Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Death Battle Predictions: Blade vs Buffy Summers (Marvel Comics vs Buffy the Vampire Slayer)


My Lord Godalming, I, too, have a duty to do, a duty to others, a duty to you, a duty to the dead; and, by God, I shall do it!” -Van Helsing

Blade, the Daywalker from Marvel Comics.

Buffy Summers, the high schooler turned Vampire Slayer.

For as long as Mankind has walked the Earth, so too have the darkest creatures of blight born from their fears. Be they Demon, Vampire, Werewolf, or any other being spawned from the depths of Hell; there will always be those who risk it all to slay the creatures of darkness, so that everyone else can wake up to a new day with the sunrise. These two characters are the best of the best when it comes to killing these creatures of the night. Will Blade be able to slice up Buffy or will the Slayer live up to her name? Well it’s time to find out who would win in a DEATH BATTLE!

Before We Start…

For Blade, we’ll be using all his canon comic book appearances, for the most part. As for Buffy, we’re giving her both her show and her canonical comic book appearances, for the most part as well as canonical spinoffs. We are also using The Official Grimoire: A Magical History of Sunnydale (We couldn’t find Giles monster book for free). While we considered supplementary material, we deemed it was way too much to include. (Thanks 91 Buffy novels). We’ll be using their standard peaks, as well - however, Buffy will not be given any of her many non-standard amps she’s gotten throughout the series, as these aren’t really what we associate with Buffy when you think of her in a fight, and she doesn’t have them as standard powers anyways. In addition, Blade won’t be getting any of his weird non-standard equipment. Sorry, The 3 Boy-Thing enjoyers, this isn’t your day. Blade also is currently a major playing the current comic arc Blood Hunt right now in which he basically becomes a herald from absorbing the negative zone, however, we won’t be using this version of Blade and we will only be using anything from Blood Hunt that was before that fact.

We will also be using some links and scans from VSBW for Buffy for convenience sake given I can’t really screen record or screenshot from Hulu.



“So, how many times do I have to put you in the ground?”

The early life of Eric Brooks was sadly bathed in blood. Born in Soho, London in the year 1929, his mother Tara was sent to England by his father, and member of the Order of Tyrana for her and her unborn child’s own safety, where Tara would go under the alias Vanessa Brooks. However, labor complications made it so Eric would come into the world sooner than expected, and sought medical help immediately. Unfortunately, the doctor was a vampire named Deacon Frost, who attacked Tara during childbirth, and his bite caused enzymes to enter the infant’s bloodstream and transform him into a Dhampir, a half-human half-vampire hybrid. Even when Frost was driven away, his mother was dead, leaving the orphaned Eric to live with the brothel owner Madame Vanity, who had initially taken them in to help their father.

Eric had a normal life growing up in London, until he witnessed vampires again, this time attacking an American vampire slayer named Jamal Afari. Brooks helped save him from the bloodsuckers begrudgingly, and after getting to know the young chap and his upbringing, Afari decided to take Eric under his wing, becoming a mentor and father figure to him. Afari would go on to train Eric on how to use his powers, and taught him everything he would know about fighting and hunter vampires, in order to avenge the death of his mother. Soon, Eric would be ready to fashion himself as a vampire slayer like his mentor, lined with daggers and knives and a grudge against the supernatural, the world of vampires would come to know him as Blade, the Vampire Hunter. 

Blade would soon find himself going solo, as his mentor Jamal Afari mistakenly murdered a man he thought to be a vampire, and took the fall so his apprentice could avenge his mother’s death, and along the way, Blade became feared and revered for nearly a century of vampire slaying, along with many other adventures against the forces of evil not limited to vampires. He and other like-minded individuals would attempt to face down the Lord of the Vampires Dracula many times, teaming up with supernatural beings like the Ghost Rider to fight the forces of the mother of demons Lillith, save his girlfriend from the Darkhold, slay many notable vampires like Henry Sage and Draconis, and eventually, cross paths with the vampire who killed his mother, Deacon Frost. Fighting to a stalemate, Blade vowed time and time again to hunt him down, and his cadre of vampires, until he is standing in nothing but the blood of the monsters that made him into the Daywalker, silencing the nights of flesh and blood. 

Buffy Summers

“I'm the thing that monsters have nightmares about.”

