Sunday, March 31, 2024

Death Battle Predictions: Huggy Wuggy vs Jumbo Josh (Bonus Blog)


Shut up Buzz, I’ll kill you.” -Cursed Woody

Huggy Wuggy, Experiment 1170 of the Bigger Bodies Initiative.

Jumbo Josh, the Green Gorilla locked away in Banban's Kindergarten.

I'm sure we all reminisce of happier times; times where we could ignore all the world's pains and struggles and just have fun, playing with our toys and building worlds with our imaginations. But what happens when the greed of others infiltrates our childhood innocence and corrupts it, turning it into horrific monsters?

Time to find out which of these creatures molded from the dreams of children (and a tad of science) will survive this nightmare. Will Poppy Playtime's blue, fuzzy friend hug the green beast till he pops, or will our angry friend made of clay Hulk Smash all in his way till only blood remains?

Before We Start…

Beast did not lift the entire 50 ton tree off the ground.

Ok, in all seriousness, this blog was… shockingly complex, so there's quite a bit that needs to be established.

First of all, we will be including feats, statements, abilities, and scaling from all mainline games of both franchises (the 3 Poppy Playtime chapters and the as-of now 6, possibly 7 Garten of BanBan games, depending on when that game comes out), as well as spin-off material for the sake of a more interesting debate. This includes games like Garten of BanBan: Punchrush, Project: Playtime, both of their official Roblox games (Note: these games contain different skins. The verdict won't factor them in, but we will include a section of the most notable ones just for fun), and even other material such as the Bunzo Bunny comic, the ARGs, official YouTube videos on their channels (so long as they tie in to the lore of both franchises), and even… the Poppy Playtime official Japanese manga… yes, this is real.

In the same vein, however, we will not be including crossover scaling for either character. This is for a few reasons. Firstly, its to stop the debate from turning into a boring crossover scaling fest, and secondly, even if we did include it, all of it would be unusable since it either comes from third-party games, where there's no proof the characters are as strong as their canon versions, or they only exist within dream sequences, which obviously don't count for actual scaling.

Yes, this does include the Freddy and Friends series by EnchantedMob, so no, we did not sit through hundreds of Minecraft animations for this blog.

(“How unfortunate” - NormallyNormal)


Huggy Wuggy

“Remember to take breaks!”

Welcome to Playtime Co. everyone! The toy company that makes kids dreams come true. The most popular of which is Huggy Wuggy, the toy who will squeeze you till you pop. 

But of course that's just the toy. No, what we are discussing is something darker. The Huggy Wuggy who came alive, Experiment 1170.

Let’s rewind a bit. Back in the late 70s to early 80s, Harley Sawyer (also known as The Doctor) came up with an idea to save Playtime Co. The company had been going under for some time, and they needed a solution fast, so they needed a solution fast, and luckily for them, and unfortunately for everyone else, they found a solution. If they could create giant toys, toys that would follow their commands, toys that could complete a number of tasks more efficiently than any human, toys that required no pay and minimal food, then they could cut costs and save the company.

Unfortunately for our friend The Doctor, he was struggling to find success. He believed that he could bring beings back to life, and implant their consciousness into a toy using Poppy Gel, a gel made from Poppy flowers, as he theorized that said flowers contained special properties due to their meaning across many cultures. Despite many experiments attempting to bring rats back to life, none were successful, but he hypothesized that larger test subjects could lead to better results… and they just so happened to have an on-site orphanage created by their founder, Elliot Ludwig. I'm sure nothing bad could happen there!

So after killing some orphans, The Doctor finally found himself his first success. By combining organic materials with robotic technology and just the right dose of poppy gel, he created Playtime Co’s inevitable downfall; Experiment 1006, The Prototype. The Prototype was highly intelligent, and extremely aggressive, but this success paved the way to all other experiments, and finally to our main man of today, Huggy Wuggy. 

Huggy Wuggy was created as a security system to the factory, being designed to have eyes everywhere (both figuratively and literally) and to hunt down and exterminate any intruders by any means necessary. He is described by The Doctor as the optimal outcome for an experiment, being sufficiently intelligent to hunt down his prey, but extremely loyal, so as to avoid any risks of him turning on them. Unfortunately, there was one thing The Doctor never accounted for, The Prototype. The Prototype held some sort of influence over the other experiments, and he gave them all the promise of freedom if they rebelled and killed all personnel on-site, in an event now known as “The Hour of Joy.” Huggy's loyalty now was their own undoing, as he became loyal to The Prototype and helped slaughter all personnel alongside his fellow experiments, leaving no trace of any of them as they were consumed by their fellow monsters. Unfortunately for all the other experiments, The Prototype lied, the so-called freedom was nothing more than an artificial facade from this fraud of a God, and so, the beasts were locked away in the Playtime Co factory.

However, not everyone died on that fateful day, as a single employee just so happened to call in sick, allowing them to avoid the tragedy, only to return 10 years later looking for answers. Huggy would stalk this ex-employee, slowly creeping in with the intent to kill them, but unfortunately for him, this new victim turned out to be much more capable than he ever anticipated, crushing him with a giant box and dropping him down into the depths of the facility.

Did he survive? Currently, we don't know, but make no mistake, despite his shortcomings, this monster is one you certainly never want to cross paths with, or else, you might find yourself in a tight squeeze.

Jumbo Josh

“Eat vegetables and fruits to become strong. LIKE ME!”

