Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Death Battle Predictions: Ramattra vs Adam Taurus (Bonus Blog)


You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.” 

- Malcom X

Ramattra, The Shimbali Monk turned leader of Null Sector from Overwatch 

Adam Taurus, the head leader of the White Fang movement from RWBY

Peace and happiness is something that all humans strive to achieve. It’s even one of the three rights humans should have according to the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson. However, prejudice can often get in the way of peace and happiness leading to violence and hatred. When this happens it’s up to leaders to stand against the violence and fight back against their oppressors whether that means peaceful or not.

These two civil rights leaders took a more violent approach to obtain peace from their oppressors. Will the brutal Omnic leader be able to match the High Leader of the Faunus? Well it’s time to see who would win in a DEATH BATTLE!

Before We Start…

Like most of our blogs, the media list for what we're giving both characters is fairly simple. Ramattra will be given the games, comics, novels, shorts and any other canon media that Overwatch has. For Adam, he will be given the show as well as any specials, shorts, trailers, as well as any other media that is canon.



We will have peace at any cost.

Technology is something we all enjoy. YOU are currently using it to read this blog. But what if technology was like us. An entire extra race of people. In the world of Overwatch, these people were the Omnics. They lived harmoniously amongst the humans until the AI program Anubis made a choice. Its choice was to wipe out the humans and started making a legion of rebellious Omnics to take out the human race. Luckily for the world as we know it, a group was formed to combat the Omnic threat. This was Overwatch.

Overwatch would defeat the Omnics and they would go back to living amongst the humans, or, at least they hoped. See after the crisis humans became extremely hostile to the omnics after the crisis with a bit of robo Racism. Meanwhile all of the Omnics made to destroy humans now had to find a new purpose against the oppression of the humans. And one of the Omnics who needed to find themselves was Ramattra.

During the Omnic Crisis Ramattra was a Ravager meant to exterminate mankind but what he really wanted was peace and the betterment of his people. So when he got a chance he took it. Ramattra would join the Shambali monks in the Shambali Monastery. This was a group of Omnics who had been awakened spiritually past their original programming. Rammattra entered and studied under the tutelage of Tekhartha Mondatta. As he studied he also traveled abroad to spread the Shambali beliefs. This is when he came across Zenyatta, a young Omnic who was also in search of purpose. The two formed a bond making them as close as brothers and they together continued to learn the Shambali ways.

But overtime things just kept getting worse for him and his fellow ombics as humans treated them poorly. He and Zenyatta had almost died for the Shambali's methodology and nothing changed. Despite this, Mondatta urged Ramattra to be patient but when nothing changed, he left the Shambali in search of his own way to help the Omnics. This is also where he developed a hate for humankind much like the Omnics before him.

This is when Rammatra began meeting other Omnics who were more willing to fight for their rights than pray humans eventually become nice. Together they formed Null Sector and began building an Omnic army. However the group's founders began questioning how far they were willing to go while Rammatra sent Null Sector into King's Row for an uprising. This uprising failed and soon enough the other Null Sector founders were dead or left in disagreement with Rammatra.

Now, Rammattra has grown Null Sector further and is on the attack once more. Rammattra has made his choice to liberate the Omnics by any means necessary and there is no going back.

Adam Taurus


"I am making humanity pay for what they've done"

In the world of Remnant, there are 3 species that roamed the land that are the soulless Grimm,humankind and lastly Faunus-kind. Faunus are a mixed race of humans with animalistic attributes. Due to their abnormal features, Faunus were unfortunately discriminated against by mankind with the latter viewing them as nothing less than vermin. It often ranged from picking on them for the way they look to outright slaughtering their kind,imprisoning them and/or forcing them to work under harsh work environments. Things did start to change a bit during the Great War between kingdoms from different parts of the world,Vale & Vacou vs Mantle & Mistral. When the war was over, the world seeked compromise which led to equal rights for faunus in the world of remnant. They were even given a continent known as Menagerie as a safe haven of sorts for faunus alike. Faunus were divided on their views of humans, some wanted to see the opposing side feel the same suffering they felt ,some wanted equality amongst the humans and faunus while others simply didn't know what else to do at such injustice.

