Friday, September 29, 2023

Death Battle Predictions: Albedo vs Scourge the Hedgehog

Discernment has a doppelgänger, and her name is Suspicion.” - Criss Jami

Albedo, the red and white clad doppelgänger of Ben Tennyson from Ben 10

Scourge the Hedgehog, the anti-sonic and leader of the Destructix from Sonic the Hedgehog

Each human being roughly has 6 doppelgängers within their lifetime. The personalities of these doppelgängers are a complete mystery. They could be just like you, with the same quirks and habits. But, they could also be your antithesis. Someone who looks like you but acts, talks, and sees things completely opposite from you. That is what the protagonists of their retrospective series were met with. You might want to spin dash or XLR8 to see who will be the winner of this DEATH BATTLE!

Before We Start…

For this matchup we will be using almost all available material for both characters. This means Albedo will be getting canon material such as the shows and the canon movies while also getting non or partially canon content like the games, non canon movies, comics, and books. However, we will not be giving Albedo anything from the reboot.

Scourge is a little more simple. He will of course be given the Archie comics as that’s where he originates from. We will also be giving him the games canon to Archie Sonic as well. Of course guidebooks and such will be used for both as well.

Due to the nature of both series, we will not be using any Word of God to support or help either character. This means no tweets from the creators of Ben 10 nor anything said in the podcast from Ian Flynn. The only exception to this rule is if we deem that the subject was too vague and word of god needed to be used as support to help back the claim.



“I am the builder of the Omnitrix. I must have it back. Your days as Ben 10 are at an end!”

A long time ago, there lived a race of aliens known as the Galvan, an incredibly smart species of frog-like beings that have designed some of the most advanced technology in the universe. One of these Galvan was named Azmuth, who, along with his assistant Albedo, made a device called the Omnitrix, a watch that can alter your DNA and turn you into a different species entirely. While the Omnitrix was originally made as a communication device, the cosmic warlord Vilgax had a different idea, as well as a bunch of other villains. So Azmuth sent the Omnitrix away to earth, where it fell into the hands of Ben 10. Albedo, questioning if a simple human can handle the responsibility of the Omnitrix, asked if he could have his own Omnitrix, and then Azmuth promptly fired him. 

Pissed, Albedo used his knowledge to create his own replica Omnitrix… and then got stuck with Ben’s DNA as his default form and basically became Ben’s clone, oof. He decided to track down Ben 10 and use his Omnitrix to obtain his true form again. But while battling Ben, both Omnitrixs collided, damaging Albedo’s human form and messing with his colours. After this, Azmuth showed up and disables Albedo’s Omnitrix and sent him to an alien prison.

However, after Vilgax broke Albedo out of the prison, Albedo sought the Ultimatrix, a prototype Omnitrix that was left unfinished by Azmuth, and tried fixing it to regain he Galvan form, and while he did finish the Ultimatrix, it was still linked to Ben’s watch so he was still stuck as a human. In order to get Ben’s Omnitrix, Albedo teamed up with Vilgax, who double crossed him and kept Albedo as a prisoner, where Ben lost his own Omnitrix so he stole Albedo’s Ultimatrix and crashed the ship they were on… but Albedo survived and escaped. 

After this, Albedo… made a tv show based on Ben’s antics called “Ben 10: Live”... ok? Although there was actually more to this stupid plan, Albedo was secretly making a device to give him the power to alter his DNA at will, giving him back his Galan form and giving him back his alien morphing without the need of a watch. But, thanks to Ben doing Ben things, Albedo got stuck with his human form as the default yet again.

Since then, his goal has just been to kill Ben and co. by any means necessary. These means to vary from using a “Cassiopeian Dream Eater” to fuck with Ben’s dreams, impersonating him (one time he managed to make a new Ultimatrix that he uses to get the ultimate forms back), stealing Azmuth’s intelligence (and then Albedo got turned into a child… ok), teamed up with OTHER evil Bens, and teamed up with Vilgax again to steal the remains of a guy named Malware. After this, Albedo actually got arrested and sent to clean-up for “30 Galvan solar cycles”.


“All hail the king, baby!”

Anti-Sonic grew up a kid without having much of a relationship with his father due to his father being pretty much the king who promoted the Great Peace in Anti-Mobius. However, this would not last long as Anti-Mobius began to fall into a state of decline. Scourge was able to capitalize on this and seize the power from him, throwing Anti-Maximillian into the Zone of Silence and taking control of Mobotropolis. 

However, his excitement didn’t end there. On a chance encounter, Sonic the Hedgehog entered his world which caused them to fight. This would happen fairly consistently, of them fighting whether that be because Anti-Sonic was helping out Dr. Robotnik or because he just wanted to terrorize Sonic’s world to get pay back. One of these times, he was able to trap Sonic in his world, switching places with Sonic and impersonating him. Through this he met Rouge the Bat in which he teamed up with her to steal the Master Emerald.

After the first try failed, Rouge and Anti-Sonic went back again with the goal of laying his hands on the Master Emerald. His goal succeeded, absorbing some of the power from the Master Emerald, turning his fur green. From this point on, he would be known as Scourge. However, this did not come at a price, Locke was able to land an attack on him in the midst of the absorption leaving him with 2 big scars on his chest. Now that his goal was completed, he left and challenged Sonic and Shadow, where they fought briefly before Scourge and Rouge left through an unknown warp ring sent by Dr. Finitevus.