Jumbo Josh, the monster who haunts the halls of the Garten of Banban. Not much is known about this creature, except that he was created from Givanium, an element that causes pain and suffering across creatures who are made from it. Josh comes across as a mindless large brute who only serves to attack anyone who makes him mad. In Garten of Banban 1, the player is attacked by Jumbo Josh while they’re on an elevator, causing it to fall and crush him. He does survive this, seen pursuing the player at the end of the second game, accidentally grabbing and taking Banbaleena to his very own room. 

Jumbo Josh doesn’t appear significantly for an incredibly long time. He makes brief cameos, peeking through windows in certain sections to grab the player, making sure that the room the player is in is tidy. Jumbo Josh is seen during the monster fight, where he battles against Banban and Stinger Flynn, beating both of them. In the next game, he’s bested by Sheriff Toadster and chained up. He hasn’t made a canonical appearance since this encounter, or neither has any of his siblings (Which he does actually have).

Perhaps the real Garten of Banban was the friends we made along the way, or something, I don’t know. 

Experience & Skill

Huggy Wuggy

Huggy Wuggy is an exceptionally intelligent monster. In one instance, he was able to sneak out of Playtime Co through the ventilation system, without a single security personnel or camera noticing his escape till it was too late. In this same instance, he also demonstrated his absurd skill as a hunter and strategist. Once they gave chase, he was shot in the leg with a tranquilizer, yet despite this, he was capable of outsmarting the large group of guards chasing after him, slowly sneaking up on them, even making decoy noises to distract them as he got up close for the kill without making a noise. Ultimately, he killed 11 guards and 1 deer over the course of 4 hours and 48 minutes, while traversing 4 miles in the process, and was only caught when he allowed himself to be captured.

Additionally, in The Hour of Joy, he slaughtered dozens upon dozens of factory employees non-stop over the course of presumably an hour.

Also important to note, during the first chapter, he's shown slowly luring the player throughout the factory, stalking them just out of sight till he decides to reveal himself. Once the player escapes through the vents, he skillfully navigates them, cutting off the player's escape multiple times as he slowly closes in on them, and was only really defeated due to the conveniently closing door and the giant metal box that just so happened to be hanging above the player.

In spin-off material, like Project: Playtime, Huggy is shown to be smart enough to prepare traps and even hack complex electronics, as well as hunt down groups of players at once.

Even in stuff like the Japanese manga (which I need to remind myself somehow exists), Huggy Wuggy is shown to be smart enough to identify the Grab-Pack as a potential threat and avoid it at all costs.

All this shows that Huggy Wuggy, despite his appearance and name, is much more than just a mindless monster, but a clever hunter capable of planning out tactics on the spot.

Jumbo Josh

Jumbo Josh relies on his large figure and strength to win fights. The most notable encounter we’ve seen is during the Monster Fight, where he overpowers both Banban and Stinger Flynn. Opila Bird does jump in, but it’s unknown if Josh beats her. According to Flynn, he nd Josh have tangled a number of times in the past, as they tend to disagree on things often, due to Josh’s outbursts. Josh is also very observant, as he noticed when a single thing in his lounge was out of place.

 Alongside this, Josh is actually competent enough to pilot a massive drone and keep up with the other Gv monsters as they smash through the different classrooms in the kindergarten, even to the point of being able to smash a few of the more powerful, speedy and intelligent monsters. A notable member of Banban’s gang this applies to would be Banban himself, who possesses the DNA of Uthman Adams, one of the original scientists on the Gv project for Bring a Friend Day. 


Huggy Wuggy


Huggy has large teeth for munching on his prey. He would fit right in if he visited the UK.

Long Arms

What can I say, Huggy has long arms to grab and wrap around his victims.

Wuggy Sentry

Huggy can place down a miniature version of himself called a Wuggy Sentry. This tiny toy will alert Huggy to the location of those who pass by the Wuggy Sentry. Huggy can put down up to five Wuggy Sentries at a time. While this ability was technically introduced in Project: Playtime, official tapes from the Poppy Playtime ARG suggests this is also something he can utilize in canon.

Jumbo Josh


Josh can ride this rather large drone around for flight and just better mobility. This line of drones is actually capable of teleportation as well, as it can just appear when called upon, and teleported wherever needed before flying. 

Jumbo Josh Slippers



Huggy Wuggy

Superhuman Hearing

Project: Playtime and Poppy Playtime Forever both showcase Huggy’s absurd hearing capabilities. He can hear the sounds of his Wuggy Sentries from across the facility, and even sounds as small as a toy squeaking can tip him off the player’s exact location from multiple rooms away.

Charge Hug

Huggy gains a speed boost allowing him to rush towards any poor factory worker and kill them quickly.


In Project Playtime, Huggy can choose between a variety of ways to screw over his opponents using these abilities:

Feeding Frenzy

All survivors who Huggy has knocked down will be sent to the feeding room gulag of the Playtime Co. factory. This room is a deep, dimly-lit pit with walls that are far apart, and only a small entryway. While inside, they will be assaulted by endless waves of mini Huggy Wuggies, and they can only escape with someone else's help. This process is automatic and instantaneous, teleporting them directly to the room. We are not making this up.

Booby Trap

Huggy will booby trap the nearest Puzzle Pillars. Interacting with a trapped pillar causes the pillar to explode and allow Huggy to see you through walls.

Living Nightmare

Blinds the opponent's by obscuring their vision in a dark fog. It also removes all survivors indicators… don't ask how this part helps in a fight.

No Pack

Shuts down all survivors Grab Packs, which are devices that fire ranged hands to grab things.