Where does Adam Taurus fit into all of this you may ask? - When Adam was younger, he was forced to work under the Schnee Dust company,the founder of Remnant's most reliable resource being dust, and had his eye branded with the company's logo. Years passed and Adam discovered his safe haven “The White Fang” which stood as an organization that fought for the welfare of Faunus originally led by Sienna Khan aided by Ghira Belladonna. During one night, the daughter of Ghira confronted Adam after hearing about the reported capture of his faunus brothers causing the latter some grief. In an act of empathy, the belladonna daughter bonded with Adam and joined his cause in reenacting justice on those who wronged their people going on multiple heists doing just that. Adam was a mentor to Blake but also a former flame of his who she thought saw the world like she did describing him as “Justice or Passion”. Gradually over time, seeing the wolf in sheep's clothing, as the missions went on while faunus were rescued humans had perished justified as “accidents”. Adam eventually reveals his true intentions to start a revolution not for the sake of equality between faunus and humans but an uprising where the latter will face the flames of hell he had to endure.Blake cut ties with him claiming to seek her own path of peace; joining Beacon Academy and becoming a fellow huntress down the road fairly known as Team RWBY. But all good things crash and burn, as Cinder causes the fall of the beacon and with the added help of a ghost from Blake's past. In a hopeless endeavor, Adam retorts to Blake's ideas of unity to be impossible and that he'll start his revolution by destroying everyone Blake cared for [resentful that Blake abandoned his cause] and that he did with the loss of her best friend/future partner's arm. 

Nevertheless Adam got to work, building a new empire for the White Fang after getting rid of the former leader Sienna khan. But it didn't stop there, Faunus who didn't comply with his rule met the same fate the humans did. At this time, Adam viewed himself as above it all or well untouchable as his power began spreading. However Blake returned with a new sense of self fighting alongside her trusted ally Sun wukong and a horde of Menagerie's faunus folk to rally against Adam's intoxicated form of justice. After reconciling with Ilia, a devoted ally to Adam, they managed to stop the bombing of Haven Academy along with dismantling Adam's movement entirely. Adam,in his mixed feeling of spite and control, decided to track Blake belladonna down across Anima during her trip to Argus to bring the relics to Ironwood alongside Team RWBY,JNR & etc. (Blaming her existence for his pitfalls and getting into her head psychologically). Blake was alone this time facing an unrecognizable ghost from one she confronted before. Fortunately for her, Yang Xiao Long comes into the scene and fights with Blake against Adam once and for all. Adam tears Yang down reminding her of that traumatic moment where she wasn't strong enough to protect the one she cared for while also showcases envy at why Blake would consider being partners with what he deems to be a coward like her. Adam's tale comes to an end as the two girls' combined Teamwork gets the best of him as they were forced to end his life with double penetration to the chest with his body falling into a waterfall shortly after.In the end, let Adam's fate be a cautionary tale on how the advocation of revenge can make you become the monsters we originally planned to abolish.


Experience & Skill


Rammattra used to be a Ravager during the Omnic Crisis meaning he had been fighting in war since his conception. He and his fellow Omnics threw the world into chaos and if not for Overwatch they probably would have taken it over. He has been taught of the Iris from the Shambali monks and has learned of their ways which have helped him convince many Omnics to join him. Most importantly Rammattra has been shown to be an effective leader for Null Sector and has set up an invasion on the world using his Omnic army. Rammattra has so far not shown his true skill in combat as he has not appeared in a story fight yet but when he does, we can only hope Overwatch is ready to suffer as he has. 

Adam Taurus

During his time in the White Fang, Adam has been fighting against human supremacists and atlesian soldiers for several years in advance while being responsible for their respective deaths on missions. In terms of Combat, Adam's fighting skill is based on Iaido, a martial art that largely emphasizes on killing an aggressor with the unsheathing of your sword and quick, wide swings. You can see it in how he fought the droids every strike is followed either by a few similar strikes or him sheathing Wilt. This is further shown with his fight with Yang as he shoots his blade and hurls it as a saw-like attack to overwhelm her with extensive force. He’s skilled enough to compete with Yang Xiao Long herself, one of Beacon Academy's top huntresses and adapting to her fighting style that bears some resemblance to Muay Thai.