He then teams up with Dr. Finitevus in order to get his payback on Sonic, unknowingly being a factor into why Enerjak was reborn. However, during this time he realizes that he and Sonic aren’t much different so he goes back into his home world and conquers it within days. He then comes back to Sonic’s world to conquer it as well. Long story short, he was betrayed by his colleagues and defeated by Sonic, being sent to prison.

Luckily for Scourge, some of his old colleagues (and his girlfriend) came back to break him out of prison where he was getting harassed everyday. With the help of these colleagues he was able to free himself from the shackles of prison and continued to do the things Scourge does.

Experience & Skill


Being a Galvan, Albedo is extremely smart, able to make large and complicated contraptions fairly easily, and figure out the schematics of any technology he comes across just by looking at it. A Galvan's intelligence is so great that Ben has his own Galvan form named Grey Matter and the high intelligence was the main reason Grey Matter was used (and the small size). Albedo is SO smart that he can turn into an alien by the name of Rath, an alien that Ben also has. When Ben uses Rath, he gets stuck with sometimes uncontrollable rage, but Albedo is so smart that this setback doesn’t even affect him. He has used this intellect to outsmart Gwen and Kevin on multiple occasions as well as others.


While having no formal combat training, Scourge is no slouch when it comes to his experience and skill. He’s been stated to know basic hand to hand combat from fighting foes for years. With this combat experience he is able to keep up with all types of opponents like Sonic himself. He has been able to even get Shadow and Sonic to accidentally clash into each other mid fight. Beaudesx




The Ultimatrix, what Azmuth calls, his greatest creation. Albedo gained access to it after stealing it from Azmuth. With it, not only can he transfer into any of Ben’s aliens but he can also upgrade them into their Ultimate forms. While Albedo’s Ultimatrix was stolen from him by Ben Tennyson, he was able to get a new one which basically stabilizes his ultimate transformations. However, this means he can’t get any new aliens added to his watch given it’s only use is to stabilize his ultimate forms.


Anarchy Beryls

Anarchy Beryls come from Scourge's world where everything is the opposite of the main world, including the Chaos Emeralds. Due to these being their worlds equivalent of the Chaos Emeralds, they have the same capabilities as the Chaos Emeralds with a few differences. It has been stated that there are tons of Anarchy Beryls instead of their just being 7 Chaos Emeralds and after the usage of these beryls, the users power drains, leaving them at a state weaker than before they used the Anarchy Beryls, similar to an adrenaline shot.

Brass Knuckles

It’s normal brass knuckles what else do ya want.



Alien Transformations

Albedo originally needed his own copy of the Omnitrix to turn into aliens, but since then, after an accident with a machine called the Genetic Alteration Field, Albedo has gained the ability to turn into aliens without any Omnitrix. However, this ability has its limits. He can’t turn into any alien Ben didn’t before the events of Omniverse (besides Gravattack because… idk), and these forms don’t last forever and he will reset to his human form after a while.

(oh, btw, Albedo has a lot of alien forms he just HASN’T turned into, and as such, we don’t have the renders for them, so a lot of these are renders of Ben’s versions of the aliens. Get used to it, lol)


The first alien ever shown in the series. Heatblast is a Pyronite from the star Pyros, a species of plasma-based life forms that produce fire in any way or shape they please including fire breath, fireballs, a giant fire bomb, fire lasers, giant fire tornadoes, even creating fire weapons like spears, daggers and disks. Heatblast has other abilities, such as absorbing other fires, using the earth beneath him to make a flying fire-board, or just making one out of flames himself. His body’s are basically walking fireplaces, and they surprisingly don’t die if their flames are put out, it just weakens them until they reheat, they can even survive underwater. This is an alien that Albedo has never actually used himself as far as we know, which is weird considering Heatblast is one of the most famous aliens.


Wildmutt is a Vulamancer from the planet Vulpin, which are dog-like creatures that are blind and can’t speak. However, Wildmutt is able to follow his surroundings by using enhanced senses to see and move around but this can hinder him if either are disrupted, like Daredevil. Also, this is the only unique ability Wildmutt has outside of strong. This is another alien that Albedo’s never actually turned into.


As a Petrosapien from the planet Petropia, Diamondhead can manipulate his dark crystal-esk body and weaponize it, including firing shards of the crystals out of his fingers and shaping blades out of his arms and the rest of his body. He can even regenerate things like cut off limbs, although high pitched sonic attacks can temporarily knock him out. This is the first alien Albedo’s actually turned into, as he turned into Diamondhead to fight Kevin Levin one time.


XLR8 (pronounced “Accelerate”), is a Kineceleran, making him super duper fast, to the point where can appear invisible or it seems like time has frozen. He can run so quickly that he can create vortexes to trap or attack his enemies. XLR8 is another alien that Albedo has never knowingly turned into.

Gray Matter/Original Form

This is Albedo’s original form, it’s where his high intelligence comes from, which is something he kept when he turned into a human. The amazing intelligence was the main reason Ben used this form, which he named Gray Matter, but other than that, the best thing this form has going for it is the small size… but Albedo has smaller aliens than so there’s no real point to this form now.

Four Arms

As a Tetramand from the planet Khoros, Four Arms is extremely strong, able to lift objects several times his own size and able to jump up several stories in a single jump. He can also create shockwaves like Hulk’s Thunderclap. Four Arms is also incredibly durable, but being big also means that Four Arms is much slower and his bulk makes him less dexterous. This is another alien that Albedo has never knowingly turned into.