The year is 1996. The DVD player, MP3 Player, and Google have all just gotten invented and Independence Day is the most popular film in the world. Living through this in Los Angeles, California is a freshman student, Buffy Summers whose biggest cares in the world are who her next boyfriend will be and how popular she is at school. However, one day her life completely changed when a man named Merrick approached Buffy after school and told her her destiny that she was the Vampire Slayer. Instead of being a normal high school girl, she was now Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Merrick was no normal man and in fact he was with a group known as the Watcher Council, a group of men responsible for watching over the slayer and making sure she is trained and ready for combat. Merrick was able to briefly train Buffy before being attacked by an incredibly powerful vampire Lothos. Before he could be turned into a vampire, he took his own life, ridding Buffy of her first Watcher and mentor. Luckily, she later was able to defeat Lothos however, this was at the cost of her basically getting kicked out of school for destruction of school property forcing her and her mom to move to a small town known as Sunnydale, California where she would meet her new Watcher, Rupert Giles, make friends such as Willow Rosenburg and Xander Chase, and find out that Sunnydale is right on top of a portal directly to hell which if opened up would be the end of the world.

With her new Watcher, friends, and eventually her three love interests, Angel, Spike, and Riley, she would fight countless evils in this town and fulfill her job as The Slayer, stopping vampires from taking over and stopping the Hellmouth from opening. She would also stop any other apocalyptic event from happening as well. From corrupt mayors who want to become true blooded demons, the oldest vampire in written history, gods trapped within human bodies, and literally the creator of all evil, there is nothing which Buffy Summers would back down to.

Experience & Skill


As Marvel's premier defender against the Undead, Blade has seen it all in every way you can think of. He was taken in at 12 years old by an American vampire slayer named Jamal Afari, and trained by him to become one himself. He's spent decades making the name of the Daywalker not a rumor, but a reality, having been alive for nearly a century. 

In these precious years, Blade has met and matched all kinds of threats, fought in WWII, and proven proficient in many high tensity forms of combat, like boxing, jujutsu, kung fu, and ninjutsu. Not only that, but he's been stated multiple times to be “a master of every form of weapon known to man” in several handbooks, and to be as good with blades as he is good at martial arts, which is true given he was able to precisely damage a vampire’s eardrums despite them being in a tree, hit a vampire in the back with a wooden stake from the rooftop, and pin a vampire to a building with a wooden stake. He’s also very creative with items that aren’t really weapons, such as when he took jewelry hangings from a curtain and lit it on fire to take out a couple of vampiric bats at once. Blade has taken on hordes of all sorts of vampires from zombies to blood zombies to scorpions, is an expert on all matters of the Undead, and has fought alongside or against top-tier fighters like Deadpool, Moon Knight, and Captain America. In combat he is very tactical and intelligent, such as when he killed Lord Daido by stabbing his psychic tendrils, causing him to instantly explode from the feedback.

And when slaughtering the demons aren’t enough, Blade’s years of combat experience have made him tactically genius, almost to the point of manipulating the forces of evil, such as when he offered himself up as a host to a demon possessing a boy, taking him to the outskirts of town and forcing him out (due to his possession resistance) for the Hulk to safely kill. His stamina is also incredible, being able to train his daughter at night, sunrise, and sunset to help maintain her strength and pull punches the same way he does.

Buffy Summers

As Sunnydale’s defender against the creatures of the night and as the vampire slayer, Buffy has plenty of skill and experience. For starters, due to being the Slayer, she was imbued with the skills of all the previous slayers, which the slayer lineage has existed for thousands of years. With this skill she has been capable of fighting vampires and monsters for 15 years and started when she was just 15 years old. Buffy has been trained by multiple different people in becoming the slayer which include Merrick, Giles, and Angel.

With the skills she was gifted and the training she received she became a master in virtually every fighting style and weapon known to man because of this. However, she reasonably should be particularly skilled in Jiu-Jitsu and Aikido. She also utilizes her agility and acrobatics into her fighting style, allowing for her to play off the environment extremely well. She has shown her skill on multiple occasions like when she beat Giles who is a trained watcher on her first day training with him, easily shot a fly out of the sky with a tack, and was able to throw a large plank fast enough to hit a vampire easily in the heart. Buffy herself has taken on countless groups and armies of entities such as vampires, uber vampires, demons, and even zombies; including taking on multiple while poisoned. She has kept up and defeated the likes of Spike who has killed 2 slayers, Lothos who states he has killed dozens slayers, and Angel who has stated he has fought in 15 different wars.