Void Accelerator

Ramattra's choice weapon for combat. It's a large staff that fires a swarm of highly powerful nanites at you. The nanites come from and orbit an orb that can be removed from the staff.

Omnic Mind Wiping Device

Rammatra has access to a device that wipes an Omnics memory bank and leaves them to nothing but a husk of an Omnic.

Adam Taurus

Wilt and Blush

Wilt and Blush is Adam's primary weapon of choice. With Wilt being a traditional Japanese chokutō while Blush plays the role of a rifle that also functions as the sword's scabbard. Blush's rifle rounds can shoot targets from a distance for mid-long ranged combat (having roughly seven rounds per shot) whereas Wilt is most effective in close range dealing heavy yet swift slashes leading to an incredible amount of damage rate. It could also be said that Wilt has traces of red dust, Dust being the physical source of energy in remnant, red dust produces flames when it is further showcased when he left a trail of fire against a droid he slashed in the “Black Trailer". Thou Wilt is most deadly when factoring in how his semblance works (See more in the Moonslice section).



Omnic Physiology 

Rammatra is a mass produced Omnic unit called a Ravager. This gives him all your usual robot perks such as not needing to eat, sleep or breathe. It also allows him to perceive small details humans can't like the difference between two styles of clock timing (More on this feat later).


As shown above Rammatra can summon the Void Accelerator out of nothing.

Void Barrier

A nanite barrier that Ramattra can cast to block incoming enemy fire before disappearing after a short time. Rammtra and his teammates however can fire through this barrier.

Ravenous Vortex

Ramattra throws a ball of nanites that forms an AoE area. In this area enemies are slowed, damaged and pulled downwards into the zone.


Annihilation Is Ramattra's ultimate ability. Once charged Ramattra will automatically be put into his Nemesis Form (more on this later) but its duration is reduced to 3. However, Ramattra can slow the rate at which the timer on this ability moves by leaching away at nearby enemies’ health in a radius around himself.

Adam Taurus


Aura is a life-force energy that exists within all living beings. It's a manifestation of the user's soul projecting an invisible coated barrier around the body to protect them from harm. It, by extension, enhances the user's physical capabilities and heals their wounds (recovering from a black eye,small cuts and a stab wound located at the torso). Aura has also been shown to adapt to hot and cold environments; characters like Flynt & Yatsuhashi withstand lava bursts as well as geysers. Weiss by the time of V7 pointed out that Aura alongside heated clothing can protect an individual from the monstrously cold weather of Soltis that could freeze several grimm instantaneously. The Fall of Beacon novel goes in depth with how characters like Fox, despite his lack of sight, can locate others within a wide area using his aura. But most importantly of all, a person can unlock a special power associated with them,whether as a result of some sort of emotion where positive or negative within their life, known as a “Semblance”.


Adam Taurus gained a semblance of his own throughout his journey, the “Moonslice”. This ability allows him to store up energy from his blade after receiving impact whether that be from gunfire as well as physical harm. After the charge, Adam's hair glows a light red as he launches a sword slash shockwave at his target and on top of this he can produce a giant engulfing blast that consumes the area he's in. Blake herself even compared the exponential boost in power to Yang's semblance, which doubles the power she can dish out.



Nemesis Form

Ramattra isn't just a robot with a staff, he can also pummel you with his Nemesis Form. The Nemesis Form gives Ramattra an increase in health while also giving him a punch attack which fires purple projections that pass through barriers. This form can also block incoming damage by holding its arms up and has an 8 second duration (whether this time limit is a gameplay mechanic or canon is unknown).

