any time, whether to wield them with enough strength to slice people in half, or throw them at enemies, such as with their ultimate ability, Golden Demise, where they throw a whole bunch of them at their victims.


Titan Watchers

Titan Watchers are just normal Gold Watchers, only FUCKING 4 STORIES TALL!!!! Also, they seem to drop the “they won’t move unless you look at them” rule because these guys just move around all they want, chucking axes at victims from miles away. Although, it seems that they can’t move their legs, keeping them in place, making them HAVE to throw axes at enemies to kill anything.


Dread Duckies

Dread Duckies are giant mechanical rubber ducks roaming the sewers. In life, they were the souls of liars, people who used manipulation to get what they want, now stuck as big ass rubber duckies. Their main method of killing is camouflaging with multiple real giant rubber duckies and attacking when their victim gets too close.

They’re normally quite slow but they have the ability to shoot a weird tongue out to stun people, where they will then Fortnite dance on them, and then kill them. This is pretty much how their ultimate ability works, titled Ducky Surprise.


Doom Ducky

The Doom Ducky is basically one giant ass Dread Ducky, kept by Malak as a pet. This thing is huge, big enough to crash through metal doors with no problem. It can throw other Dread Duckies to stun victims and then shoot its head out, biting and eating them. It can also grab you through holes in the wall and allow for other Dread Duckies to kill you.


Clown Gremlins

Clown Gremlins are essentially what it says on the tin, very small clown gremlins, posing as the souls of dirty jokers who did a bit of trolling… so they’re the souls of vs debaters essentially. They don’t have any unique abilities aside from their cloning up to five times with their ultimate ability, Clown Patrol. Their main gimmick is strength in numbers, overwhelming their victims with just how many of the fuckers there are and killing them with ease. They also wield mallets to bash your head in so that’s fun.


Clown Cars

These are potentially living cars that store the Clown Gremlins. These things drive up to victims and allow Clown Gremlins to hop out of the car and attack victims. That’s pretty much it, the only other thing to talk about is if these things are actually alive or not, but we see that they have eyes and a mouth so it’s most likely that they are alive.


Clown Spiders

I’m so happy I’m not arachnophobic. Although these guys aren’t that special, they can climb on walls, move rather slowly but hit like a truck, that’s it. Really got nothing to say, fuck these things.


Goliath Clowns

These guys are just normal Clown Gremlins but now they’re giant. They have a few powers that the normal Clown Gremlin, such as a glowing blue vomit that summons more Clown Gremlins, as well as levitating off the ground.


Reaper Nurses

Reaper Nurses resemble attractive nurses with plastic bags over their heads. In life, Reaper Nurses were misandrist women, who hated and repented women like Twitter users and turned into these monsters, who are just extreme versions of said misandry. They’re 2 things I noticed about these girls at a first glance, their speed and their invisibility. Their speed comes from their roller skates on their feet, which they skate with extreme speed, enough to catch up with a speeding ambulance.

As for their invisibility, it functions as their main gimmick, allowing for stealth attacks with their giant syringes, especially with their ultimate ability, Vaccination Time. Although their roller skates still make loud noises so I was able to avoid them with enough skill. They can also throw explosive pills at you to stun in case their quick speed isn’t enough.


The Matron

I like to think of the Matron as a combination of the Reaper Nurses and the Chef Monkeys. The Matron can do basically everything they can, except for the all knowing telepathy and exploding pills. They can turn invisible, use the hoverboard they ride for quick speed, wield 2 saw blades for slicing and dicing, and extreme strength, enough to shatter ambulances.


Lucky the Rabbit

Lucky is an animatronic rabbit, and leader of the Joy Joy Gang. He’s a huge glutton for being the best, being better than anyone he deems “luckier” than him. Also, it’s not just one animatronic, it’s a whole army, a hivemind, with dozens, and maybe even hundreds of different Luckys looking to murder. Lucky’s clones are very useful, as they can use balloons to fly up high and see where enemies are from afar and drop bombs near them to blow them up in brutal fashion.