Throughout her 15 years of combat she has fought against many potential apocalyptic events which have threatened not only Earth but also the universe on a few occasions. Many times she is fighting against the odds like when she fought against Glorificus, who was literally a god of a hell dimension or when she fought The First Evil who is the originator of evil. Many of these times she fights multiple days in a row with minimal to no sleep. However, due to being the slayer she always manages to pull through. 




Undoubtedly Blade's most iconic tool he carries would be the Blades that gave him his name. He's used a lot over the years, from titanium acid-etched swords, twin metal katanas, machetes to one that shreds peoples hands if they try to touch it, which his other swords likely share, exploding swords, and even swords capable of negating magic.

Blade’s main sword, the titanium acid-etched one, is powerful enough to draw blood from Morbius the Living Vampire or to cut through demons that were drawing blood from the Hulk, or even stab through Immortal Hulk himself. Which could be consistent as he was able to use this sword to stab through Damion Hellstrom.

Blade also has swords which are far superior to most of his other swords. For starters he has an adamantium odachi which he used to cleave through these golems. While they likely are not super strong we know how powerful adamantium is, being able to constantly damage characters which can get universal to multiversal+ levels of power. Blade also has katanas which were able to draw blood from a being which could beat around Ghost Rider. While this sword very well could be his main sword, it’s not entirely clear so we decided to list it separately.


Beyond a good sword, Blade can use little more than a dagger, and yet he'll STILL carve up your unholy ass like a Thanksgiving Day turkey. He has a plethora of smaller melee weapons like curved knives, wooden stakes, silver stakes, anti-vampire glaives, and throwing knives. His stakes have been sharpened to the nanopoint which can pierce through armor and even contains a stake in his boot. His daggers and knives have been shown to hurt and even draw blood from the likes of Morbius.


Whenever any sword or other pointy object won't do the job, Blade usually switches tactics and decides to light up the dead with unholy weaponry. He's got his fair share of guns, like automatic and semi-automatic firearms packing hollow point or garlic filled silver bullets in several variations. He also has shown to use other types of bullets like armor piercing bullets and silver tipped bullets, rubber bullets, and tranquilizer darts. He has a vast list of guns at his disposal like Uzi’s, a tech-based gun, shotguns, pistols, revolvers, snipers, assault rifles, and even semi-automatic assault rifles.

Beyond those, here are a few of his more unique guns to bring the hammer down on the Undead. 


When all of the above won't work? Just give the suckhead some good old fashioned explosives and they'll burn soon enough. Across his dynamite resume, Blade has used remote detonated explosives, grenades/bombs, and timed explosives which combined can be seen from 30 miles away.


The weapon doesn't always make the man, and sometimes, defense is the best offense. In Blade's case, he wears a decked out trenchcoat he has stacked to the brim with every weapon on the list, all rounded out with body armor underneath composed of Kevlar, that has protected him from gunfire and explosions. Like stated above he also carries some more secretive weapons like a stake in his boot. It's also the single most badass outfit in the history of killing vampires.

Plasma Capsules

The threat of vampirism is still enough to keep Blade ready, and he usually comes prepared in case those close to him suffer the terrible curse of being a vampire. Whether it's a glass vile or needles, Blade has an antidote designed to revert the effects of vampirism, and can turn a person normal again if he can sink it in their skin.

Vampire Blood

One of the major reasons why Blade was the best opponent to fight Wolverine is his vampire blood vials. With these he would be capable of turning anyone into a vampire by simply just injecting the blood into their bloodstream. Thus this would make opponents with regeneration like Wolverines, easier to kill by just staking them.

Witch Compass 

Crafted 1000 years ago, the Witch Compass is drawn to negative energy, and can thus be used to determine the location of magic or demonic beings even though he can do it himself at this point.

Mystical Pepper Spray

This mysterious lightning in a can eroded the flesh of a vampire like nobody's business. We can assume he's got multiple sprays in this thing, and that it would work on most monsters in general given how varied his enemies are.

Sealing Artifact

Blade has an artefact capable of sealing people and vampires away with an incantation and stun enemies such as a vampirized Hightail with a magical blast. It also can imbue people with a magical enchantment which makes their current arsenal and abilities better at fighting vampires.