Adam Taurus





  • Has fought and continues to fight for Omnic equality

  • Was a highly regarded member among the Shambali monks

  • A founder of the Omnic revolutionary group, Null Sector

  • Has spread Null Sector across the globe and acted as their leader




Adam Taurus


  • Held a part in the Fall of Beacon Academy 

  • Almost succeed in bombing Haven Academy 

  • Fought off a gang of human supremacists 

  • Carried out multiple heists against SDC alongside Blake and ilia

  • Bested Yang in their first encounter, leaving her shell of her former self 

  • Overthrown Sienna khan becoming the new head of the White Fang 

  • Tracked Blake belladonna down during team rwby's journey across anima




(Mach 6.82)


  • Took an uppercut punch from Blake without aura

  • Took several of Blake's automatic pistol rounds

  • Endured an onslaught barrage from Yang

  • Withstood a motorbike slamming into him

Scaling Section 



As a former Ravager, Rammatra is built to be one of the strongest Omnics and should be on par with Heavy Omnic Units capable of giving members of Overwatch trouble. Also uhh all Overwatch characters can take hits and harm other characters in gameplay which likely would not be far off from how the verse is in lore.


Rammatra is portrayed to be similar in power to Doomfist, who not only has beaten many Overwatch members, but should be comparable if not stronger than most of his terrorist group, Talon.


Pretty much the same reasons for scaling from the other two categories apply here. Rammatra is narrative portrayed as a top tier and above most of the cast fitting his tank role.

Adam Taurus


Adam and Blake used to be battle partners on the battlefield fighting similar level threats like the spider droid. Adam on many occasions has overpowered Blake[even stabbing her in the stomach] and fought evenly with Yang and was responsible for the loss of her arm with his Moonslice. Ruby and Weiss never interacted with him but given how the two are on similar footing to the former examples, it should be reasonable.

  • Weiss freezing a Deathstalker Grimm making medium sized glaciers (5.7 Kilotons of TNT)

  • Yang punches the grimm so hard it caused a massive explosion of this magnitude (7 Kilotons of TNT)


As a result of his consistent showings of being on par with Yang and Blake, it's only fair he should scale to the other miscellaneous characters they fought or are comparable with.



Due to Rammattra's limited screen time we aren't shown many weaknesses of his. We do know he is incredibly devoted to his people and lacks discipline when dealing with matters related to them. He can be quick to act and may not think everything through like how he didn't plan for Overwatch coming in during the King's Row uprising. We also know he is devoted to his goal to the point where he would rather drive everyone around him away than to give it up and try to be patient with the humans.

In gameplay Rammattra is shown to also lack range as while his Void Accelerator can hit enemies from a far they deal low damage and are slow moving. He also struggles to deal with groups when not using his Annihilation ultimate.

Adam Taurus

                   (He's finally Dead!)

In spite of his many achievements,Sienna was right to say Adam is anything but invincible. Adam's semblance, Moonslice, is heavily reliant on damage absorbed from his Wilt and Blush; meaning if it were removed from the equation Adam can't utilize his semblance. Also his aura is finite at the end of the day, overuse of his semblance or too much damage inflicted to his aura can cause it to flicker and eventually break leaving him defenseless. Without an Aura, he is unable to use his semblance and while aura can heal wounds, it has its limits shown when Nora absorbed enough electricity to the point where she gained permanent scars all over her body [with jaune's aura buffs being unable to remedy the injury]. It should also be noted that Adam has a sense of superiority over his opponents and if it's backed into a corner, his fighting style becomes a lot more messy and predictable.

Before the Verdict

City Level and MFTL+ Overwatch?

City and MFTL+ Overwatch is a highly contentious topic within the VS community. Today we are here to try and prove their validity as feats. After quickly saying we don't buy the Sojourn surviving bombs that destroy a city. So for context, in one of the novels, Sojourn was able to survive an explosion which had a 3 mile radius. The calculation for this explosion gets 5.101 Megatons which is small city level. Now this may seem consistent with other feats however, there is one major issue with the feat, surface area. When the detonator went off, Sojourn was already a significant distance away from the epicenter of the explosion. In the novel, it states she was around 300 meters from the detonator coupled with the fact she had got a few more meters away from the explosion as well means that the value of the feat wouldn’t net anything significant any enough to warrant being mentioned.