Lucky’s strong too, able to make incredible leaps across the map with little effort, makes sense, given how he’s a rabbit. He can temporarily also boost his speed to catch up to and beat the shit out of them with his ultimate attack, Bunny Barrage. Also, the monsters at this point have the tortured souls of mortals Malak has taken, the Joy Joy Gang are just normal robots built by Malak in order to kill more mortals.


Hangry the Pig

Hangry is an animatronic pig and the second member of the Joy Joy Gang, the Notorious P.I.G. himself. Hangry’s got a bit of an eating problem, he likes to eat ribs especially, not just pig ribs, just normal ass ribs on any creature. Hangry, who also has dozens of clones like Lucky, has one big gimmick, his brute strength. This plays well into his ultimate ability Rib Crusher which causes him to do a ground pound which deals a lot of damage. What he’ll do is hide behind walls and use his incredible sense of smell to smell out where victims are, and then smash through the wall to catch them off guard and kill them easily. His sense of smell is so good, he can track victims even if they turn invisible.


Penny the Chicken

Penny is an animatronic chicken and is the third and final member of the Joy Joy Gang. Penny’s the cranky one of the three, being the most hyperactive, you can tell when she bucks like a chicken when she gets too excited. Penny, who also ALSO has dozens of clones like Lucky and Hangry, can do all the things you’d expect a chicken to do when it comes to killing mortals. She can “summon” and throw eggs to throw at victims, stunning them for either her or someone else to kill. She can also float by flapping her wings, which she can use to increase her speed while chasing someone, done with her ultimate ability: Power of Love, or fly upwards to get the drop from above.


Joy Kill

Joy Kill is a giant fusion of the Joy Joy Gang and one of the most powerful minions Malak has. It keeps multiple abilities from the main members of the gang, notably Lucky’s leaping, Hangry’s strength, and Penny’s eggs used for stunning, but it does have a unique power to itself, its lasers. There are 2 types of lasers it shoots, there’s a small laser ball that fires out of Lucky’s head, and 3 big laser beams that come out of all 3 of their heads. These lasers are extremely powerful, but they suffer from needing to charge up for a bit to use either.


Trigger Teddies

Trigger Teddies are teddy bear stuffed animal like creatures created by Mama Bear. While on the surface they look like stuffed animals, if you take off the teddy bear head you will see a beat up and zombie-like child underneath. These creatures are good at climbing and more importantly exploding. They blow themselves up if an enemy gets too close to take them out.


Mama Bear

Mama Bear resembles a woman teddy bear with guts ripping out from their stomach. Mama Bear is an amalgamation of the souls of abusive mothers which sabotaged the lives of their children, ruining their lives. Something I’ve noticed about Mama Bear is that she is capable of producing Trigger Teddies from her stomach seemingly anytime she wants to.

Even with that ability she still has more up her sleeve. If close enough she is capable of distorting the user's vision in an attempt to make it harder for them to escape. If near waste pools, she is capable of shape shifting into different types of ways like turning into a spiked ball to elongating her arms.



Not much is known about the mannequins given I have not had much time to look at them (they haven’t come out yet), I can say some things that I do know. The Mannequins are the fastest creatures I have seen, even faster than the Nurses. The Mannequins are blind meaning they likely detect their opponents through vibrations. They also are mindless, functioning as a hive mind that is being used like a puppet, presumably by the Puppet King.


Puppet King

Not much is known about the Puppet King given I have not had much time to look at them (they haven’t come out yet), I can say some things that I do know. All I know about the Puppet King is that he has some sort of stun attack. 


Dark Star

Not much is known about the Dark Star given I have not had much time to look at them (they haven’t come out yet), I can say some things that I do know. She is the warden of some sort of jail or prison. 



Brutes are one of the three crossover characters from Monstrum. Brutes are large monster-like entities which seem to be composed of lava or some sort of rock. However, upon closer inspection with them, they could also be composed of some sort of charred flesh. This would make sense as some of its body parts look strangely human. These monsters are also slow but they make up for it in their strength. Their ultimate ability called Magma Charge is a charge in which they gain a slight speed boost as well as lighting themselves ablaze, burning anyone they make contact with. 