Stinkfly is a Lepidopterran from Lepidopterra, making him one of the first aliens whose main gimmick is the ability to fly. Stinkfly can fly at incredible speeds and the stinger bit on the end of his tail is surprisingly sharp. But his main weapon is actually the incredibly sticky goo that Stinkfly shoots from his eye stalks that will stick to people and smells really bad, kinda like Stinkfly as a whole, which might explain why Albedo’s never turned into him.


As a Piscciss Volann, Ripjaws can swim at incredible speeds thanks to his enhanced agility and can withstand deep-pressure underwater and the weird little angler-fish thing on his head can serve as a light in dark areas. His jaws and claws are also able to tear through most metals with ease. However, while Ripjaws can breathe out of the water, he can dehydrate quickly. Although, that’s mostly a problem with age and Albedo is old enough for it to not be a problem, but you wouldn’t know that, because Albedo’s never knowingly turned into Ripjaws


Upgrade is a Galvanic Mechamorph, a techno-organic race made by the Galvins… ironic, given who we’re looking at. Upgrade is a semi-solid, techno-organic being, allowing his body to regenerate his body if he’s damaged. Or, more importantly, wrap around any machine and give it an upgrade (and now you get the pun). He can not only fix certain machines this way, but he can also give them additions such as firing lasers or turning into giant mechs. Speaking of lasers, Upgrade can heat up its techno-organic blood to fire a laser from the weird circle on its face. Although, Upgrade is extremely weak to electricity attack, just given what he is. Albedo’s never knowingly turned into this alien, which considering just how smart Albedo is, is a little weird.


As an Ectonurite from Anur Paetos, Ghostfreak is basically just a ghost, so he can do the usual ghost things like flight, invisibility, intangibility, and he can possess others. He can also do things that normal ghosts just wouldn’t do, like make other people or objects invisible and intangible if he grabs them, and he can make parts of himself intangible rather than just his whole body. He can sharpen his hands into claws that are strong enough to tear through metal and he even has tentacles to intimidate foes. Ghostfreak is also immune to attacks that drain life energy, as Ectonurites lack life energy (it’s weird, they have life… but it’s not life… Ben 10 lore). However, Ghostfreak has a fair amount of weaknesses, such as his possession can't work on beings that lack a mind, like zombies. And he also has an extra body beneath his skin and removing the second skin makes him stronger, but also makes him extremely vulnerable to sunlight, which risks complete disintegration. This is another alien that Albedo’s never knowingly turned into, probably because it runs the risk of Ghostfreak becoming sentient and turning against the user (which is a problem Albedo assumingly doesn’t have, but yeah, that happened to Ben for a while).


Cannonbolt is an Arburian Pelarota from the planet Arburia, a race of aliens that are essentially walking bowling balls. Cannonbolt’s main method of travel/attack is to curl up into a ball like a bowling bowl and just start fucking destroying everything by rolling around at the speed of sound. Cannonbolt can slam into walls and enemies without losing momentum, and even spin fast around enough to create a tornado (also, don’t ask how he can see, he just can). Albedo’s never turned into this one… again.


As a Florauna from Flors Verdance, Wildvine can manipulate his body to stretch like vines, allowing him to grab objects from far away and even swing around areas like a weird Swamp Thing Spider-Man crossover. He can also merge with and manipulate any plant life he comes across and can shoot seeds from his back which can work as explosives, smoke bombs, or just release giant masses of vines. He can also regrow parts of his body if damaged, aside from fire and burning, because duh, he’s a plant. Finally breaking the streak, Albedo actually has turned into Wildvine once, where he trapped Rook, Argit, Fistina, and Solid Plugg with his vines until he was beaten by Inspector 13.


As a Polar Manzardill from X’Nelli, Arctiguana has the ability to fire a long-range freeze ray which is so cold it can instantly freeze anything, even lava, and this ray is also powerful enough to propel Arctiguana into the air (assuming he doesn’t run out of breath). Going two for two, Albedo has actually used Arctiguana, when he used him to chase Ben, Rook, and Max ina big chase.


As a Loboan from Luna Lobo, Blitzwolfer is just a really strong werewolf with a unique ability of an ultrasonic howl, which can damage targets by roaring so loudly that it creates dangerous shockwaves. However, his hearing is sensitive, so loud noises are enough to overwhelm him which is ironic, given what his powers are. Albedo never knowingly turned into this alien, moving on.


Snare-oh is a Thep Khufan from Anur Khufos, this is a mummy only in design, this thing has bizarre powers that primarily come from manipulating his bandage body. By manipulating his bandages, Snare-oh can fly, shapeshift, stretch his limbs, and even regenerate his bandages should anything happen to them. Albedo has also never knowingly turned into this thing.


Frankenstrike is a Transylian from Anur Transyl, and his main ability is his electrokinesis being able to attack with green lightning blasts, but he can also generate electromagnetic fields so that he can stick to surfaces and create portals somehow. Albedo has also never knowingly turned into this… you know what? No, this guy isn’t an alien, it’s just a buff dude with a generator on his back.


Upchuck is a Gourmand from Peptos VII, these thicc bois are at the top of the food chain and the species shows this by them having literally EATEN their previous planet. Upchuck’s a weird case where he actually has two different forms for Albedo to choose from, Murk and Perk (Though he only ever used Murk when he fought Ben after making an energy core). The far more useful Perk form has access to four tongues, which can latch onto objects (or energy somehow) and reel them into Upchuck’s weird stomach that’s basically bottomless. These objects, after being in Upchuck’s stomach, will be turned into explosive energy blasts that Upchuck can vomit out at his opponents. However, Upchuck has his “trans-spatial bladder dimension” (not kidding) for a stomach; there actually is a limit to how much they can eat. Oh yeah, and the Murk form has one large prehensile tongue, that’s it.