However, other City Level feats are likely valid. Starting with the Torbjörns large cannon it is stated to shoot with the energy of a volcano. This can get to anywhere between 3.35 to 33.5 Megatons of TNT. This would mean the feat ranged from Small City+ to City level. But how do the regular character scale you may ask? Because Genji and Meis backpack could harm the Titan Omnic in the Zero Hour short meaning they could downscale/scale to this feat. Rammatra would then upscale Genji and Mei for the reasons we explained during the scaling section. 

This is then backed up by Sigma’s Kinetic Grasp feats. Due to Sigma being able to convert kinetic energy into a shield with a mini black hole we should be able to use Hawking Radiation and E=MC². This gets us many feats that reach into the Megaton range such as Pharah's rockets and Orisa’s spear which would back up City Level Overwatch (Star level from Graviton Surge is a major outlier though).

Now onto the more contentious topic of discussion, MFTL+ Overwatch. So where does this even come from? Well first we have to look at one of the novels which. In this novel we learn that omnics have a massive debate on the timing of a certain song. This timing was stated to be a Microfraction of a Microsecond difference, an omnics are capable of processing and reacting to this difference in timing in playing these instruments. A Microfraction of a Microsecond is, in the real world, a picosecond. However, this feat isn’t inherently MFTL+ itself; it is the main stem point for the MFTL+ Overwatch arguments.

Now you may ask, how is Overwatch MFTL+. In one of the volumes of the Overwatch comic, Tracer was capable of speed blitzing a group of Omnics which netted 130,069.98c. Now you may be thinking, well Tracer is the speedster of overwatch it would make sense that she scales and only her. Well that’s where you would be wrong. For starters, multiple characters have been able to keep up with Tracer such as Genji, Doomfist, and Widowmaker. This shows that at the bare minimum they should downscale from this feat. Secondly, Tracer isn’t the only character shown to speed blitz Omnics: Genji speed blitzed Maximillion, Cassidy out paced an Omnic Sniper, and Sojourn was shown to blitz passed multiple Omnics. So characters speed blitzing Omnics with Picosecond reaction times is consistent.

Multi Cont Overwatch???

It's really funny but no lmao. It's a reference to One Punch Man in a collaboration. It's definitely not canon along with being a major outlier.

RWBY/JLA Canonicity ?   

Yes the crossovers are canon to the rwby series ; the death and rebirth of Watts is a crucial plot point of the original series [as the film references Watts's death along with the fall of Atlas which specifically happens in the finale of volume 8]. To further back this up, team RWBY are seen in vacuo which is where they left off in volume 9's final episode. However, I should make this clear that I'm not attempting to scale the girls to herald tier cuz these are drastically different versions of the justice league like in most animated crossovers revolving DC. So I'll be focusing more on what they've done within the film itself.

Tier 7 & FTL RWBY?

Similarly to his opposition, RWBY being FTL is another rather contentious topic argued back and forth within the versus community. In this corner, I'll be providing the receipts on the legitimacy of this line of scaling. Exhibit A: Silver Eyes: The Silver Eyes's light have shown to emit actual light, as they have lighted up a whole room and casted shadows in the events of Vol 6 Ch 6 "Alone in the Woods". Maria backs this up even further in her talk with Ruby (Vol 6 Ch 8 Dead End) saying "It is the desire to preserve life which fuels the light inside you. And to make no mistake, it is light". Magic light or no normal light, that doesn't change the fact that it still operates as light with the only "magically thing" being its special properties on Grimm which doesn't hold much effect on it not displaying the same properties. The flash is just a literal ray of light, which should be Light speed. Now with that out of the way, we have two feats involving the silver eyes : Cinder escaping ruby's Silver Eyes in V7's Finale boasting results of 12-22% the Speed of light and the Apathy feat where it moves in tandem with the light before getting vaporized due to grimm being susceptible to it, this feat surprisingly boasts faster than light(1c)  speeds. Now for the home stretch folks, we go on to Exhibit B: Penny's lasers/Due Process cannon. Putting these two together due to them both holding similar qualities. Penny's Laser beams are in fact lasers showcased in Amity Arena that were described in the Penny 2.0 card and it refracts off a Mammoth grimm's tusk. While some might put instances of force to dispute this, there are stuff such as Optical tweezers which are essentially able to use highly focused laser beams that make it clear lasers can indeed have exert a level of force . Now with that out of the way, Winter intercepted the laser beam from Ironwood's Due Process cannon dishing out the highest calculated speed feat for rwby being 4.12c (4 times the speed of light). We see team JNR + Oscar (who's essentially a rookie) keep up with Ironwood who's had no qualms in the speed department against winter later on.