Breathing Gun

This little thing may not look like one of Blade's strongest weapons, but you can bet your hellfire-scorched ass it is and you will NOT survive it. Given to him by Daimon Hellstrom, the son of Satan, it is one of the arch weapons of Hell, and absurdly more powerful than his other gear. When the forces of hell get a bit too big for their britches, the gun will hiss, and is then able to be used…to utterly annihilate any poor suckhead who comes a-knocking. It is powerful enough to kill Robbie Reyes, Daimon himself, and even the Hellcharger through rounds. Impressive, considering all of them are conventionally immortal and make the term “herald” look like child's play. If you don't believe in it yet, it's been used by Blade to take on the wretches of hell, demon-possesed Iron Man armors, or even shoot through Cosmic Ghost Rider's shoulder and get his shocked approval. If that's not proof enough, I don't know what is. 

Based on Daimon's statements, it may run on ammo, but we haven't seen so given Blade used it multiple times, on Earth and in hell, across the next few issues. As such, it's unlikely he's running out after at least a few dozen shots. He should also still have it in the first place, given Daimon gave it to him as a countermeasure and let him leave with it for Hell without asking for it back. 


These are weapons that we deemed while important to note, do not necessarily need their own section. Below are a bunch of random one off weapons that Blade has used in his comic run.

Buffy Summers


The most common weapon in Buffy’s arsenal are her stakes. While they aren’t the strongest weapons, they are her most reliable. By using these she can kill basically any vampire by staking them in the heart which she does pretty well. Her most known stake is one she calls Mr. Pointy. That stake was one that was gifted to her by another slayer named Kendra.


Crosses are something Buffy uses fairly consistently throughout the likes of the show. While they are not inherently super strong, they are effective in warding off vampires and contact with crosses in the Buffyverse causes vampires to begin to start burning.

Cross Necklace

A necklace that was given to Buffy by one of her love interests, Angel. It is in the shape of a cross, giving it the power to do the things stated above and can be used as the last form of defense against vampires if she has nothing else on her (even though she can just use her hands). 

Mʔ or what we will refer to as The Scythe is an ancient but powerful weapon that is counterpart to the legendary Excalibur, and was created to kill Old Ones, the mightiest vampires in all of Demonkind. It can kill enemies in three different ways; stabbing from the front, cutting with the actual scythe, or stabbing with the stake at the back. The Scythe is mystical and magical in its properties which gives it the ability to do things that no other weapon can do such as tear holes in reality, like to make Portals to other Dimensions through an intricate spell, which other skilled magicians have done with ease. This magic is what allows for it to be Buffy’s strongest weapons, even stronger than herself. Buffy has used this scythe to also deflect other attacks such as magical blasts and energy beams from ray guns from the future, as well as absorb magic spells from others to amplify its own power. The Scythe also bears protective wards against enemies trying to steal its magic.


A powerful crossbow capable of piercing vampires and demons with wooden stake-like arrows which would kill vampires by hitting them in the heart. These crossbows only have one shot and take some time to reload making them not very reliable for prolonged or close range fights.

Holy Water

Praise the lord we got holy water. Contact between the Holy Water and a vampire causes the vampire to burn. She has shown to use it on a few occasions and sometimes carries a canister or two on her.

Weapon Chest

In the series, Buffy has a chest which she uses to hold all of her miscellaneous weaponry. Everything listed below is either something that has been found in the weapon chest or is a miscellaneous item which she should still have.

  • Swords

  • Axes

  • Maces

  • Bug Spray: Used against She-Mantis, good when dealing with bugs

  • Machete: Used to kill She-Mantis, bringing out her inner Jason Voorhees

  • Lighter: A lighter that Buffy uses to set someone on fire.

  • Rope: Some rope Buffy uses to scale down some high rocks.



Dhampir Physiology

As many of you know, Blade is a Dhampir, or daywalker, which is essentially a mix of vampire and human due to his…”complicated” birth. He has shown to possess all the standard vampire powers like increased stats, senses, immortality, shape-shifting into a bat, and a healing factor, but with none of the weaknesses. Garlic, silver, sunlight? None of it will work on him, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. A while ago, he was bitten by legitimate vampire Morbius, and this amplified his already impressive powers even more. He also has a non-magical presence, and was undetected by a ship's sensors for this very reason.