No Escape

When used, all grapples, doors and crash doors within Playtime Co. will no longer function for a period of time. This also opens up the lockers throughout the factory.


Puzzles within Playtime Co. will shutdown until the workers can use a breaker to reactivate them.


Huggy, and other experiments, are created from a mixture of non-organic and organic components. For Huggy specifically, he's composed of cotton with some organic material thrown in; this unique composition has shown to make them pretty different from regular creatures.

For example, while they technically require food to survive, they can still live for an absurdly long amount of time without anything to eat. Our good pal (and new comfort character) Bunzo Bunny, for instance, survived for over 15 days without anything in the way of food, and it's implied he survived for way longer than this, considering The Hour of Joy took place 10 years prior to the present day.

Additionally, their physiology makes them pretty hard to kill. Not only do they simply not age, but they can sustain large amounts of punishment and even lethal wounds without dying; this doesn’t mean they’re immortal, but it does mean that any foes will have an extra-hard time trying to put them down for good. Using Bunzo as an example again, he survived falling down a massive pit and eventually losing his eyes. (Shown above) Other examples would be Mommy Long Legs losing multiple limbs and surviving for a surprisingly long amount of time, despite having her internal organs shredded; CatNap igniting himself, messing up his insides and managing to survive (admittedly while significantly injured); a Wuggy Sentry having its head stomped multiple times before dying; Miss Delight being able to ambush and kill the rest of her sisters despite having not eaten for days, as well as losing half her face; Dog Day staying alive after being cut in half, chained to a wall for what's implied to be years, and dozens of Smiling Critters entering his skin to puppeteer his body; and Huggy himself having potentially survived getting ragdolled down a multiple kilometer long fall (due to his hair and blood being visible by an air vent in chapter 2) tho this is unconfirmed.

Jumbo Josh


He and the rest of the creatures found in Banban's Kindergarten are made of a bizarre chemical known as Givanium… and clay. This magical(?) element contains infinite protons and electrons, which apparently grants it the ability to create life, as well as cause those made with it to grow in size if they acquire more of it, and even become hulking, monstrous beings (like Hellish Banban or Nabnab). Also, because of its nature, entities formed from it don’t require sustenance to survive, and can regenerate from bleeding in the span of minutes. However, this comes with the side effect of causing them to experience extreme pain at all times (especially Josh).

Even more terrifying, it can potentially kill any being who wasn’t specifically designed to host it if it enters their body. This essentially applies to all organic beings. Due to the fact that Josh’s blood is Givanium, this could technically come into play if he is made to bleed.


When he dies, it is possible to be respawned earlier in time, almost as a save state. The range of time can be as short as a few moments to the beginning of entire encounters. These respawns also canonically allow him knowledge of anything that happened prior to that death, similar to how it works when the Parent dies in the main games.

Jump Boost

By using his own Givanium, this allows him to double his max jump height.

Speed Boost

By using his own Givanium(again), he can increase his max speed by 50%!


Huggy Wuggy

Galaxy Huggy

Galaxy level Poppy Playtime. Cope and seethe.

Green Huggy

Now he can definitely scare gamers.

Gooey Booey

Me when, uh- when, when she- i mean, when- when i- me go uh…

Gold Huggy

You see, it's a metaphor for mascot horror or something.

Kawaii Kissy


Killy Willy

Solos your favorite verse 🥱🥱🥱

Purple Huggy

ourple guy

Rainbow Huggy

So ignoring the obvious joke, can I point out how this isn't even a rainbow?

Voxel Huggy

holy shit minecraft

Zombie Huggy


Jumbo Josh

Galaxy Josh

Galaxy level Garten of Banban. Seethe and cope.

Golden Josh

Goddamn, how wealthy is this kindergarten.

Neon Josh

Thanks, I didn’t need my eyes anyway.

Shadow Josh

Drew like a dark, fucked up version of Jumbo Josh haha. Just a glimpse into my dark reality. A full stare into my twisted perspective would make most simply go insane lmao”

Patriotic Josh


Crystal Josh

Again, how wealthy is this kindergarten??

Valentines Josh



Guilty Gear flashbacks 

Glitch Josh

Buggy ass game smh

Euphoric Josh

The name makes it sound a lot worse than it actually is.

Verified Josh

Damn, he pays $8.99 a month?

Givanium Josh

As if his blood wasn’t full of the stuff already, now he just is the stuff.


Huggy Wuggy


  • Outwitted a large group of guards, killing 11 of them and 1 deer.

  • Escaped Playtime Co with only 2 witnesses.

  • Stalked, and nearly killed, the player.

  • Was unaffected by a tranquilizer dart.

  • Hunted down 6 players (Project: Playtime)

  • Hunted down 10 players (Poppy Playtime Forever)

  • Participated in The Hour of Joy.

  • Battled with 2 anime characters.


  • Killed a human in a single bite, while effortlessly lifting them off the ground (Shown Above)

  • Has overpowered multiple adults.

  • Dented a metal door.

  • Rammed a car hard enough to break its glass (0.001 tons of tnt)

  • Broke through a metal sheet (0.0015 tons of tnt)


  • Chased a human.

  • Attacked multiple adults and killed them before they could escape.

  • Entered the vent system and caught up to the player in seconds.

  • Ran half a mile in 3 minutes (16.09 km/h)

  • Covered an area of 4 miles while escaping from guards.

  • Moved faster than the eye can see (Mach 0.866)


Jumbo Josh


  • Had no issue breaking free from his shackles once Toadster was no longer guarding the prison.