Tier 7 Rwby is a bit less controversial than Overwatch but still worth mentioning regardless. There’s the plethora of low kiloton feats with Weiss freezing a deathstalker grimm making medium sized glaciers (5.7 Kilotons of TNT),Yang punches the grimm so hard it caused a massive explosion of this magnitude (7 Kilotons of TNT) and lastly team RWBY overpowering the centinel grimm who are capable of digging through the rock of Atlas (29.12 Kilotons of TNT). The Grimm Wyvern backs them with its feats of destroying a mountain top and causing an earthquake across the city of vale yielding similar results from 2 Kilotons- 70 Kilotons of TNT. Now for the city meta, it surprisingly has a good amount of merit. In the spinoff series,Ice Queendom, Team RWBY defeated Negative Blake (a dark reflection of blake created by the nightmare grimm) who can match Negative Weiss (Weiss who was formerly possessed by aforementioned  grimm) who created a massive snowstorm that covered a kingdom worth  5.80 Megatons of TNT . This level of power isn't too absurd with Yang's higher end of her meteor clashing feat reaching 1.7 Megatons of TNT, Oscar's barriers surface area against the long memory explosion outputting 2.68 Megatons of TNT and let's not forget the infamous feat of Vine exerting his aura arms to stop a bomb that would have destroyed Mantle yielding an impressive 7.5 megatons of TNT. A flock of Tempest grimm created a massive storm cloud across atlas providing a kinetic energy output of 21 Megatons of TNT Together, with 3.04 Megatons of TNT for each Tempest and we see Yang being able to combat one Tempest grimm in the RWBY/JLA Part 2 Movie giving another avenue of scaling. And this is without adding maidens into question, like Amber who create storms that generate 9 Megatons of TNT

The Adam Section

Now that we got a decent understanding of how rwby scales for this match, how does this all circle back to Adam is what you're curious about? Well I think it's fair to at the very least downscale Adam to our Modern day RWBY team. You might be thinking “But didn't Adam die in V6”? and while you are correct that he leaves the narrative at that point; there's still a case to be had given there wasn't that massive of a gap in power given the lack of training segments between V6-V9 (with most of the segments focusing specifically on training the effectiveness of their semblances and going on several rescue missions in arrow fell and V9 focused more so on self improvement). Now I'm not saying Team RWBY have not in any way gotten stronger since then but it's not a massive leap in comparison to say Dragon ball where you jumped from saiyan saga planet busting to Solar system ending with Cell saga. Plus Adam has been narratively portrayed as Yang's equal in most regards as well as noticeably tougher than Blake given his performance in their fight before Yang showed up.



Like all of our blogs, we will be first discussing stats. Due to the contentious nature of Overwatch and RWBY stats we will be looking at this from two angles, low end stats vs low end stats and high end stats vs high end stats. So to begin let us start with low end stats.

To begin with, we will start with AP and Durability. Ramattra himself doesn’t really have any feats in the story however, he should scale to other characters for reasons mentioned in the scaling section. With this scaling his low end AP and Durability would likely be around 348 Kilotons of TNT through scaling to Sigma converting Ana’s bullets into energy. On Adam’s end, his low end scaling would likely get him 70 Kilotons of TNT from a Wyvern Grimm causing an earthquake. This puts Ramattra at 4.97 times stronger than Adam. Thus giving Ramattra a pretty sizable AP and Durability advantage. Now what about speed? Well the low end scaling for Ramattra would net him 6.28c through Genji deflecting Illari’s light based attacks. On the flip side, Adam’s low end scaling is actually a direct feat of him deflecting an attack from a particle cannon, a feat worth 42.151% the SoL. This would mean Ramattra is 14.9 times faster than Adam. So using low ends, Ramattra should not only be stronger but also faster.

