Saturday, July 20, 2024

Death Battle Predictions: Pibby vs Pomni (Learning with Pibby vs Amazing Digital Circus)

Pibby, the childish warrior from Learning with Pibby

Pomni, the mentally unstable jester from the Amazing Digital Circus

Naïveté, something that everyone has had in their lives. It’s something which blocks us from the cruel world around us which sucks in and spits us out like trash. These two characters are perfect examples of how the dark world we live in will exploit one’s naïveté. Who’s going to win between these two struggling characters in a DEATH BATTLE!!

Before We Start…

Both characters have a very short media list. Pibby will be getting her YouTube trailer and every Pibby glitch on April Fools. Pomni will be getting the two episodes of her show, trailers, and the interviews with Gooseworkx. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

This fight will be taking place in the digital world so she can reasonably be allowed her abilities to allow for fairness for both characters.

(Fair warning this blog was made just to see how fast we could make a blog 💀)



“Learning with Pibby, it’s so much.”

Pibby is from the child-loved show known as Learning with Pibby where with her friend rabbit Bun Bun. These two were able to teach kids about different things like math and reading. However, one day this all changed when the glitch arrived and began eating away at their world. While Bun Bun got corrupted, Pibby was able to escape where she befriended the Sidekick and the Villainous Cat. Together these three teamed up against the glitch, traveling in animated worlds to wage war against the glitch.


“What the F-.”

Oh boy, 2 episodes of content… WEEEE! So basically Pomni was once a regular person until they put on a VR headset. This sent her to a reality she could not escale called the Amazing Digital Circus with its wacky AI Ringmaster, Caine. Here Pomni and the rest of the cast go on silly adventures run by Caine where nothing bad ever happens!

Experience & Skill


Pibby should have a decent amount of experience given she has shown to consistently fight and fend off the glitch which has taken many strong opponents and corrupted them. Other than that, we don’t know much about her experience and skill set.


Pomni hasn't been with the Digital Circus for very long but she was able to help the gang in Candy Carrier Chaos. This was to help bring back the Candy Kingdom's maple syrup where she befriended Gumigoo and helped get the Syrup back.




Pibby’s main weapon of choice is this sword. Yep it’s just a sword


Major Bag Alert Major Bag Alert!

Care Bunny

This seems like PETA should be called. Anyways this bunny can fire energy beams from their stomach.

Laser Gun

She got a laser gun. MLG NO SCOPE!

ACME Rocket

A rocket from looney toons which she uses as a jetpack.

Chainsaw and Katana

Holy shit is this a Chainsaw Man reference.


None lol 



4th Wall Awareness

Pibby showed the ability to interact with the audience, asking them questions in her own show. We also see her acknowledge the credits to Rick and Morty and even appears in real life like in the Eric Andre Show. As shown above, she somehow even interacted with the camera, begging for help.


Toon Force

Pomni has been shown to be able to stretch parts of her body like her face and arms. If something happens to Ponni it will be done in the cartooniest way possible. This is because characters within the Digital Circus are incapable of dying no matter what happens.

Enhanced Stamina

As a being in the digital world she doesn't have to sleep or eat. The characters have also been trapped inside the Digital Circus for years with no slowing.




  • Was able to ally with the sidekick and villainous cat

  • Was in a cartoon war against the glitch






  • Joined the wonderful cast of the Amazing Digital Circus

  • Befriended Gumigoo and helped get back the Candy Kingdom's maple syrup






Pibby is from a kids show so when she first was introduced to the glitch and seemingly very early on during her adventure, she was naive and childish which made her prone to being scared. It seems like she overcomes this weakness later on down the line though. 


Pomni is prone to breaking down when faced with a lot of pressure. She is also shown to not be very comfortable with her surroundings and would like to leave the Circus. She also just… doesn't have a lot to work with in terms of an arsenal.

Before the Verdicts

Glitch and Cartoon Scaling

This was bound to be brought up eventually and it’s time to finally get addressed. Should Pibby scale to the glitch? Well simply put, no. The times we see her fight the glitch we see her either running away and or fighting her opponent off screen while she’s on the screen which makes it impossible to know who she’s fighting. Scaling her to the glitch in speed is contentious given the fact the glitch has shown inconsistencies in speed and we don’t exactly know how fast it’s taking over each cartoon's worlds so there is no way to gauge its speed. Basically there’s no real way to scale her to the glitch and the cartoons that the glitch possesses. 