  • Despite his brutish demeanor, he was observant enough to notice when even one thing in his lounge was out of place, even if it was not in clear view.

  • Has had many altercations with Stinger Flynn.

  • Was part of the aftermath on Bring a Friend Day.

  • One of two monsters to still have knowledge about the Drones.





Huggy Wuggy

Bigger Bodies Experiments

Being one of the biggest experiments created by Playtime Co, Huggy should logically scale to all the other main antagonists of their respective chapters, excluding The Prototype, as it is formed by parts from the other toys, and is the main antagonist of the game, so it's unlikely Huggy could scale.

Additionally, Huggy being designed to be the security of Playtime Co adds to the validity of his scaling, as he was specifically designed to hunt down and rid the factory of threats, while other mascots like Mommy Long Legs were designed to help around the factory.

Finally, Project: Playtime portrays all the experiments as being roughly the same level, supporting the idea that these monsters scale to each other.

Smaller Experiments

There are numerous smaller experiments introduced in chapters 2 and 3, which are significantly weaker than the main three we see. This is best shown with Mommy Long Legs killing the mini Huggy Wuggies, Bunzo Bunny, and PJ Pug-A-Pillar after they fail her, the Smiling Critters being subservient to CatNap to avoid being killed, and Miss Delight commenting that she knew better than to believe she could defeat CatNap.

All of this helps to show that the main three experiments throughout the 3 chapters should massively upscale from all these feats.


The literal weakest experiment.

Jumbo Josh

Banban’s Gang

Being the largest of the core six Gv monsters, Josh should scale above the various members of Banban’s gang. This is reinforced with how each of them, alongside other monsters not directly in the core six speak of Josh. Most of them view him as a major threat, due to his size and strength, and have been shown often just powerless against him. 

  • Opila Bird was among the primary killers on Bring a Friend Day, effortlessly slaughtering any adult it saw.

  • Banbaleena was forced to just allow herself to be a display object in Jumbo’s lounge, despite showing that she could take a hit from him, as any difference in his set up would result in death.

  • One of Captain Fiddles’ variants could cause entire halls of the medical sector to shake with a single strike against the ground.

  • Banban, despite his intellect and prior knowledge of Josh specifically (he was on final approval for which cases were suited for presentation) was still very easily manhandled by Josh while in his Hellish state, which allows better strength and speed than he would normally have. This same form allowed Banban to defeat Nabnab (continue reading for information on him).

  • Base Banban could tank a beating from Sir Dadadoo, and was able to hold off a large group of Naughtified monsters for a time.

  • Stinger Flynn is easily the largest Gv monster we’ve seen so far. His intellect is on par with Banban’s if not higher, as he was able to outwit Banban.

  • Though technically not a member of the main six, Slow Seline will also be mentioned here, due to her close ties to the Gang. Josh is able to upscale her via Punchrush (more on that later) and catch her off guard before she can run away. Seline was able to clear the distance of her hall in under a second (which gets her to 340 km/h). 

The Rejected Cases

For similar reasons as Banban’s Gang, Josh should upscale the two primary rejected cases. Both of them show that he is capable of dealing with them via sheer brute force, as well as generally being feared as a huge threat in Toadster’s case.

  • Nabnab is considered among the fastest Gv Cases, as he is regularly seen zipping around the facility in very little time. Josh was able to ambush him and take him prisoner with seemingly little effort.

  • Nabnab should be identical in speed to Nabnaleena, a Gv monster made to be his exact duplicate, as to give him a companion.

  • Nabnaleena could cross from the Medical Sector to the Progressive Sector across the abyss (148 meters), which gets as high as Mach 26.02 (Mach 39 with Speed Boost).

  • Sheriff Toadster has a natural sharp wit, and knew to set traps for his prisoners. Even with the knowledge of how to capture Josh, he has stated on more than one occasion how dangerous an up close encounter with Josh would be for him.

Queen Bouncelia

Queen Bouncelia, along with the next two entries all have scaling with Josh via Garten of Banban: Punchrush, In Punchrush, Josh is actually the “boss” of sorts, in that he can and will one shot any Gv monster that the player controls. This includes Bouncelia, the previously mentioned Banban Gang and Rejected Cases, as well as the Mutants and Sir Dadadoo (more on them later).

  • Queen Bouncelia likely possesses an insane amount of Givanium in her bloodstream, judging by the enormous barrels of it surrounding her throne room, meaning she would be among the strongest Gv cases as of yet (which makes sense, for the entities she was containing within her pouch).

The Mutants

The Mutants were among the many rejected cases stored in the lower levels of the Kindergarten facility for permanent shelving.Most of these include the larger variety of monsters, alongside Bittergiggle, Syringeon(who we haven;t seen in action quite yet, so he will not be featured in this section) and Sir Dadadoo, who will receive his own section.

  • Bittergiggle was able to withstand the Toadstars from Sheriff Toadster, as well as tank a beating from Sir Dadadoo that sent him flying across the room.

  • Kittysaurus has the size and strength of a tyrannosaurus rex, as it is injected with DNA from the beast, just hopped up on Gv. 

  • Chamataki and Tamataki are able to cause their entire chamber to quake via their massive tongue, and cause the ground to shake violently just from their footsteps, similar to Josh himself.

Sir Dadadoo

Sir Dadadoo is the new primary antagonist after Queen Bouncelia’s fall. By far, despite not being the largest monster, he is easily the strongest Gv case due to his Naughtification magic, only able to have been contained by Queen Bouncelia’s own magic.