Fiends are one of the three crossover characters from monstrum. Fiends are weird alien-like entities. From my observations, they are extremely fast and smart, using this to their advantage to get the jump on their targets. Its ultimate ability Mind Pull allows for it to teleport the weakest target into its range. This teleport also hurts the victim while instilling fear into them. 


Boss Brutes

While Boss Brute’s aren’t from their original game, their design comes from the game monstrum, making them a crossover character. Boss Brutes are basically beefed up Brutes. They usually are in groups of four when spotted. Unlike Brutes, they have a special ability to shoot out a fireball based projectile which burns enemies upon contact.


Robbie the Rabbit

Robbie the Rabbit is one of three crossover characters from Silent Hill. It appears to be some sort of amusement park mascot which pursues its targets with a metal pipe. While not particularly fast nor strong, it does have an interesting ability. Its ultimate ability, Rabbit Rampage allows for it to summon 3 clones of itself which pursue any target the original Robbie attacks. 



The Nurse is one of three crossover characters from Silent Hill. The Nurse appears to be a humanoid like being with a nurse uniform on however, no recognizable face. Upon observation, she seems to be slightly faster than most monsters but slightly weaker than most as well. Her ultimate ability, Fear Cuts Deep, makes up for this, allowing her to summon darkness which inflicts fear on all targets for 10 seconds. This causes them to be weaker and slower while also booster her strength for those 10 seconds.


Pyramid Head

Pyramid Head is one of three crossover characters from Silent Hill. It appears to be a male wearing some sort of pyramid mask and carries a massive blade with him. From what I’ve seen, he’s extremely strong but slow. However, you can never escape him as if you get too far he can teleport to your location.


Ayano Aishi

Ayano Aishi is one of the two crossover characters from the game Yandere Simulator. From her looks she seems to be a normal Japanese Highschool girl but she is far from it. She is extremely skilled in martial arts, weaponry, and scheming just so she can get to her “Senpai”. With this skill she wields a katana which she uses to slash her foes to bits. When this is not enough, she will use her ultimate ability, Snap Mode, which stuns all enemies nearby. She also puts away her katana, going in to kill her victims with her bare hands. 


Fun Girl

Fun Girl appears to be some glitched and or corrupted Japanese high schooler. When she appears, she causes the victim's vision to go gray. If victims are hit by her attack they will become “glitched” which slows them down for a few seconds. She is also capable of levitation and teleporting to her targets so they can’t get too far from her.


Kissy Missy

Kissy Missy is one of the three crossover characters from the terrible indie horror game Poppy Playtime. I can’t find any information about Kissy Missy however, but I do know that she was an experiment from Playtime Co.. From what I can tell, she was originally an orphan whose soul was placed inside of the Kissy Missy body, which appears to be the case with every mascot they have. Other than this, I know she’s basically just the female copy of Huggy Wuggy so anything he can do, so can she… but that’s it, I'm even debating if she’s even a threat.


Boxy Boo

Boxy Boo is another one of the many mascots owned by Playtime Co. with a child soul trapped inside. Due to Boxy Boo not being popular enough to make the main lineup of mascots, he wasn’t used for party purposes. However, he was used to getting rid of any low level employees who knew that they were transferring souls of orphans into these giant mascots.

Boxy Boo has a few abilities at his disposal. Due to his springy limbs, he can jump faster and farther while also somehow falling slower than normal. Boxy also uses these springy limbs to leap at his victims or use his springy arms to grab his victims from far distances away. Boxy can also camouflage, hiding in the form of a giant Jack in a box and leap at his victims to get the jump on them and eat them.


Huggy Wuggy

Huggy Wuggy is the main mascot for Playtime Co. Like the other two mascots, he is a giant mascot with a child’s soul stuffed inside of him. His role was to be the factory's security however, he ended up going on a rampage killing many scientists and workers for Playtime Co.

Even though Huggy Wuggy is fucking massive, standing at 18 feet tall, he is incredibly nimble. He is capable of squeezing through tight vents with no real issue. He is also incredibly fast due to this nimbleness as well. He is also capable of placing down miniature versions of himself to act as an alarm to any on coming victims.