Now what about high end arguments? Well to begin with, Ramattra should get 29.23 - 68.2 Megatons of TNT through Sigma converting Orisa’s spear into energy. This is consistent with Sigma being able to convert other objects like Pharah’s rocket and Ashe’s dynamite which would net similar results. Adam would scale to Vine exerting his aura arms to stop a bomb that would have destroyed Mantle yielding an impressive 7.5 megatons of TNT. This level of power is backed up with the Tempest Storm and Negative Weiss's storm netting similar albeit less impressive results. Using these feats, Ramattra should be anywhere from 3.9 to 9 times stronger than Adam, around what the Low end scaling was at. Now when it comes to speed, Ramattra should scale to Tracer who was able to speed blitz Omnics with Picosecond reaction times. This would net his speed at 130,069.68c. Compared to Adam who would net at  4.12c from Winter intercepting a laser beam from Ironwood’s due process cannon. This would make the gap between the two 31,570.31 times bigger in terms of speed. This makes the gap between the two significantly bigger than what low end scaling, however, this still is consistent with the fact that Ramattra should still be faster.

However if you factor Moonslice's amplification which doubles Adam's power making him 140 Kilotons-15 Megatons of TNT , the gap slightly diminishes from 1-4 times gap in strength for the high ends and 2 times weaker for his lower ends. Nevertheless, Ramattra takes the stat advantage being slightly stronger and massively faster than Adam ever could match when factoring in both low and high ends.

Arsenal & Abilities

When it comes to arsenal and abilities, these two don’t have much. However, the thing they do have in common is they can easily interchange between melee and long range combat.

When it comes to melee, both have completely separate ways of up-closing fighting. Ramattra when in melee combat uses his Nemesis form which allows him to fire close range energy blasts from his fists. He also gains a boost in health and is capable of using it to block incoming damage. On the other hand, Adam uses his sword, Wilt which is focused on swift slashes. The biggest issue for Ramattra is the fact his Nemesis only lasts 8 seconds. Once that timer runs out he has to wait another 8 seconds before it can be used again. Unlike Adam who can constantly use his sword with no issue. On the flip side, while Nemesis only lasts 8 seconds, Ramattra would be capable of taking way more damage due to his now increased health and damage being lessened by his block. This means that Ramattra could be able to get in close, survive the damage from Adam’s swift strikes and even a Moonslice, and take Adam out in those 8 seconds. While both have their pro’s and con’s, they are about even in utility in this match. 

Now onto their long ranged weapons. Ramattra has his Void Accelerator which is a staff which shoots out nanites. Adam has his rifle, Blush. Ramattra’s Void Accelerator biggest issue is that it’s not great from long range and it’s quite slow when traveling far distances which can likely be exploited by Adam if he decides to try to make this a long range battle and use his Blush which, has good enough range to be capable of doing so. While Blush doesn’t have any inherent weaknesses other than its relatively small ammunition capacity, Ramattra actually has counters to the long range attacks of Blush with his Void Barrier. He would be able to place it down and block multiple shots from Adam’s Blush while also being able to fire from behind it with no issues. So while Adam might have a better advantage from close range, Ramattra is fully capable of countering that advantage. 