As a Splixson from Hathor, Ditto has the ability to duplicate himself and has no limit to the amount of clones he can create. However, much like Albedo’s original form, Ditto isn’t meant to fight, primarily from how small and weak he is. Also, if the original Ditto is hurt, all the Dittos will feel it, that’s fun (originally, it was whatever pain a clone felt was felt by every other Ditto, this has been reconned). Albedo has never knowingly turned into Ditto, which is a good thing in all honestly, fuck Ditto.

Eye Guy

Eye Guy is an Opticoid from Sightra. Eye Guy has 360 degree vision thanks to his dozens of eyes on his body but he also has the ability to shoot lasers out of those eyes which come in either fire, ice and just good old basic energy blasts. Albedo has never knowingly turned into Eye Guy.


Swampfire is a Methanosian from Methanos, allowing him to ignite the methane gas in his body to shoot flames out of his hands. He can also use telekinetic powers to control plant-life, can shoot seeds that make stupidly strong vines, create spores and other plant-based chemicals, create mud that’s so sticky that some of the strongest aliens around can’t get out, and he can even regenerate his body if it takes damage, even if he’s been splattered into paste, he could regenerate in a matter of seconds. However, the methane he produces creates a stench that makes going stealthy basically impossible. Swampfire is also the first alien Albedo has knowingly used twice (aside from Gray Matter), once where he fought Gwen and won, and another when he fought Ben on Taydenite and lost (btw, you’ll see this scenario a lot).

Echo Echo

As a Sonorosian from Sonorisia, Echo Echo has the ability to generate sonic screams and manipulate these sonic screams for echolocation and can even somehow make force fields out of them. Echo Echo also makes Ditto completely worthless by also being able to duplicate himself, which allows for more creative uses of his powers. Echo Echo is actually quite strong for how small he is, but his clones are a different story, mostly getting one shot by tough enemies like Ultimate Kevin. Albedo has actually used Echo Echo once, when he and Ben fought on Taydenite.


As a Vaxasaurian from Terradino, Humungosaur is super strong, in his base, he can lift up something as huge as a bus, and is capable of throwing most objects into orbit. His armored skin also lets him tank a lot of damage, and he can even increase his size to much larger levels. Albedo used Humungousaur multiple times, once when he first pretended to be Ben, a second when he and Ben fought when he was also Humungousaur, and another time where he and Ben fought on Taydenite.


Jetray is an Aerophibian from Areopela and one of Ben’s fastest aliens, able to easily move faster than the speed of sound. When it comes to attacking, Jetray can fire neuroshock rays out of his eyes and tail and fly around with his wings. Albedo used Jetray once, when he and Ben fought on Taydenite.

Big Chill

Big Chill is a Necrofriggian from Kylmyys. Big Chill has several powers such as flight, intangibility and even invisibility. However, Big Chill’s biggest ability is his cryokinesis, using powers like freeze breath, freezing people through touch, generating freeze blasts out of his hands or just phasing through his opponent and freezing them. Big Chill can also create ice constructs by freezing the water molecules in the air. Big Chill was used in a dream thing and when he fought Ben on Taydenite.


Chromastone, as a Crystalsapien from Petropia, can absorb and manipulate energy and use this energy to generate shields and energy blasts. Cromastone can also fly, just by defying the laws of fucking physics appeareantly. However, there still are limits to the amount of energy Chromastone can absorb and, if hit with enough force, his body can be shattered as Vilgax did to Ben one time. Albedo used Chromastone when he and Ben fought on Taydenite.


Brainstorm, a Cerebrocrustacean from Encephalonus IV, is another of Ben’s more intelligent aliens, possessing an IQ of 1 nonillion (that’s 30 fucking zeros bitches!). Brainstorm specializes in analytical thinking and is easily able to come up with the plan that will yield the best possible outcome. Brainstorm also has electrokinesis, allowing him to generate electrical blasts, manipulate electromagnetic fields and create electricity constructs. This, combined with his large I.Q can use extra powers like mind control (albeit on stupid things, like yetis), barrier generation, telekinesis (by manipulating said barriers) and levitation… because every alien needs to fly. However, he’s also rather arrogant and needlessly tries to find the most complex plan he can think of when the simple solution is right in front of him. Brainstorm has been used by Albedo a few times, once to figure that Ben escaped a weird dream thing, another when he fought Ben as Astrodactyl, and another when he fought Ben on Taydenite.


As an Arachnichimp from Aranhascimmia, Spidermonkey is extremely athletic, capable of crawling on walls and also has enhanced strength. His biggest ability is to generate webbing from his tail to trap opponents, this webbing can also be destroyed with enough heat or force. Albedo has used Spidermonkey a few times, once where he fought Ben who was using Jetray and Chromastone, another where he tried to kidnap Max and failed, another where he didn’t do anything but turn ultimate, and another where he fought Ben on Taydenite.


Goop is a Polymorph, an alien species from Viscosia, a planet with MUCH lighter gravity, which means Goop needs something called an Anti-Gravity Projector just to move around (that’s the weird thing over his head). Goop does, however, have the benefit of being able to manipulate his entire goopy body, allowing him to easily shapeshift into any form but the image above is his most used form. This power allows Goop to also fly, camouflage underwater, generate acidic projectiles which are so corrosive they melt through solid rock, and he can take any damage anywhere on his body and regenerate soon afterwards, such as when he got “atomized” while keeping the planet Piscciss from blowing up. Albedo has used Goop a few times, once to hide from Ben and Co, another to fight Ben as Terraspin to get the Polymorphic Crystal, and finally to fight Ben on Taydenite.