Clarice Stokes

Clarice Stokes is one of three crossover characters from House of Ashes. She was formerly a Physicist working for the US military. However, after going on a fateful mission, she encountered an alien parasite which turned her into a zombie/vampire-like being. While she isn’t much different from her human self, she is stronger and faster than before.



Balathu is one of the three crossover characters from House of Ashes. Balathu is an ancient general for the Akkadian people. However, he would get infected by an alien parasite turning him into a vampire-like creature. Surviving in the caves for thousands of years caused him to be more resilient and actually show signs of leadership and companionship even as this monster. This is why he is known as The Ancient One.


Infected Aliens

Infected Aliens are one of the three crossover characters from House of Ashes. These things are bat-like aliens which use echolocation to convey their surroundings. Some sort of alien parasite infected them and turned them into hostile entities out for blood, which, due to their physiology, they are damn good at it. They can pick up on the slightest sound, fly, and even have incredibly hard skin which can block bullets and keep them alive after whole cars collapse on top of them. They do have two major weaknesses, they burn in the sunlight and they can be killed by getting stabbed in their heart.


Penny Piggy

Penny Piggy is a crossover character from the Roblox game Piggy. Penny Piggy is the big sister of Georgie Piggy, originally being a normal humanoid pig until she was tested with a virus titled Substance 128 which turned her into a monster, attacking anyone in their sight with a baseball bat. As an infected, contact with others for enough time can cause them to become infected with the disease or virus as well, thus turning them into killing rage machines.



Seek is one of two crossover characters who come from the Roblox game DOORS. I don’t know anything about this thing, however, I found it and the other monster in a weird hotel, but I do know its abilities and what it’s capable of. Seek is some sort of goop like creature which can shapeshift into almost anything. It’s capable of producing more parts of its body as well, creating eyes to watch you before it begins to attack you. It can also produce massive arms from the walls or floors out of this goopy substance to grab you.



Similar to Seek, I don’t know anything about the Figure except for what its capabilities are. It’s blind but makes up for it with extremely good hearing, being able to track someone down from just the sound of a heartbeat. This enhanced hearing is what allows for it to be so deadly along with its long lengthy arms and insane speed, making it one of the deadliest monsters in this hotel.


Dark Song

Dark Song is one of the two crossover characters from the game Coma 2: Vicious Sister. From what I can tell, Dark Song is a Flesh Thrall, an entity created using blood magic. She usually tracks down her victims with either a knife or axe, however, she is just as deadly with her lethal claws. Flesh Thralls also appear to have the unique ability to “phase into new locations” which allows them to travel long distances in a relatively short time.



I’m not confident about where this Butcher came from, he’s from the same place as Dark Song so he might be a Flesh Thrall just like her, but i can't fully tell. This Butcher is still very dangerous, with 2 meat cleavers in each hand which he uses to slash at anyone in his way.





  • With her specimens, has killed countless of unsuspecting trespassers 

  • Killed Santa Claus

  • Actually WON is some of the game’s endings




  • Many of the specimens and monsters are capable of surviving attacks from the protagonist (as shown above)

  • The protagonist is capable of surviving hits from multiple of the specimens and monsters (as shown above)



  • Has caused a rain of torment over mortals for millenia

  • Has been deemed the strongest demon in hell as of now, thanks to his large and unstoppable army






Aside from the individual weaknesses the specimens have, Spooky’s biggest problem might come down to her age. She’s very naive and egotistical, and will often put her workers into danger or harm’s way just for a test or for the funny. It also doesn’t help that her and GL Labs just can’t contain some specimens, like Taker, so they’re just left running around out of Spooky’s control. She’s also weak as hell on her own, there’s a reason why Spooky lets her specimens do the killing instead of her.


Aside from the individual weaknesses the monsters have, Malak’s got one of the biggest egos you will ever fucking see. He constantly feels the need to gloat about how he will kill his victims in gruesome ways and monologue for days on end, specifically about how they won’t get his pieces of the Riddle of Heaven… oh yeah, if you manage to get all the pieces of the ring, Malak will be striped of all of his powers for the ringbearer to have.