  • Easily manhandled Banban and Bittergiggle

  • Was able to physically hold back and trade blows with a massive mutated Nabnab

  • Was able to spread his Naughtification possession across the two floors above him in order to capture a large number of the Cases we’ve seen until now, including Nabnaleena and Chamataki/Tamataki, who were nowhere near him at the time of usage

  • Using the Kingdom’s size as the maximum area the spell would have had to cover(it is the largest floor thus far, clocking in at an area of 343,137.72 square meters) to cover that distance with his magic and maintain it for as long as he did upon encountering him, this would put the spell at 1.77 megatons of TNT at a low end (176.8 megatons at a high end). 


Huggy Wuggy

While Huggy Wuggy's intelligent, methodical approach to hunting is his biggest strength, this might very well also be his biggest weakness. He's been consistently shown to take his time with his prey, usually stalking them down even when he could easily kill them, and on numerous occasions, he's outright given his prey time to escape.

The most notable instance is when he decided to slowly reveal himself and walk towards the player, rather than simply ambushing them in the dark, and even slowing down in the vent chase once his prey was trapped.

This tendency directly led to his downfall, as it gave the player time to escape and ultimately defeat Huggy (for the time being… maybe).

This also ties in to his other major weakness. Despite being very intelligent, he's not a genius, and someone of comparable intelligence can exploit his own weakness to defeat him, just like that one anime kid in the Poppy Playtime manga which I still can't believe exists.

Jumbo Josh

Jumbo Josh has a notable lack of intelligence. Compared to the other monsters, Josh lacks the ability to speed. He’s fooled and trapped by Sheriff Toadster. While his huge size is an advantage in combat, he struggles to fit through tight spaces, usually only able to let his hands poke out.

Before the Verdicts

CatNap's Durability

CatNap’s feat is definitely the most complex to calc feat in Poppy Playtime, so let’s explain the weirder aspects of it.

First of all, some may wonder why we (“Really just I.” - NormallyNormal) assumed the generators in Playcare were able to operate for the entire 10 years between the Hour of Joy and the present day. Well, it’s actually fairly simple. Since all the humans were dead, there would be no one to switch the power source in-case they ever ran out. Most of the monsters in Poppy Playtime aren’t smart enough to figure out how to operate a generator, and those who are would have no real reason to because… genuinely why would they do that or care to do that? The only character you could argue would want to turn on the power in the case of a blackout would be Poppy herself, but she was trapped inside a case the entire 10 years. Once you arrive in Playcare, all systems appear to have power, and since we never see any dysfunctional batteries, it’s pretty safe to say that the batteries we see in-game had enough energy to function for 10 years. This is also backed up by the fact that Playcare was designed to essentially be a bunker, with enough energy to keep the colony of children happy for seemingly as long as they wanted, so the batteries having this much energy makes sense.

Secondly, why do we assume that a single battery contains more energy than The Dome? Well, in the story, we are trying to power the Gas Production Zone after CatNap cut off the power by turning on the back-up generators in the other areas around Playcare and plugging their energy to it. During this, we are shown that the school back-up generator ran on a single battery (as Miss Delight reveals when she destroys it), and we know that generator held more energy than The Dome. This is because Ollie is explicitly wanting to avoid going to the other locations for back-up power, which is why he first tells you to go to Home Sweet Home and activate its back-up generator (which fills up the Gas Production Zone’s power to 50%) and then to the school. Once you fail, he decides that the best course of action would be to try and turn on the generator for the Counselor's Office, stating that this was “not ideal.” This makes it clear that he was never planning on sending us to the Counselor’s Office, meaning that the school’s generator alone would have been enough to finish charging the Gas Production Zone. After you fail to turn on the Counselor’s Office back-up generator, Ollie decides to risk it and plug in the building’s power to the Gas Production Zone anyways, which only gets it to 98%, and forces us to improvise and fill up the power by using The Dome’s energy. What this all tells us is that The Dome’s energy alone would not have been enough to provide the last 50% of energy (as it needed the combined energy of it and the not even powered on energy of the Counselor’s Office to complete it) while the school’s back-up generator would have been enough both from an in-universe sense and a narrative sense, and remember, that generator is powered by only a single battery. So, while we don’t know how much more it is, we know for a fact that a single battery contains more energy than The Dome, meaning that CatNap getting hit with the energy of 4 batteries would be more than the energy of 4 Domes.

Finally, some may ask “hasn’t this feat been debunked?” and the answer is no. That was the old version of the calc which assumed CatNap was hit with the energy of all of Playcare, which is wrong, he only took the energy of 4 batteries.

Naughty Ones’ Speed

The most impressive speed feat across all the Garten of Banban games comes from Garten of Banban 6, where Dadadoo naughtified (essentially just corrupting) the majority of the cast across the games. Then, appearing in front of the player after shutting off the lights for about 8 seconds. What makes this insane is the fact that he brought with him characters that hadn't been seen for games prior, like Nabnaleena, who had last been seen in Garten of Banban 3, about 2 floors above the events of this game, which could potentially be multiple kilometers of distance. Add in the absurdly complex layout that adds potentially more kilometers of distance, and the fact that this would have needed to take place in 8 seconds, you would be getting some absurd results… However, there are quite a couple of flaws with this feat to cover.

First of all, it's really hard to gauge the distance from one floor to the other, due to the fact that, each time the protagonist takes the lift to the next floor, the game ends and the next game starts off with them arriving. This already makes figuring out the distance extremely difficult.