Enhanced Smell

Among other improved “Vamp senses”, Blade also has a supernatural smell that can detect more than just typical scents. As he puts it, he can sniff out the ‘supernatural stench’, meaning vampires, monsters, and whatever traces may be left of them. He was able to smell a vampire that broke into his wife’s house by just by being in the room, and can even tell who someone is by the scent of their clothes. He can smell human blood easily, no matter how faint. This works on pretty much everything, and has been used for pretty much everything. He's instantly detected people in his area, like the Punisher trying to sneak up on him, and found which of Dr. Doom's robots were really him due to lavender soap (yes really), and all but tasted Frost Giant blood on She-Hulk from 3 miles away. In tune with his magical adventures, he can also smell and discern different types of spells, such as Blood Magic.

Healing Factor

As a half-vampire, Blade has inherited the healing of one, and it's pushed him through some crazy things. He can ignore having his hand impaled, or getting his face slashed by Wolverine, and heal from both in seconds. Even crazier is when he was tortured for a ritual, and when I say “tortured”, I mean he was impaled, had flesh dug out of his sides, and was drained of 8 pints of blood, but he STILL broke out, healed in moments, and kicked the asses of half the people in the building. He’s also able to heal from fire that burned his entire body from the Adana.

Immortality/Decreased Aging

Another bonus of being a Vampire is the fact that you'll never see wrinkles on your face in the mirror due to being immortal…if you can see yourself at all because some vampires can't for some reason (open to delete, thought it would be funnier). The biggest example is how, due to Marvel Comics continuing through the decades, people's birthdays and ages get retconned so they don't easily get older. Blade? Nah. That man just stayed as is, and it's still canon he was born in the late 1920's, having done his vampire killing since the 30's. It's been stated he is resistant to aging, and he believes he could eventually rid the world of all vampires due to his unnatural lifespan

Mystical Sensing

After several decades of hunting the supernatural and after being bit by Morbius, Blade has become uniquely attuned to sensing them himself, With this being reaffirmed in that he can sense supernatural activity according to files on the Civil War event. Blade even calls it his own Spidey Sense which would allow him to detect supernatural entities that are not just vampires but demons too.


Blade has gotten the drop on enemies on many occasions, even being stealthy enough to sneak up on vampires, who have enhanced senses. One of his most impressive stealth feats is breaking into the Pentagon and breaking out without being seen, and making it all the way to Antarctica.

Energy Siphon

We're all familiar with traditional Vampires sucking blood from people. Marvel Vampires though? They can suck out pretty much any power their opponent has, as showcased with Blade. He was able to “suck out” the demonic sickness of a possessed Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider, effectively turning his powers off by “doing what vampires do”. Later on, he did so again to multiple genetically enhanced Roxxon super soldiers, turning off their enhanced states, knocking them out, and turning them back into humans. Of note, Robbie was ragdolling and battling the Avengers, and the super soldiers were also battling She-Hulk, so the actual strength of the character is likely a non-factor given it has worked on opponents this strong.

Vampire Abilities

In the most recent run of Blade, the Adana, the Primordial Eldritch God, is spreading evil throughout the world through demons possessing people, and attempting to overthrow hell with her new one. Blade tried to stop her but was easily beaten and snapped back to reality, even with the aid of Lightbringer, the sword of Lucifer himself. He goes to his arch enemy Dracula for mentorship, and to find a way to beat Adana, and after much sparring, Dracula deduces that Blade has been suppressing himself of his power due to hatred towards his vampiric heritage, and to beat Adana, he needs to embrace this side of himself. Dracula admits that to become as powerful of a vampire as him, it would take him generations to teach Blade, so he offers him a goblet of his own blood for Blade to drink, as a shortcut to become that much more powerful. Now with the assumed vampiric physiology of Dracula, Blade is now far stronger, faster, and more durable, and has already showcased some abilities we have seen from the Lord of the Vampires, such as controlling his molecular structure to turn into mist to avoid an attack from Dracula, or shapeshifting into a werewolf, or even a horde of bats. Most recently in his fight against Adanna, he destroyed a horde of vampire-human hybrids by shapeshifting into mist and seemingly destroying them by using his mist form to make their heads explode. Blade can also turn people into vampires with his bite. Once they are vampires they would be under his control. (We don’t know the full context but this is what’s happening in the current marvel arc right now).


Buffy Summers

Slayer Physiology

Upon becoming The Slayer, she was gifted with extraordinary strength and skill beyond most other humans. Like the usual, she was gifted with super strength and durability, super speed, enhanced senses, a healing factor, and increased combat skill. With this she can contend with beings far more powerful than normal humans like vampires and demons. Like all other Slayers, she is psychically linked to the history of every warrior in their creed before her via a mystical and spiritual energy source. Oftentimes, their powers are able to react faster and move off of basically just instinct alone. Lastly, they are even capable of healing specific poisons with their blood, like when Buffy healed Angel from the Killer of the Dead poison.