(Done by u/The_Elemental2)

(Done by u/BLiNxBOi)

(Done by u/Kaiser_Isaiah_Foo)

(Done by u/The_Elemental2)




Spooky’s and Malak’s stats don’t matter too much in this fight given this is more of a hax, army battle type of fight. Even with this, this doesn’t mean stats don’t have some sort of impact on the fight, especially speed. However, let us begin with AP and Dura.

Even though this is Spooky’s side of the verdict, Spooky definitely is weaker and less durable. Her best shot is scaling her to The Wall of Flesh which has a calc which gets 0.379 Tons of TNT. While this is solid, Malak’s best calc gets him solidly at 1.14 Tons of TNT, making Malak 3 times stronger. However, it’s very likely Spooky does not scale to The Wall of Flesh. AP and durability go to Malak.

Now time for the most important stat of this match, speed. Not using debatable feats, they both should be very even in terms of speed. Spooky should scale to the Food Demon and other specimens which can dodge swings from an axe which should be around 65 mph. Malak on the other hand scales to the nurses which were able to keep up with an ambulance, a feat worth 80 mph. This puts them relatively at the same speed to the point where it doesn’t really matter. However, using debatable feats, Paina, one of Spooky’s minions, has a calc which gets Mach 4,922. This FAR exceeds the speeds of anything Malak can do and Spooky debatably scales. However, this feat is debatable so the rest of the verdict will be under the assumption they are relatively even in speeds.

Arsenal & Abilities

As stated above, this matchup is a hax based matchup in which I believe Spooky takes it. Due to the nature of both characters, specifically Spooky, I will be including other Specimens and their abilities into this part of the verdict so let us get started.

This matchup has a lot of unique and interesting power combinations and counters; however, as I stated above, I do think Spooky should have better counters than Malak. For starters, I do want to acknowledge in a 1v1 setting, Malak would destroy Spooky in terms of hax and abilities. Luckily she has her specimens and ghost army on her side. Speaking of, let us start off by talking about the most important aspect of this fight, their armies. Ignoring the fact Spooky should have the number advantage (More on that in Tertiary Factors), most of Spooky’s army are ghosts. This is extremely advantageous because that makes a majority of them non corporeal entities. This means that they cannot be interacted with however, can interact with others. Now what does this mean towards the fight? Well it means that no one in Malak’s army besides Malak and maybe Agatha can even fight back against her ghost army given they can’t interact with spirits. This gives Spooky a massive advantage from the start, allowing for her troops to basically be unkillable against Malak’s troops. However, another potentially overlooked aspect of this is due to the fact her ghost army can’t be interacted with, she doesn’t have to worry about Malak’s army attacking her and whittling down her troops. This means she can focus most of her troops towards protecting her from Malak and more importantly stalling for time.

Now you may be wondering why I said stalling for time is important, well that’s because if it becomes a one on one situation, Spooky is done for. So by stalling for time, it gives Spooky the opportunity to strategize and best of all, be able to activate her wincons. Now time to talk about the actual important monsters/specimens and how they play into stalling Malak until Spooky can pull off her wincons.

Let us start with the plethora of ways Spooky’s troops and Spooky can stall or even stop Malak from reaching Spooky. To begin with, plenty of Spooky’s troops have the capability of using illusory/perception manipulation which can cause Malak to be disoriented, confused, and make him lose track of where Spooky is. These specimens include Specimen 3, Specimen 4, Specimen 7, Specimen 9, Specimen 12, Unknown Specimen 1, Unknown Specimen 5, Monster 2, and Monster 5. Woormy Charles and Hooked Doll possibly have perception manipulation as well which further adds on the amount of potential perception fuckery that will be slamming into Malak. It doesn’t help that Monster 6 has the ability to create a layer of fog which further interferes with Malak’s vision.

Now if Malak gets past this line of defense, the next line of defense is forcing Malak in looping or infinite hallways with spatial manipulation. 4 of Spooky’s troops are capable of spatial manipulation: Unknown Specimen 1, Unknown Specimen 5, Monster 2, and Monster 6. This can cause Malak to temporarily be stuck in infinite loops or hallways until he has to take out those troops or teleport out. However, it should still stall him for long enough to allow for Spooky to pull off her wincons especially added on with the previous method.