Nanomech is definitely the smallest alien Albedo has, thanks to being a Nanochip/human hybrid, he can use this size for stealth and defeating an enemy from within their bodies. Nanomech can also fly and generate green electric blasts which are powerful enough to send the much larger Inspector 13 flying. However, Nanomech Isn't that durable, as he can be defeated with the same kinds of methods you would use to defeat any other insect. Albedo has never knowingly used Nanomech.


Lodestar is a Biot-Savartian, giving him the ability to manipulate magnetic fields. He can manipulate these magnetic fields into a forcefield to prevent metallic enemies from coming near or generate a pulling/pushing force that affects all metal around the battlefield. If Lodestar is ever significantly damaged, he can just somehow pull his body together because… fucking magnets, how do they work? Albedo has never knowingly used Lodestar.


Rath is an Appoplexian from Appoplexia, making him super strong, tough, and even athletic. As well as having retractable claws which he can use to create shockwaves, and even just use wrestling moves on his enemies. Rath does have a big issue however, his temper and intelligence. While it makes him absolutely hilarious, it’s not the best when it comes to actual combat. He’ll do things like shout at a ship, or even at gravity itself. But that’s mostly just a problem for Ben using Rath, Albedo’s superior intelligence makes it so this isn’t really a problem for Albedo. Rath’s been used by Albedo a few times, once to find Max, another to fight Ben who was Ultimate Echo Echo, and another just to turn ultimate.

Water Hazard

As an Orishan from Kiusana, Water Hazard’s most prominent ability is his hydrokinesis, where he uses it to generate jets of water from his hands, absorb the water molecules in the air and manipulate the density of water to do things like cushion someone’s fall. He can also fly by propelling himself through the air with his water jets. Water Hazard can also generate a bubble shield which is tough enough to withstand missiles and laser fire. Albedo has never knowingly used Water Hazard


Ampfibian is an Amperi from Tesslos, allowing him to use electrokinesis, which allows him to fire electric blasts, said blasts can somehow telekinetically move people. He can summon lightning, absorb and manipulate electricity and even turn into an electrical current. He can also become intangible and even read minds. thanks to Ampfibian’s physiology, Ampfibian can also stretch his “limbs”, breathe underwater and even fly. He can also get electrocuted himself and it’ll hurt him somehow? Albedo has never knowingly used Ampfibian


As a Talpaedan from Poiana Lüncas, Armodrillo has drills for arms that are strong enough to generate earthquakes simply by digging into the ground. Talpaedens repeatedly generate earthquakes of such magnitude that they demolish entire castles and can easily defeat Humungousaur and generate shockwaves that wipes out several rundown buildings. Armodrillo has also demonstrated the ability to generate vibrations with his arms and has used said vibrations to propel himself into the air… and fly. That being said however, Armodrillo is quite vulnerable to electrical attacks as well as attacks on his nervous system. The one time Albedo used Armodrillo was when he fought Ben, who was Gravattack.


As a Geochelone Aerio from Aldabra, Terraspin is essentially just Gamera but small. By tucking himself into his shell and spinning super fast, he can fly into the air, as well as having aerokinesis, which he has used to generate strong winds that can lift cars and create little mini-tornadoes. Albedo has never knowingly used Terraspin.


(Sussy boi)

NRG is a Prypiatosian-B from Prypiatos, making his body made out of pure radiation. As such, NRG needs a containment suit to protect others from the radiation of his body. This suit is nigh-indestructible with only shit like Taydenite being able to damage it. From inside the suit, NRG can heat the suit up to the point where it can generate radioactive blasts from the eye holes which can easily melt metal drones. NRG can also heat up the ground to create small eruptions of lava. However, it’s when NRG is outside the suit where he literally starts to shine, it makes him more agile, allows him to fly, manipulate radiation, fire radioactive bolts, feast on nearby energy to cause him to change in size, and is completely intangible, however he is extremely vulnerable to carbon rods which slow down NRG’s rate of reaction. Albedo has turned into NRG once to fight Ben in a dream.


Fasttrack is a Citrakayah from Chalyeas and he’s just a bootleg XLR8, he’s fast and can create tornadoes with his speed, just read the XLR8 part. Fasttrack was used by Albedo to race Ben who was ALSO Fasttrack.


As a Merlinisapien, Chamalien can naturally camouflage himself to appear invisible in order to stealth into buildings. That, aside from the stinger tail, is all Chamailen can do and even then, he still has a shadow so there’s infinitely better options… like Ghostfreak… this is just bootleg Ghostfreak. Albedo used Chamalien once to ambush Ben.


And then his dude is just bootleg Upchuck, what the fuck? Although, Eatle is probably a lot stronger than Upchuck. Like, Upchuck needed a special energy just to blow up a mountain, while Eatle did the same thing with just a big rock. Albedo has never knowingly used Eatle.


As a Chronosapien, Clockwork has the power to manipulate time itself. He can fire time beams which can age anything they touch into dust, freeze people in time and send people not from our timeline back to where they came from. That dial on his head can slow down time and see into the past and it was stated that he can travel through time. However, he is NOT very durable and gets exhausted very easily. Albedo has never knowingly used Clockwork, and considering how useful he is, it’s a wonder how Albedo constantly loses.