These powers come from an internal magic source similar to Willow's powers, and have been implied by people from centuries past to come from demonic origins. These have been proven as well, like when Buffy visited the creators of the first slayer and was almost put under the same ritual, which the first slayer was given in order to further increase her slayer power. This ritual would have infused her with the soul of a demon. Her powers have also been stated to be “evil” in origin, further adding to the proof that her powers likely come from a demonic origin.

Enhanced Senses

With the powers of the Slayer, Buffy’s senses were amplified exponentially. She has been shown to be capable of fighting invisible entities on more than one occasion and was even able to fight invisible entities while she was invisible herself. She has been able to sense when entities are following her too with these senses. Possibly the most impressive showing of her senses is the fact she can sense vampires in the area if she focuses hard enough, giving her some sort of vampiric sixth sense.

Healing Factor

As a Slayer, Buffy has been gifted with a healing factor that quickly repairs most wounds, similar to Wolverine apparently. This has allowed her and other slayers to regenerate from all sorts of things like when Faith regenerated from a coma which she was supposed to never wake up from in just 8 months, Buffy regenerated from almost all the blood being sucked from her in just a day, and her being able to come back quickly after being stabbed in the back. This regeneration has been stated to be on par with that of vampires like Angel and Spike who can heal quickly from getting hit by a car, being tortured, and even having their eardrums poked out.


Magic is the imposition of one's will upon reality itself, where you can accomplish pretty much anything you imagine. While magic is not something Buffy is proficient at or uses regularly she has used it once. This was when she was trying to see if someone put a curse on her mother, so she used Cloutier’s Trance which is used to see other spells like curses or hexes which would be invisible otherwise. While she did use this spell, this required some level of prep as not only did she need oil of Abramelti, red sand, and violent incense, she needed to perform a ritual where she pours the sand in a circle and meditates in the circle. This would make it extremely hard to pull off in combat however, it is a good showing of Buffy having shown the capacity to use some level of magic. 





  • Can keep up with the likes of Wolverine, Deadpool, Moon Knight, and even Black Panther

  • Has killed countless vampires over the hundreds of years he has been alive

  • Was valued enough to even train members of the X-Men

  • Owed a favor from Heaven

    • No, really.




Buffy Summers


  • Has saved Earth and even the Universe from countless apocalyptic events

  • Has killed and defeated countless vampires and demons

  • Defeated the likes of The Master, Faith, Glorificus, and even The First Evil

  • Went to Heaven (Possibly also just schizophrenic)


With her Scythe 






Blade has fought and kept up with Wolverine on multiple occasions and has been stated to be “the best possible person to take him down” at one point. Lastly, Blade has fought opponents who scale to Logan such as Gambit, so he should definitely compare in terms of feats.



Blade has fought with and against Deadpool on multiple occasions. In these several battles, most have ended with Blade casually dispatching the merc with the mouth and thus allows him to upscale.

Other Street Tiers

Blade scaling to other street tiers is super consistent. He has fought and kept up with multiple street tiers such as Moon Knight, Hawkeye, Falcon, and Black Panther.

Spider-Man (Debatable)

As stated above, scaling to Spider-Man is quite debatable. There is a lot for and against Blade being able to scale to Spider-Man so we will start off by talking about why Blade could scale, then why he might not, and from there y’all can formulate your own opinion from there. While it may be brought up in the verdict section, it won’t do much to change the verdict.

To begin with, Blade fairly consistently fights with Spider-Man. There are multiple issues and storylines where he fights enemies with Spider-Man which possibly could harm Peter, thus meaning if Blade is also fighting and contending with those enemies, he would scale. Another point is that Blade has been shown to fight and even defeat a vampirized Spider-Man before. This version of Spider-Man likely wasn’t holding back at all either given he had no real control of what he was doing. Another factor would be when Blade met Spider-X in Midnight Sons Unlimited. For reference, Spider-X was a guy who was possessed/amped by the powers of Darkhold, to get “the powers of his hero Spider-Man, and more…”. During this, their first fight, Blade was a bit surprised by Spider-X as he didn't know him to be evil yet, and was intercepted and thrown back as a result. He got back up less than a minute later despite that, and later, when more battle oriented, dodged Venom spit from Spider-X, and his colleagues also had technology that could blast back this monster through part of a building. Later in the comic, he could also pierce Spider-X's skin with his throwing knives as well. So, he essentially shrugged off a hit from and later dodged attacks from an amped Spider-Man, then later pierced his skin with some knives. Another reference for how strong Darkhold makes you is when Blade himself was possessed, he proceeded to slaughter Morbius and Werewolf By Night.