But wait, there’s more. While this may be unconventional, Unknown Specimen 3 has the ability to slow down Malak even more by impregnating him. Yes that is correct, Unknown Specimen 3 can produce spores in his surrounding area which would create fetuses inside him which would not only begin to weaken and kill him from puking them out, but also just slow him down due to the fact he has to throw them up at random intervals. This only adds another line of defense for Spooky.

Now if you think Spooky can’t do anything herself, you would be wrong. Spooky has the ability to give Malak “infinite stamina” which actually is a debuff, slowing down Malak’s speed significantly to a walking speed. So if Malak does get close, Spooky can use this ability and escape before Malak could do anything. This ability also helps counter the speed boost Malak gets from The Riddle of Heaven.

Now on to the most important part, Spooky’s ways of taking down Malak and obtaining those sweet wincons. The key to her victory lies in 2 of her troops: Specimen 11 and Monster 5. The reason these two are her biggest wincons is because they have abilities which are hard for Malak to counter. Specimen 11 has the capacity to BFR Malak and steal his soul while Monster 5 has the capacity to use mind manipulation on Malak which could allow for Spooky to pull a LTG and have Malak end himself. If Malak tries to teleport away from Specimen 11’s BFR touch, Specimen 11 also has teleportation it can utilize to keep up with Malak, thus forcing him to stay his distance while also trying to deal with all the other distractions, while also trying to kill Spooky. It doesn’t help that he also has to worry about getting his mind manipulated into not wanting to fight, joining Spooky, or just ending his own life. 

Lastly, the most important thing Spooky has up her sleeve is THE MOTHERFUCKING MINIGUN. DOES MALAK HAVE THAT STRAP ON HIM? HELL NO! BUT SPOOKY DOES!

While Malak does have really good abilities and hax such as teleportation, which could allow him to escape trick situations or even possibly Specimen 11’s dimension, it still doesn’t save him from getting sent right back in, again and again. Malak could use telepathy to track where Spooky is; however, “infinite stamina” could save Spooky if he teleports and gets too close using his tracking. Malak could use soul manipulation on the ghost army and Spooky however, we don’t know how many souls he can manipulate at once which means he could potentially get overwhelmed, especially with the fact there are many abilities coming at him at once. Malak could use memory manipulation however, this could leave him open for a possible attack. He would have to get close enough to begin with, something which could be extremely hard for him to do with all the stalling options. While Malak is a very very haxy opponent, Spooky and her specimens should have all the right abilities to keep him at bay and get a win.

Tertiary Factors

Lastly, tertiary factors where I will be talking about experience, skill, and army sizes. While I don’t think tertiary factors matter too much in this fight, I do think they are interesting to look at and use to evaluate who could win such a close matchup.

To begin with, let us talk about experience and skill. I will be straight forward, Malak should easily take experience and skill. Malak has been fighting for years on top of years while Spooky has only been around for a few years relative to Malak. It doesn’t help that Malak is in a constant fight for power in his dimension while Spooky isn’t fighting anyone. However, this doesn’t mean Spooky is completely outmatched. Spooky still has years of experience creating her ghost army and obtaining specimens to use for that goal. She also has years of experience bossing around the GL Labs staff into capturing specimens so she does have at least a tad bit of experience in that department. Sadly, that does not help Spooky match the gap Malak has to her in experience and skill.

Even with the advantage in experience and skill, Malak would still be overwhelmed by the sheer size of Spooky’s army. Fighting for countless years would help develop a strategy and help whittle down the numbers however, when no one from your own army can take down non corporeal beings but yourself, you will get overwhelmed basically no matter what. This coupled with the fact he still has to deal with the specimen’s abilities while taking down the ghost army makes it even harder for him to do without getting overwhelmed. This massive army size very much could help close the experience and skill gap that she can’t close with her own experience and skill.

Lastly, one of Malak’s main weaknesses possibly can be exploited. The fact that if you take away the pieces of The Riddle of Heaven he will lose his power is a major weakness. This can be exploited using possible mind manipulation which was listed above in the ability section or just by overwhelming him to the point he can’t stop the pieces from being stolen. These factors could allow for Spooky to potentially exploit one of his weaknesses.