Shocksquatch is a Gimlenopithecus from Pattersonea. He’s your average electric alien, electrical blasts, electromagnetic field manipulation, electrocution, you know, the works. However, Shocksquatch does somewhat differ by using electricity to enhance his physical attacks. Albedo has never knowingly used Shocksquatch.


Juryrigg is a Planchküle from Aul-Turrhen and is just a bootleg Galvan. Juryrigg has impressive intelligence when it comes to technology, allowing him to break and fix any machine he comes across… using intelligence Albedo has normally thanks to being a Galvan… yeah, Juryrigg is kinda useless to Albedo, so he’s never knowingly used him


Here he is, the one alien from Omniverse Albedo can turn into. As a Galilean from Keplorr, Gravattack can manipulate gravity, able to increase it or when that fails decrease it so that his opponent is levitating in the air. He can also manipulate his own gravity allowing him to fly into the air and it even allows him to survive in space. However, that core on his body is a pretty clear weak point and attacking him really screws with him. Gravattack was used once by Albedo, just to turn ultimate.

Way Big

Way Big is a To’kustar, a species created in cosmic storms and he is easily the largest and most powerful Albedo has. Aside from the absurd strength and speed, his most powerful ability is creating cosmic rays from his arms which are so powerful, they overpowered the Incursean Conquest Ray, which destroyed Pluto with ease. Although, don’t strike that head thing, striking it will paralyze him. Way Big has only been used once by Albedo, but OH BOY! Albedo was the main antagonist of Cosmic Destruction, staying as Way Big the whole time and hiding who he was until the end, when Ben used a device called the Potis Altiare to superpower his own Way Big and launched Albedo to the moon.


Super Speed

Due to being an alternate universe version of the fastest thing alive, it would make sense for his main ability is super speed. He has shown incredible feats with super speed (shown in feats) which is only increased even further in his Super form. Due to his super speed he can do a plethora of different things like create sinkholes, tornadoes, or even just bash into his opponents for more power.

Spin Dash

Sonic’s most iconic move throughout Sonic media. In this move, he curls up into a ball and moves at incredible high speeds. He can charge this attack as an super powerful attack or to continually travel at high speeds.

Figure Eight Peel Out

(Pretend this is Scourge)
This technique allows Scourge to rev up his feet in the shape of an infinity symbol, allowing for him to build up speed and let loose for rapid acceleration.

Homing Attack

Simply put, it’s a spin dash which can home in on different targets while he’s mid air.

Chaos Control

With the use of Anarchy Beryls (or Chaos Emeralds) Scourge is capable of manipulating space and time. While Scourge has only used it to teleport from one place to another, you could also stop time, seal people in different dimensions, travel through dimensions, and even warp reality to a certain extent. It has even been used to counteract the Super Genesis Wave and reset the entire multiverse.



Ultimate Aliens

Using his Ultimatrix, Albedo can enhance the forms of his aliens to become even more powerful than before, gaining new levels of powers and abilities. This is a process that works with every alien Albedo has but we’ve only ever seen 12 aliens be used with it, both by and not by Albedo himself.

These aliens are:

Ultimate Humungousaur

As incredibly strong as Humungousaur was, he always suffered from being restricted to melee range. As such, Humungouaur’s ultimate form gains the power to turn his hands into cannons that fire either missiles or just normal bullets. This form also turns his tail into a mace and his durability skyrockets thanks to his hardened skin.

Ultimate Swampfire

let’s be honest, a lot of these ultimate aliens are just “the normal alien, but better”, Swampfire is one of these types. Ultimate Swampfire turns base Swampfire’s fire blue, making it burn SO much hotter than before, and he can even fire these out in the form of bombs. His control over plants improves too, reaching levels that his original form cannot dream of.

Ultimate Spidermonkey

Spidermonkey took the spider part of its name and made it too literal for its own good. Ultimate Spidermonkey’s strength is increased immensely while making him more spider than monkey. Aside from that, it’s another “the normal alien, but better” case, but now the web comes from his mouth instead of his tail.

Ultimate Big Chill

This one is absolutely baffling. Ultimate Big Chill ditches the cold thing and impraces it at the same time, by spitting FLAMES that are SO COLD that they FUCKING BURN! How the FUCK!? Oh yeah, and he can do the other things and even turn invisible but wtf is with that main power? Badass.

Ultimate Cannonbolt

No other ultimate alien fits the description of “the normal alien, but better” better than Ultimate Cannonbolt. It’s normal ass Cannonbolt but now he’s made of steel and has spikes, allowing him to roll faster and hit harder. In a way, that’s all you need to cause absolute destruction and carnage to anything or anybody that happens to be nearby.

Ultimate Echo Echo

Ultimate Echo Echo might have the most drastic change out of any ultimate alien. While the original Echo Echo had two main abilities, sonic screams and cloning, his ultimate form ditches the ladder and makes the sonic scream his whole gimmick. By using flying disks, he can fire sonic screams from a variety of directions, and he can even make force fields with the sonic screams.

Ultimate Wildmutt

Ultimate Wildmutt has barely any changes. He grows a scorpion tail and gets the ability to speak… that’s it… aside from the obvious strength boost, but come on, why does this exist?

Ultimate Arctiguana

Ultimate Articguana is just as bad as Wildmutt. Instead of firing ice from his mouth, they come out of the 2 weird mouth cannons on its back… again, that’s it.

Ultimate Rath

Ultimate Rath… is just a stronger Rath… why are all ultimate aliens from Omniverse kinda shit? Like, in Ultimate Alien, you had Echo Echo and Big Chill who had cool ass ultimate forms but then there's Rath… he’s stronger… oooo.