Now these characters both have one signature ability, that being Annihilation for Ramattra and Moonslice for Adam. Annihilation allows for Ramattra to passively damage opponents in the nearby radius around him. As long as he is damaging his opponent, Annihilation’s timer slows down and Ramattra can use it for longer than its 3 second duration. Moonslice allows for Adam to absorb energy absorbed by the blade and send it black in a massive slash attack. Now how can they deal with each other's signature ability? Starting with Ramattra, he actually should be able to counter Moonslice fairly well. This is mainly due to the fact that while Moonslice is powerful, it has been shown to be blocked, like when he fought Yang. Funnily enough, guess who has an ability which blocks and weakens the damage of an attack, Ramattra. In Nemesis or in Annihilation, Ramattra is capable of blocking attacks like stated above, meaning if he sees Moonslice coming (which he likely would due to the obvious signs of its activation) could block it. While he would still take damage, it wouldn’t be too much especially due to the already established AP and Durability gap. On the flip side, Adam has no real way to counter Annihilation. While Adam could possibly move from its range, it would be hard to do given the fact that Ramattra can use Ravenous Vortex which slows enemies down. While in its range, Adam’s aura would not only be getting passively damaged by the massive orb but he will also have to defend against the massive onslaught of attacks coming from Ramattra in his Nemesis form. It would basically only be a matter of time before Adam’s aura shatters from this. It’s also unlikely that Adam could just wait it out given that as long as Ramattra is dealing enough damage, the longer it stays.

While Adam does have a very good set of arsenal and abilities, Ramattra should take this category due to having more variety and being able to counter Adam’s weaponry and abilities.

Tertiary Factors

The last category of discussion, tertiary factors. To begin it’s fairly obvious Adam is more skilled and experienced with combat. Due to the nature of Overwatch as a shooter game, we haven’t seen much actual combat from Ramattra in canon and we don’t know how long he’s actually been fighting for. All we know is that he was a robot programmed for combat but we don’t know to what extent. Adam on the other hand, has been shown in plenty of fights, even taking on Blake and Yang at once and keeping up. He fairly consistently shows his skill in his speedy (Death Battle Team Member reference) strikes and quick combos. 

However, due to the nature of his physiology, Ramattra should have more stamina than Adam. While Adam isn’t necessarily a human, he still has human-like stamina, being capable of tiring out and getting exhausted. This is unlike Ramattra who is a robot which doesn't get tired or exhausted. This means that in a prolonged fight, Ramattra should be able to outlast him due to this endurance.

While Ramattra does have greater endurance, Adam should have greater skill and experience than Ramattra giving him this category.



"Perhaps one day we truly will be together again!"


  • Takes the stat trinity

  • Ramattra has a more versatile arsenal

  • Ramattra is capable of countering a lot of Adam’s arsenal

  • Annihilation could passively drain Adam's Aura and health.

  • Should have more stamina

  • Is not owned by Rooster Teeth



  • Likely not as combat experienced and skilled

  • Possibly is at a disadvantage in a ranged fight

  • … Is owned by Blizzard instead

  • RWBY music clears OW's don't @ me

Adam Taurus 

"There's no right thing to do only what's best for us!"


  • Greater combat experience and skill 

  • Moonslice might be able to close up the gap of power…

  • Can match Ramattra in the AoE department with his own Moonslice AoE attacks

  • Aura can potentially shield him from harm…

  • RWBY music clears OW's don't @ me

  • Isn’t owned by Blizzard…


  • Should be slightly weaker

  • Much Much slower 

  • Less versatile arsenal 

  • Ramattra has counters to a chunk of his arsenal

  • Likely less stamina

  • …Is owned by Rooster Teeth 

While Adam is an admirable opponent, he stood no match against Ramattra. Ramattra being stronger and far faster using low and high ends means that Adam would have to be fighting an uphill battle in terms of stats. When it comes to arsenal and abilities, while Adam could potentially match Ramattra’s AOE or long range combat, Ramattra had too much versatility and too many counters to some of the biggest parts of Adam's arsenal. And while Adam is likely more experienced and skilled, he wouldn’t be able to match Ramattra in a prolonged fight due to Ramattra having better stamina.

While Adam was a valorant opponent, he stood null chance against the fortress that is Ramattra.

The winner is Ramattra.

Final Tally

Ramattra (3) - 𝓐𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓪, Tru, Saulgoodman

Adam Taurus (1* Pity vote ) - Frisk863

Next Time…

1 comment:

  1. Pretty good blog, though I don’t really hold that much stakes in the characters involved.

    For the next time, I am wondering if you’ll be considering feats from Angel as well, considering it has Angel somewhat match a foe called the beast, whose got some pretty impressive feats like his presence creating a massive storm over LA and blocking out the sun with magic (though the latters more questionable)


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