"The time has come, my loyal troops! No longer shall we be called cute or adorable. No longer will we be disregarded or ignored. For now we are the most feared army in the world."


  • Relative in speed

  • Has a massive number advantage 

  • Malak’s army can’t interact with Spooky’s army

  • Perception/Illusions could stall Malak until wincon can be used

  • Spatial manipulation could stall Malak until wincon can be used

  • Unknown Specimen 3’s spore’s could potentially stall Malak until wincon can be used

  • “Infinite Stamina” can slow down and counter Malak’s speed boost

  • Specimen 11’s soul manipulation could work on Malak, giving her a win

  • Monster 5’s mind manipulation could work on Malak, giving her a win


  • Her game is good, go buy it


  • Physically weaker and less durable

  • Has to stall Malak out for long enough to use her wincons

  • Invisibility could get the jump on Spooky

  • Not nearly as much experience and skill

  • Ironically isn’t the one with the DOORS crossover

  • Has Otto the Otter

This matchup has many different ways to look at it and many different power interactions which make it hard to predict what could happen. However, while Spooky may not be as strong as Malak, due to her similar speed she should be able to keep up with him with her and her specimens abilities. From just overwhelming Malak with the amount of troops she has, having the specimens overload him with illusions, trapping him in infinite loops, having specimen 11 steal his soul, or even having monster 5 mind manipulate Malak. In conclusion, Spooky should be able to wipe the floor with Malak. The winner is Spooky.



This matchup isn’t one where stats really matter, but Malak still handley takes the entire stat trinity. Spooky’s best strength feat are multiple specimens being able to knock doors off their hinges, worth 22.5 Kilojoules at most, although, Wall of Flesh did shatter a brick wall, a feat worth 0.379 Tons of TNT, but we don’t know the full context as to HOW the Wall did this. But even with this feat, Malak still takes the strength advantage. Malak has the Titan Watchers, whose sheer size equals 1.14 Tons of TNT, much more powerful than anything Spooky has.

Malak takes speed too, without Paina’s feat (which we’ll get to), Spooky’s got the Food Demon, who can dodge axe swings from the protagonist at 65 mph. But Malak has the Matron and Reaper Nurses, who can catch up to speeding ambulances at 80 mph, making Malak faster, not by a lot but still faster. However, Paina’s got a feat with trumps anything Malak has, by firing a geyser of blood and meat into space at Mach 4,922.94. However, due to the ambiguous nature of how Paina is or how she works, it’s difficult to say the feat is something consistent. Overall, Malak should take stats without issue.

Arsenal & Abilities

This is the main debate about the matchup, Spooky and Malak have a shitton of abilities thanks to their specimens and monsters, the obvious one is Spooky and most of her army being ghosts, who can’t be touched or killed by normal means. Thankfully, Malak has shown to have the ability to manipulate souls, turning them into soul shards, making the army no problem for Malak to deal with. Although Malak's Monsters having soul manipulation is also questionable, most Monsters label their soul shards as being theirs, not Malaks, notability Agatha calls them “her friends”. One could argue that Malak sent them to guard the shards, meaning Malak himself created them, but Malak said the monsters were to guard the ring pieces, not the shards themselves, Beirce herself states in Monkey Madness that “each crystal is a remnant of one who has met their end here”, heavily implying that Malak’s monsters each have the ability to manipulate souls, not as well as Malak but they very much still can.

As Malak could easily defeat Spooky herself, this mostly becomes a game of getting Malak away with Spooky’s specimens. Most of the specimens have the ability to cast illusions and fuck with their vision. For the monsters, this should work well with most of them but not Malak himself thanks to Telepathy, which can allow Malak to see the auras of enemies regardless of where he is or where they are, as long as they're nearby, rendering the messing with his sight to be useless. There’s also some specimens that have spatial manipulation or BFR and could trap Malak in a different dimension or in an infinite hallway, but Malak can easily teleport out, given how he’s teleported between dimensions multiple times. Onto the more bizarre powers, Spooper could do a Springtrap and plant a fetus in Malak’s belly for him to vomit out, but not only can Malak kill the fetus with soul manipulation, but Malak’s regeneration could allowing to heal from any major damage that Spooper’s fetus could do to him. 