Ultimate Gravattack

Finally, a good one. Ultimate Gravattack fully embraces the gravity theme and gives him his own little planet projectiles, as well as flying with no problem whatsoever thanks to just being a very small planet.

Ultimate Way Big

Ultimate Way Big is 100% the most powerful form Albedo has, although, there’s not much it does in terms of unique abilities. What it DOES do is take Way Big’s laser power and fleshes it out a little, allowing it to be formed into different shapes, like a laser disk. He can even spin around to make a tornado that reflects other laser blasts.

Ultimate Albedo

Yeah, Albedo has his own ultimate form, made by evolving his Galvan DNA, basically making Ultimate Greymatter. In this form, Albedo gets smarter, so smart in fact, that the joke of opening your third eye with your intelligence becomes real. With this eye, Albedo can create energy beams, energy pulses, and even force fields. Also, that little piece of tech he’s sitting(?) on is a hovercraft, it allows him to fly.


Super Scourge

Scourge’s very own super form which turns him purple. As most super forms do, he gets stronger, faster, and has invulnerability, being able to feel no damage attacks which should hurt him. However, the downside to this form is when it eventually runs out, he is weaker than he was before he went into it so this form is basically a double edge sword.




  • Has been able to defeat Kevin, Gwen, and Ben

  • Defeated a massive group of Humungousaur as Ultimate Humungousaur

  • Was capable of taking down a whole DNAlien base as well as 3 Forever Knight bases in 3 days

  • Was smart enough to be an assistant in creating the Omnitrix

  • Was able to break out of prison and steal the Ultimatrix



  • As the gif shows above, he outran Ben as Fasttrack

  • Fast enough to dodge concussive energy beams




  • Was able to defeat Tails, Silver, Amy, Rob, Rosy, Shadow and even Metal Sonic

  • Has been able to match and even defeat Sonic (or different versions of him) on multiple occasions

  • Scourge claimed he was stronger than everyone in his prison which included Mephiles, and Void, Silver Snively/Robolactus, and Werehog Sonic

  • Conquered his home dimensions planet and become king in a few days

  • With the help of the Destructix, he was able to break out of prison






Ben Tennyson

Albedo has shown to be able to fight and match Ben on similar footing before. This coupled with the fact that Albedo has all the same aliens as Ben up until Omniverse and has become Ben 2.0 due to Ben’s DNA becoming the default setting for the Omnitrix which caused Albedo to turn into a look alike, he should reasonably scale.


Simply put, Ben has shown on multiple occasions to be able to fight and match Vilgax, beating him on multiple occasions. Due to Albedo being a nearly 1 to 1 copy of Ben and his aliens, he should scale.

Kevin and Gwen

Ben throughout the series and mainly in Alien Force and Ultimate Alien has shown to be superior to these two as they often rely on him for a majority of the heavy lifting. Due to Albedo as stated above, being a nearly 1 to 1 clone, he should scale.

  • Kevin was capable of moving in tandem with blasts of radiation

  • Kevin survives explosions from uranium poop (2.08 Kilotons)


Archie Sonic

Scourge should be around if not equal to Sonic in terms of his physical capabilities. They have been stated to be equal to each other on multiple occasions and have been able to match each other in speed and strength as well.

Game/Other Sonics

Archie Sonic should be comparable if not superior to Game sonic. However, the games also should be soft canon to Archie Sonic meaning sonic should scale to all the game sonic feats.

  • In the Games, Sonic and Shadow were comparable to Ultimate Emerl which

    • Absorbed all 7 Chaos Emeralds which can 

    • Absorbed an unknown amount of energy from the final egg blaster which destroyed an entire Star cluster (465 ExaFOE)

  • Sonic was able to keep up with Solaris which could spread his light across the universe, and all other branching timelines (77 Quadrillion c, possibly higher)

Dr. Eggman

Sonic has shown time and time again to constantly outmatch Dr. Eggman. Due to Scourge being equal to Sonic, he should scale to everything Eggman can do.

Freedom Fighters (and Other Characters)

Sonic should be superior to the rest of the Freedom Fighters due to not only being their leader but also throughout Archie comics is stated to be the strongest. Due to Scourge being equal to Sonic, he should scale.



While smart, Albedo is not without his flaws. His intelligence might be his biggest flaw. Due to how intelligent he is, he often underestimates his opponents or thinks he is superior to them. This can cause him to be overly cocky and do something that isn’t all that smart. He also doesn’t have real combat training.


While Scourge doesn’t have any conventional weaknesses, he does have flaws which hold him back. For starters he’s extremely cocky and prideful, thinking that he can do everything by himself with no help due to his strength and speed. He also doesn’t have much actual combat training which could be a weakness of his.

Before the Verdict

Alien X?

A big question that might be asked is, Where is Alien X? Well Albedo doesn’t really have access to Alien X. While Albedo is shown to have Alien X on different occasions like when he had the omnitrix when shuffling through his aliens, paradox in one episode states an alternate universe Albedo uses it, and even has been shown to use it in the games, he doesn’t have it anymore. Mainly due to the fact Ben had Kevin lock Alien X out of the ultimatrix given the fact he didn’t ever want Albedo to use it. So Albedo shouldn’t have access to Alien X but even if he did, he wouldn’t be able to properly use it. This is shown in the game when he transforms into Alien X and is stuck for over a year given he didn’t have the permission to do anything. So even if he did use Alien X, he most likely wouldn’t have permission to do anything.



Stats really aren’t much of a debate this fight. Simply put, Scourge’s stats blow Albedo’s out of the water. 