Secondly, we don't actually know where Nabnaleena was during this time. Just because we never see her prior to being naughtified doesn't mean that she stayed in one place the entire time. For all we know, she could have gone down to the lower levels during the events of Garten of Banban 5 and 6, and could have been nearby before she was naughtified. The main issue is the fact that, obviously, she could have been literally anywhere in the facility at the time of the ending of the game, so any assumptions for speed are credulous at best.

Finally, there are genuine arguments for the magic being teleportation. The extents of Dadadoo’s magic aren't made clear, and considering how the lights magically turned off, and the fact that the giant horde of monsters suddenly appeared without making a single noise (including the fucking tyrannosaurus cat that shakes the Earth with every step) very much imply that Dadadoo teleported himself and the monsters to the player, rather than them all running to their location. This is also backed up by Tamataki & Chamataki, a beastly pair that had gotten themselves stuck in Garten of Banban 4 in a hallway. We know for a fact that they couldn't escape, so them suddenly appearing besides the other monsters means that they must have somehow gotten themselves unstuck. This brings up 2 possibilities, either A. They got themselves unstuck at a certain point during the 2 games’ events, which would mean they could have been anywhere across the facility, basically giving us the same dilemma as with Nabnaleena, or B. They were unstuck by Dadadoo, which would only have been possible through, you guessed it, teleportation magic.

Essentially, the feat may look insane at face level, but it has so many variables and uncertainties that it simply isn't valid to use.

Choo Choo Charles Scaling

To put it simply, Choo Choo Charles only appears in a dream sequence during the Garten of BanBan games. While the dream was induced by Stinger Flynn, which implies that Flynn is at least aware of the existence of Choo Choo Charles, there is no evidence to support the idea that he, or any of the characters in BanBan for that matter, have actually fought Charles, or that they can scale in any way.


Huggy Wuggy


This one is interesting, and not super clear cut. In terms of stats, let's discuss their low-ends and high-ends.

For low-ends, both reach wall levels of AP and durability, however, Jumbo should still have a considerable edge, with Huggy only being able to get close with debatable feats. However, Huggy's low-end speed feats should hold an advantage, even against Josh's best speed feats. Huggy himself has moved at Mach 0.866, and can massively upscale from the mini versions of himself moving at Mach 58; on the other hand, Josh doesn’t have any notable speed feats himself, and upscales from Slow Seline moving at Mach 0.28. This shows that, while Josh may hold a significant power advantage, he can't even begin to perceive Huggy's own speed.

Now moving on to the high-ends, they surprisingly paint a similar picture. Huggy’s best AP feats get to 0.0015 tons of tnt, and he should scale to CatNap's own durability feat of surviving 4 batteries, putting his durability at 342.43 tons of tnt (Note: because Huggy has never harmed characters on his level before, this shouldn't scale to his AP), while Josh can scale to Dadadoo spreading his light's corruption across the underground facility, putting him anywhere from 1.77 to 176 megatons. However, when it comes to speed, it's a whole different story. At best, Jumbo Josh upscales from Nabnaleena moving at Mach 26, and can increase this to Mach 39 with his speed boost; in contrast, Huggy upscales from PJ Pug-A-Pillar moving at Mach 401. This gives Huggy such a hilariously massive speed advantage that, despite not being able to harm Josh, means that Josh can't really harm him back either.

Overall, with either low-ends or high-ends, Josh takes AP and durability, while Huggy takes speed. So while Josh may edge out here, Huggy still holds his own advantage.

Arsenal & Abilities

This is where I'd say the tables flip. While Josh may have some nifty abilities to increase his stats, Huggy's sheer versatility and counters bloe him out of the water. His ability to shut off the lights would leave Josh completely blinded, and with no way to defend himself from Huggy, Huggy being able to shut down doors and set up traps gives him massive arena control that would give Josh a hard time, and his excellent hearing, plus his many Huggy Sentries, would let him keep track of Josh anywhere he went.

Now, some may argue Josh has better quality in his abilities, but that's not quite the case. His drone may grant Josh greater mobility, but Huggy can easily destroy it with his massive speed advantage any time he wants, and there's an argument to be made that he could even hack it. Plus, turning off the lights would make it impossible for Josh to maneuver around. The other two notable abilities Josh possesses are his Givanium and immortality. Givanium may be a death sentence to anyone but the crew of Banban's Kindergarten, however, the only way that could come into play would be if Josh somehow bled, but because of the massive AP difference, ironically, Huggy should realistically never make Josh bleed, making it a non-factor. Even if he did bleed, it would need to directly enter Huggy's body to affect him. Regular humans have been able to walk on Givanium before, so a drop splashing on his body is unlikely to really affect him in any way, and while it's been shown to grant minor healing capabilities, we've only seen it cure minor cuts, so it's not that big of a factor.

The most important aspect of this debate is, “How can Huggy kill Josh if he can’t make him bleed, and Josh is immortal?” well, turns out Huggy has the perfect counter to this: Feeding Frenzy. This ability automatically teleports opponents he’s knocked down to the gulag beneath Playtime Co. Because of the depth of the pit, and the small entrance, it would be impossible for Josh to escape, especially since he's been shown to be unable to escape puts before, and because of Givanium’s self-sustaining properties, Josh would never die and simply be trapped forever, preventing his immortality from kicking in (ironically turning his own strengths against him.) Josh's best hope to escape would be to use the drone, however, this relies on him hiding the drone for the entire fight, else Huggy simply destroys it, and it's genuinely very unlikely he pulls this off, for reasons I discuss in the next section.