Spooky’s “infinite stamina” has the potential to not work on Malak, thanks to his resistance to paralysis but that’s only a theory and it could very much work on him, but it’s unlikely that it could actually matter, given how Malak can teleport and that Spooky’s spell is only temporary. Finally, there’s Wall of Flesh’s hax in arousing fear to consume some souls, but Malak’s immunity to Primal Fear shows that fear inducement isn’t something that would work on Malak, so the Wall’s effects and hax won’t work, or if they do, they won’t work well.

Also, speaking of Primal Fear, that power is something most of Spooky’s specimens and even Spooky herself have no real counter to, and that stunning effect is something that could be REALLY bad for Spooky’s entire army, as Malak could just stun them and attack them without them being able to do anything.

Overall, Spooky’s got a bunch of powers, but Malak’s got counter to a lot of them all on his own, even without his monsters. Plus, Malak and his monsters got many powers of their own that allowed for Malak to take the advantage when it comes to abilities.

Tertiary Factors

Lastly, there’s army, experience, and skill, where Malak takes some of his biggest advantages… and his biggest disadvantage.

Yeah, when it comes to the size of their armies, Spooky’s is MUCH bigger, if only because of the ghost army, who exist in their thousands and could easily overwhelm Malak and his own army, though that would be hard given the stat advantage and the monster’s having soul manipulation. 

However, this advantage is kinda mute when Malak himself is MORE than enough to take care of each and every ghost. Spooky and her army may have been trained a few decades at most, but Malak has been fighting and building his army for literal millenia, killing mortals and battling demons that can’t be more dangerous than the basic ghosts in Spooky’s army. Plus, Malak has been in a constant war to be the best demon in his realm, so he should realistically be able to take on all of Spooky’s army on his own, with a lot of effort but that’s what his own army’s for.

And of course, Spooky on her own doesn’t stand a chance against Malak in a 1v1, Malak has basically every advantage over her, and while Malak is a HUGE egotist, he’s still smart and can easily exploit Spooky for her weaknesses.


"You are becoming quite opportunistic, mortal. How fortunate for you that I was already occupied with more pressing matters. That will not happen again. Thanks to the two of you, dangerous forces are now in motion. You are disrupting my business and I cannot afford to allow your insolence to continue any longer."


  • Stronger and more durable

  • Faster without Paina’s feat

  • MASSIVELY more experienced

  • Can interact with Spooky and her army despite being ghosts (his army incuded)

  • Has a better army in quality 

  • Should resist most Spooky’s hax

  • Doesn’t have Otto the Otter

  • His game is good, go buy it


  • Worse army in quantity

  • Spooky’s “infinite stamina” possibly works on Malak and could slow him down

  • Has a crossover with Yandere Simulator and Poppy Playtime

  • Pedophile

Overall, this matchup is complicated and it's very easy to interpret Spooky as the winner, but for me, I’d say Malak takes this with a lot of effort. Spooky’s army is nothing to scoff at, but Malak’s advantage in stats, variety of powers, and milenia of experience makes me think that the demon of infinite cruelty takes this one. Looks like history repeating itself, Spooky’s going to once again see heaven. The winner is Malak.

Final Tally

Spooky (1) - 𝓐𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓪

Malak (1) - The_Elemental2



Fucking bitch ass


Before we announce next time, we have a special surprise for the community. You guys will be given a chance to vote for not one, not two, BUT THREE MATCHUPS for our next bunch/wave of blogs. 

The rules and such are simple. There will be 15 matchups to choose from. From there you vote for your favorite 3 matchups or just 3 matchups you want us to cover for the blog. Then the top 3 most voted matchups will be announced once a certain amount of time has passed and they will be given a blog. 


If you wish to vote or have not voted, go to this link to vote.

Next Time…

Vigil vs Crypto (Rainbow Six Siege vs Apex Legends)


Death Battle Predictions: Huggy Wuggy vs Jumbo Josh (Bonus Blog)

  “ Shut up Buzz, I’ll kill you.” -Cursed Woody Huggy Wuggy, Experiment 1170 of the Bigger Bodies Initiative. Jumbo Josh , the Green Gorill...