First let us start with a lowball of Scourge's stats, using nothing that cannot be calculated compared to Albedo’s. Albedo’s best AP feat is destroying a planet as Way Big which the high end gets 203 Ronnatons of TNT. If we were to look at Scourge’s feats alone, his best feat really is stating he could spin dash 2 planets in half as Super Scourge. While we don’t have an exact calculation for said feat, it would most likely be in the planetary level range, making Albedo in Way Big stronger. However, if we are to use scaling then Scourge should reasonably scale to Sonic who defeated Ultimate Emerl. This is impressive because Ultimate Emerl absorbed an unknown amount of energy from the final egg blaster which could wipe out a star cluster, a feat worth 465 ExaFoe. If we were to say Emerl only absorbed 1% of its energy, Scourge would still be 546,400,783,852,359,599,901 times stronger. 

Speed doesn’t get much better. If are to be generous to Albedo, his best speed feat is scaling to Ben which gets 29.28 Billion c due to Ben being able to get from one planet to another while reacting to asteroids during this time. Scourge’s best direct feat has him at 654.43 Million c. However, using scaling this turns to Scourge's favor again becoming 77 Quadrillion c, a 2,629,781.42077 times gap in speed. 

This gets even worse for Albedo given the fact that it was just calculable feats. Through scaling to Sonic, Super Scourge would get multiversal+ as Super Sonic was able to hold back the Super Genesis Wave which was going to destroy the infinite universes and timelines in the Sonic and Megaman universe. As for speed well, Scourge would get to immeasurable speeds given the fact Sonic was able to run through stopped time through sheer speed alone. This makes the gap between Albedo and Scourge for both stats infinitely big.

Now if we are to give Albedo the benefit of the doubt and give him Alien X, things could become interesting, if he was allowed permission to do anything. This is due to the fact Alien X can recreate infinite universes putting him at least at universal+ and infinite in speed. However, this is unlikely to happen given how Alien X works and him not even having it.

Arsenal & Abilities

Albedo has a massive advantage when it comes to the variety of his abilities due to his alien transformations. This gives Albedo many abilities which could possibly get the jump on Scourge. For example, he could use Upchuck or Eatle to eat things in their surrounding environment and send energy blasts at him, become Goop and basically become undamageable and trap him inside his goop, become intangible with Ghostfreak or Big Chill, clone himself with echo echo or ditto, control magnetic fields with Lodestar, or even control the gravity with Gravattack.

While these abilities are useful, it doesn’t really matter considering Albedo wouldn’t be fast enough to activate any of these abilities on Scourge before getting speed blitzed and defeated. If we are to give Scourge Anarchy Beryls, this only makes matters worse given now he has chaos control. This would allow Scourge to pretty much do whatever he wants like stop time, teleporting, or sending Albedo into another dimension entirely.

Tertiary Factors

Simply put, Scourge just has more going for him. While Albedo is definitely smarter than Scourge, Scourge has far more combat experience than Albedo. This is due to the fact Scourge has been fighting for years while Albedo has only fought on a few occasions while he spent most of his life as “Ben” inside of a prison cell. Even with his better intellect, we have seen Albedo get outmatched by dumber opponents such as Ben himself.

When it comes to forms, while Albedo has more, there is nothing he can do against Super Scourge. This is mainly due to the stat gap but even without it, the invulnerability just means anything Albedo throws at Super Scourge just won’t affect him since he cannot be hurt.


"But, someday, I will be free, then they will all suffer, starting with Ben Tennyson. Until that day - BRING ME CHILI-FRIES!"


  • Is overall more intelligent 

  • Has more abilities and options to keep Scourge on his toes but…

  • Is not the Genshin Impact character

  • Has Ultimate Echo Echo


  • Gets stat stomped 

  • Less actual combat experience

  • Has no way to handle Super Scourge

  • … is constantly playing a game of catch up against the faster Scourge

  • Has to transform in order to gain his abilities unlike Scourge

  • Has no real counters against certain Chaos Control abilities

  • Is not the tall sexy succubus

  • Ben 10: Ultimate Alien


"I know why you hate me. I know... And it's not just the Fiona thing, or that I'm better's that all it takes is one bad day, and you'd be just like me."


  • Takes stat trinity in spades

  • Far more actual combat experience

  • Super Scourge only makes this stat gap even bigger

  • Due to his speed, will constantly be in control of the fight

  • Has most of his abilities from the start 

  • Chaos Control can overwhelm Albedo

  • Has hella drip

  • Scourge > Surge tbh


  • Is far less intelligent than Albedo 

  • Has less abilities and versatility than Albedo does

  • Is into cuckholding

  • Jobs a lot early on

Almost no matter how you look at this match up, Scourge is just far superior. Scourge would just win through the sheer size of the stat gap (Dwarf Star and FTL - MFTL vs Solar System - Multiversal+ and MFTL - Immeasurable) which could get literally infinitely big using certain feats. This massive gap in speed would be Albedo would never be able to land a hit or use his abilities nor use his keen intellect to try to come up with a strategy to win. This isn’t helped by the fact Scourge has far more combat experience as well. Scourge’s clear superiority just forced Albedo to watch and learn.

The winner is Scourge the Hedgehog.

Final Tally

Albedo (0) - We need a debatable MU 

Scourge the Hedgehog (6) - The_Elemental2, 𝓐𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓪, Round 1 Fight, Phoenix Wright, No Pain, Narshima

Next Time…

Spooky vs Malak (Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion vs Dark Deception)

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