Of course, that depends on whether Huggy could pull this off in the first place, but it really isn't as farfetched as one may think. With his absurdly large speed advantage, multitude of traps, fantastic area control, and smaller size, it's likely that he could weaken Jumbo Josh over time enough for him to be transported to the gulag pit.

All in all, Josh may have some decent tricks up his sleeves, but the sheer variety of Huggy's options, as well as his counters to basically everything Josh had gave him a pretty solid advantage here.

Tertiary Factors

This one is fairly straightforward.

While Jumbo Josh may have more experience in direct fights, he loses out in every other aspect.

Getting the big one out of the way, while Josh isn't dumb, he is notoriously impulsive and prone to act out in anger. Because of this, it's extremely unlikely that he'd have the patience to hold out on using his drone till the gulag pit. Also, Josh is never much of a strategist, so it's not exactly reasonable to assume that he'd come up with this plan to begin with, especially with his lack of knowledge on the pit.

Besides that, Huggy is consistently shown to be a clever hunter, who can outwit dozens of people at once, while Josh is consistently outsmarted by a mother with a drone, and was tricked into thinking she was a toy.

Now, in all fairness, endurance is basically a non-factor in this fight. The toys in Poppy Playtime can survive for days, weeks, possibly years without food, and still have strength to fight, while the nature of Givanium lets the creatures in Garten of BanBan survive seemingly indefinitely with nothing to eat, though they have been shown to get tired. Also, both creatures have shown astounding pain resistance, and to be able to power through it multiple times, so all in all, while Josh technically could go longer without food, for the purposes of this fight, neither is really outlasting the other.

Finally, Huggy's own fighting style would actually help him out quite a bit here. Because of his slow and methodical approach, preferring to stay away from possible threats for as long as possible, it would reduce the odds of him getting hit by Josh, and give him an easier time wearing him down. While Josh can regenerate, it's never portrayed as being that impressive, so it's doubtful it would help in the long run.

Overall, Josh may take experience in direct confrontations, but against Huggy's skill, intelligence, strategy, and patience, he just couldn't take the edge.


"I'm just a babyyyy"


  • Abilities provided wider area control and versatility.

  • Much smarter.

  • More experienced hunter…

  • Much faster.

  • Stealth makes him very hard to track and land hits on.

  • Would need to be hit directly to be killed.

  • Could bypass immortality with BFR…

  • Could easily destroy the drone with his speed once it comes into play.

  • Greater mobility…

  • Extremely unlikely that Givanium could come into play due to low AP…

  • Has an actually scary game…

  • The Toybox >>> The Streisand Effect


  • Endurance was a non-factor.

  • Both are Skibidi Toilet victims tbh


  • Can’t really harm Josh physically.

  • …but less experienced in actual fights.

  • Dragging on the fight could let Josh regenerate, albeit slowly.

  • …although the drone could let him escape.

  • Much physically weaker.

  • …until the drone comes out.

  • …but if it did, he would die upon ingestion.

  • …but it’s carried by CatNap (my goat)

  • NFTs

While this fight is wildly close, Huggy simply has too much going for him. He may not be able to damage Josh, but with so many options to play keep away, as well as his ridiculous speed advantage, and his multitude of counters to Josh's kit, Huggy would inevitably wear Josh down enough for him to be sent to the gulag pit, preventing him from ever coming back.

In the Garten of BanBan, playtime got rough, and unfortunately for Jumbo Josh, there was no hugging it out this time.

The winner is Huggy Wuggy.

Jumbo Josh


Alright my skibidi rizzed up Ohio GYATTS, Jumbo Josh on the mic brah (I'll stop). Stats are quite interesting for this MU. To not just repeat what was said on the Huggy said ill go into a lower amount of detail. Josh takes AP on low and high ends with 0.889097248 tons of TNT-176840841.05 tons of TNT for AP. This is against the AP of Huggy being between 0.001-0.0015 Tons of TNT which is significantly lower. Huggy's durability is higher than his AP on high ends at 342.42 tons of TNT but it's still lower than Josh's high ends. However speed is the complete opposite with Josh's speed being between Mach 0.29-Mach 39 with these values being doubled with his Speed Boost power up. Compared to the ends of Mach 58.45 and Mach 401 for Huggy however, Josh is much slower. IN TRAVEL SPEED! For you see, we top Josh dickriders analysts would like to point out the Pug-A-Pillar feat is likely only applicable for travel speed as we have no proof Pug-A-Pillar or anyone else can perform reactions at this speed as the feat was simply crossing a field and not reacting to anything in particular. There is the fight between Mommy Long Legs and Pug-A-Pillar but its very vague and may not be usable for speed scaling. This all comes to Huggy being faster in Travel Speed but his reactions would still likely be comparable to his lower ends being the Mini Huggies jumping of which Mommy Long Legs could catch and react to. Lucky for Josh he doesn't have this issue for his feats as we know Josh can grab and catch NabNab along with being able squash Slow Seline before she can get away in Punch Rush so he should be fine for the speed feats he scales to count for combat/reaction speed.

In short, based on these numbers we know that both are really going to struggle to hurt one another. Josh can easily cripple and one shot Huggy but he needs to hit him (Which while not impossible with Speed Boosts and such will still be difficult with the Travel Speed gap) and while Huggy can hit Josh, he struggles to do meaningful damage.