To get this started, Pibby… has no real stats. She has shown to run about as fast as your average human and take hits but that’s about it. We don’t see anything that isn’t average human level however, to be generous we will be putting her at the peak of athlete level given her experience fighting the glitch definitely pushed her to peak shape. This is opposed to Pomni who has a feat of breaking a giant lollipop stick in half which gets 7,877 joules. There also many other feats in the verse such as Pomni falling and Koffmo breaking a wall which should get much higher.  In terms of speed, Pomni realistically scales to the others in the digital world which allows her to get 20.82 m/s in speed. If we use the highest possible amount for athlete level, Pomni would be 26x stronger and 2x faster. Simply and easily put Pomni should take stats because well, she actually had stats as opposed to Pibby.

Arsenal & Abilities

This is the meat and potatoes of the debate. To begin with, Pibby’s fourth wall awareness likely wouldn’t be able to help her in any meaningful way given that while she can interact with the audience, she can’t do much other than that, thus making it a null point for this debate. Now, actually important things. Due to the mechanics of the digital world, Pomni is able to do things of a toon forcey nature such as stretch her body which makes it harder to kill her due to her rubbery physiology. Meaning Pibby would likely struggle physically attacking Pomni and would have to rely on her arsenal way more than what she likely already does. Pomni also has an ability in which she cannot die as long as she is in the digital world. This makes it impossible for Pibby to kill Pomni unless she somehow pulls her from the digital world, which we have no proof she can do, or she can somehow incapacitate Pomni. So how about we go down the list of Pibby’s arsenal to see if she can somehow incapacitate Pomni with it in any meaningful way. Her sword, katana, and chainsaw likely would not work given these are weapons with the intent to kill with no special abilities. While Pibby’s rocket would give her great mobility, there is really now way she can use it to incapacitate Pomni unless she somehow straps it to her and sends her flying away. However, this would likely not do too much as Pomni likely would come back to the fight relatively quickly after being launched and the fact Pomni is slightly faster and strong enough to stop Pomni from doing this. The Care Bunny and Laser Gun give Pibby range however, similarly to the melee weapons, they can’t really be used as incapacitation weapons due to the fact these are weapons with the power to kill or in the Care Bunny’s case, are too vague to say it is anything but an energy blast. All in all due to Pibby not having a reliable way of taking out Pomni, Pomni takes arsenal and abilities.

Tertiary Factors

Another very short section. Pibby should reasonably take experience and skill. This is mainly due to the fact that she has shown to be at least a decently capable fighter against the glitch and offscreen cartoon characters. As opposed to Pomni who has very little actual battle experience and combat experience. However, this is countered by the fact that due to Pomni having enhanced stamina, she would have way more stamina than the likes of Pibby who can still get tired out and fatigued. In terms of tertiary factors, it’s around even.


"I know we’re not heroes, but maybe we can learn."


  • Better arsenal

  • More experience and skill

  • Likely more willpower 


  • Weaker and less durable

  • Will struggle to deal with Pomni’s toon force

  • Could get stalled out by Pomni’s better stamina

  • Has no way to incon or even kill Pomni

  • FNF

"Oh, okay, now I get it. This is a dream! And I should just play along until I wake up, right?"


  • Stronger and more durable

  • Toon Force makes her extremely hard to kill

  • Enhanced Stamina means she could outlast Pibby

  • Literally can’t die due to the mechanics of the digital world


  • Has less battle experience and likely skill

  • Worse arsenal

  • Prone to breakdowns

  • Rule 34

All in all, Pomni has better stats from actually having feats. This coupled with her abilities would allow for her to realistically be able to stall Pibby out until she can just punch her really hard and win. Even though Pibby has skill, experience, and a better arsenal, she just had no way to bypass not being able to kill Pomni. Sadly for Pibby, she would not be able to learn how to be Pomni. The winner is Pomni.

Final Tally

Pibby (0) - (Why did we do this blog)

Pomni (2) - Tru, Asura

Nah, We’d Speed Run

(Please take your time on blogs folks. We just made this as a joke. Give the people on your blogs and yourself enough time to get stuff done.)

1 comment:

  1. I know this was a joke but I really like this blog, it was really well done.


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