Aside from that, Blade has crossed paths and can contend with Morbius the living vampire, who should pretty blatantly scale to Spider-Man, as there have been times he has harmed him. He's fought alongside him multiple times and earned statements the two would make a frightening team, and tried to attack him before, scaring him in the process. Also, he's pretty consistently portrayed as a step above the normal Marvel street crowd, like Punisher, Deadpool, and Wolverine, with the examples to prove it. Also, recently Blade has gotten a buff in his powers and abilities after drinking the blood of Dracula. This was allegedly capable of giving him generations worth of power and skill which likely means he could potentially scale to Spider-Man through scaling to Dracula. With these arguments, it isn't that hard to scale him to Spider-Man…but you can argue against it.

For starters, there have been multiple times where Spider-Man or other Spidey characters have defeated Blade in combat. In the same vein, most of the time Morbius is a step above Blade in combat, similarly to how Spider-Man is when Blade fights him. One specific point for Blade scaling to Spider-Man is him defeating a vampirized Spider-Man. However, in another comic Spider-Man is vampirized again and fights Blade who became bloodlusted due to drugs. While Blade was stated to make him feel pain and basically snap Spidey out of his vampirization, Spidey immediately one shots Blade after doing so, showing that he should still be above Blade. In the same vein, Blade was also able to take a hit from Morbius that was intended to knock him out. However, not only did he struggle to get back up, it’s likely that Morbius wasn’t as strong as when he fought Blade given the fact he stated Morbius was just like any other vampire.

However, while there is debate on if Blade physically scales, Blade’s weapons likely should scale to Spider-Man. For starters his sword and knife have been shown to hurt and even draw blood from Morbius who likely should scale to Spider-Man. Spider-Man has even been hurt by some of Blade’s weapons in the past. Thus, it's fairly debatable if Blade physically should scale to Peter’s peak, but Blade’s weapons at least should to some extent. 

Marvel Heralds

Now we know this sounds absurd but hear us out. We are not scaling Blade physically to the strongest characters in Marvel as he has been shown to physically be below them. However, Blade has an Adamantium sword. Blade does not scale to his own sword but Adamantium has been shown to harm multiple heralds such as the Hulk, Thor, Drax and Thanos. So while Blade will not be scaling to these feats physically he will be able to scale through his Adamantium sword, and other gear like the Breathing Gun given its showings against Cosmic Ghost Rider and Robbie Reyes/Daimon Hellstrom.

Buffy Summers

Willow & Dark Willow

While Willow has been stated to be one of the strongest, if not the strongest member of the Scooby Gang on multiple occasions, Buffy should be able to reasonably scale to Willow’s more casual showings of magic. The proof of this is when she survived attacks from a not full power Dark Willow and was able to survive an explosion which even destroyed Willow's own magical bubble.

In terms of scaling to Dark Willow, Buffy realistically should not scale in her magically AP however, she should be able to scale to her in speed given the fact she can keep up with her in a physical fight.


As the name Buffy the Vampire Slayer suggests, Buffy has fought multiple vampires and should be able to be comparable to them. Slayers like Faith, who Buffy has fought before, have enhanced strength comparable to vampires and have been stated to be more of a threat than any vampire would be if gone rogue. Buffy has also fought and defeated the likes of Angel and Spike on multiple occasions, who are some of the stronger vampires in the Buffyverse.

Speaking of stronger vampires, there are two which are worth mentioning separately, The Master and Ubervamps. The Master was the oldest known vampire on record and was basically the leader of all vampires. While he does kill Buffy, they later fight for a second time where Buffy basically destroys him. This coupled with the fact she has gotten way stronger and has trained more sense then should be justifiable proof behind scaling. The second is an old race of vampires known as Turok-Han or what we will call, Ubervamps. These Ubervamps essentially are the first vampires and are like the prehistoric version of vampires. Think of it like how wolves are the ancestors to dogs. These vampires are far stronger and more durable than your average vampire while also being more aggressive making them much harder to deal with. Buffy has been able to take hits from them, hurt them, and kill them in the past, given with pretty extreme difficulty so scaling should be justifiable through that.