Arsenal & Abilities

Both of these two are pretty low on the amount of abilities they have. While Huggy has more overall only like, 2 are useful being Living Nightmare and Feeding Frenzy. The rest of the abilities will do very little to slow down Josh but blinding him and BFRing him are incredibly powerful. However we must point out how this BFR is a bit iffy and hard to really use. While this BFR does send you to the lowest pits of the Playtime Co. Factory, it also requires foes to be heavily damaged to the point of a knock down. Damage that with the AP Gap, Huggy will struggle to deal. Along with Josh's regeneration helping to shake off some of the damage albeit slowly. We also have to assume Josh can't just… climb out of the gulag with his large size. This is without even mentioning Josh's drone which along with allowing to fly or teleport out of the BFR, gives him supreme battlefield control via flight. Now you could argue the technology manipulation Huggy has could shut down the drone but it seems like his technology manipulation is limited to specific systems within the Playtime Co. facility. This would likely mean Huggy's technology manipulation wouldn't work on the drone which means he has to resort to destroying it himself. However this will prove difficult because it flies and I KNOW HUGGY AIN'T GOT HOPS LIKE THAT meaning he will really have to focus on the drone and hope Josh fucks up while using it. Josh also has Givanium in his blood. I know weird thing do bring up if Huggy were to get this stuff in his bloodstream, based on what we have seen of GV, it would fuck him up bad. Not a massive win con but still something to note. The final thing to bring up for this category with any importance (I say that without mentioning Huggy's advanced hearing and Wuggy Sentry because… Josh is loud and massive so he was already going to know his location lmao) is Josh's reincarnation. Basically if Huggy were to somehow kill Josh with his much lower strength Josh could almost instantly come back meaning putting down Josh is nearly impossible for Huggy. 

Tertiary Factors

Huggy is smarter than Josh no doubt about it. However Josh isn't fully dumb and has a few showings of awareness which could help him spot Huggy as he plans to stalk Josh. Josh overall has a more effective strategy in this fight as well Huggy likes to sit back and stalk his prey he has no real way to capitalize on it in a fight where Josh is much more durable and can survive many stealth attacks. While neither are very skilled Josh does overall have more showings in combat and fights more than Huggy does. Josh can likely be tricked by Huggy due to his range and rush down lightning style but he is fighting a faster and more intelligent foe he is a bit outmatched in the category. 

Not too much to go over but in general Huggy is smarter but not to a degree for him to win off of it alone and his style of stalking foes isn't very effective. Josh is however, much dumber and doesn't think straight so he could be tricked.


"Jumbo Josh On The Mic Brah."


  • Stronger on both low and high ends

  • Could be similar in reaction speed

  • More experienced in battle

  • Huggy's main strategy isn't as effective against Josh

  • No way for Huggy to get around resurrection and regeneration

  • Drone and Jump Boost allow for better battlefield control

  • He’s Jumbo Josh, brah.

  • Would destroy I-no in a fight

  • Sick as hell bars.


  • Endurance was a non-factor.

  • Both are Skibidi Toilet victims tbh


This fight was a tricky one to pin down, but in the end, Josh’s MUCH superior strength and durability, mixed in with his comparable reaction speeds should be more than enough to net him the win, despite Huggy’s bag of tricks. That nasty travel speed makes him a hard one to catch, but as for straight hands, Josh has more than enough to just cripple the plush toy within his grasp. Also, while intelligence has never been his strong suit, nor has strategy been his go to in fights, Josh has shown on multiple occasions that he can handle himself perfectly fine against far more intelligent foes, such as Banban(who has the brains of a literal scientist, compared to basic human intelligence and instinct0 and Stinger Flynn, who has so much more brainpower that he can force victims into his dreamscapes, or even cause them to enter a rage mentally. Huggy may have an intense bag of tricks against Josh, but those ultimately mean very little when he has to put in an immense amount of effort to even capitalize off of them. All of this isn’t even counting his regen, which would be able to undo the minimal damage Huggy would be progressively doing, as well as his Reincarnations, which have shown to be able to place the reincarnated all the way at the beginnings of encounters before, meaning Huggy would have no meaningful way of ever killing Josh, being forced to rely on his BFR option, which requires him to weaken Josh enough to even use it.

This Bigger Body thought he could clutch out the win against the Green Gorilla, but unfortunately for Huggy Wuggy, Playtime is Over.

The winner is Jumbo Josh.

Art by Beeelake1209

Final Tally

Huggy Wuggy (0) - Originally, Normal was here, but cheating Jumbo Josh out of a full sweep was kinda cringe.

Jumbo Josh (8) - Tru, GATT IceKing, Beeelake1209, 𝓐𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓪, fiction, Cheesefm, NormallyNormal (my blue baby got robbed), Saul

Blade vs Buffy is still happening btw, there's a lot to go over


  1. I honestly wasn't expecting Garten of Banban to reach large town to large city all because Sir Dadadoo

  2. And the latest Garten of Banban game just show us that Josh can easily handle a team of opponents against him

  3. You who cares abour cheating him of a sweep lol what cringe is this

  4. I’m bout to sweep yo cheeks

  5. Bro huggy wuggy survived a 1,000 foot fall and they’re around the same size this fight is closer than people give credit for


Death Battle Predictions: Blade vs Buffy Summers (Marvel Comics vs Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

  “ My Lord Godalming, I, too, have a duty to do, a duty to others, a duty to you, a duty to the dead; and, by God, I shall do it!” -Van He...