This section goes to characters that don’t necessarily deserve their own scaling section but also have feats which are notable. Buffy reasonably should scale to them all either through direct scaling like when she was able to fight and keep up with the Native American Spirit or through scaling chains through Angel. Angel has fought and kept up with his son Connor who has some impressive feats of his own and while Angel does not scale to The Beast in AP and durability, he was able to react and dodge his attacks. Thus Buffy should scale to them through scaling to Angel.

Illyria (Debatable)

While Buffy has never fought Illyria, there are debatable arguments which could be made for scaling to her. While she fairly consistently bodies Angel, Faith, Spike, and the rest of the crew, she has been shown to take some levels of damage from Angel’s punches which could result in a downscale. Angel and Faith have also shown the ability to take attacks from here which could also potentially show some level of scaling, even though she was possibly holding back due to the fact that she was seeing things and she has shown capacity to kill Angel fairly quickly before.

Shenlong (Debatable)

In Buffy's comic adventures, her team fights a Shenlong. This ancient Chinese dragon bears incredible storm related powers, and Buffy also, while amplified via the power of thousands of other Slayers, fought the caster of this spell. Said caster even absorbed the Dragon for a power boost herself, and Buffy could still endure her strikes, even though she was rather damaged. More information will be given later on, but here are its feats regardless

Seed of Wonder

One of the most powerful objects in all of Buffy, the Seed of Wonder is what the source of all magic on Earth. Due to it being the source of all magic, it is like a battery to magic allowing for it to scale to any magical ability done. This is also further proven as when it got destroyed, all magic on Earth went away and it was nearly impossible to do any spells unless it was from an outside force. Now the next question is, how does Buffy scale? Well… she doesn’t. However, The Scythe which Buffy uses does as it was able to destroy the Seed of Wonder and was basically fine afterwards, only being broken at the handle. Thus every feat listed below is something that The Scythe should scale to.



While Blade is an incredibly strong and badass individual, he can sometimes get cocky and arrogant for his own good, letting foes take advantage of this. While having enhanced senses can be a benefit, his can be overwhelmed if there’s numerous scents in an area, such as a swamp

Buffy Summers

Buffy has an incredibly strong group of friends she can always rely on, right? Nope, she acts more as a ‘lone-wolf’, putting the confidence in both herself and her set of abilities. This means that when someone starts to beat her in a fight, it can come as a sudden suppose. Also, she can only tap into the Slayers memory banks in dreams, making them situational. 



It’s everyone’s favorite section of blogs! While the Buffy cosmology isn’t inherently massive it can get convoluted at points due to the fact that the world dimension, world, universe, realm, and realities are all interchangeable throughout the series even though in some cases when one of those words are used they are used in the more literal sense. So without further ado let us jump into the cosmology of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

To begin with there is very obviously an Earth in the verse. Earth can refer to the planet itself but it’s fairly likely that on some occasions it can refer to the entire universe as it on occasion can be referred to as the Earth realm or dimension. The Earth realm is connected to Hell through the Hellmouths which are basically portals between Earth and Hell. They are normally closed however, if opened they could become apocalyptic. 

Hell is a little more complex. Hell is its own universe however, it is made up of at least thousands to even possibly more hell dimensions which are stated to be extradimensional. There are multiple hell dimensions like Acathla’s dimension, The Factory Dimension, Arashmaharr, and even Quor’toth. These Hell Dimensions likely are different sizes as we’ve seen in the past: The Factory Dimension was fairly small and inclosed, Quor’toth contains a forest and a kingdom while also potentially being at least planet sized and is referred to as a world (which could mean it’s also universal in size due to how much those words are interchangeable), Arashmaharr likely being its own planet too with it containing multiple moons, and Wolfram and Harts Holding Dimension which is the size of the town which possibly has its own sun (possibly artificial given vampires can walk under this Sun’s sunlight). These Hell Dimensions often follow different sets of rules when it comes to time or space. For example The Factory Dimension moved significantly faster than Earth's time, where a single day on Earth is equivalent to 100 years in that dimension. While some Hell Dimensions don’t have these beings, Old Ones happen to roam through some of these dimensions. 

Old Ones, while not a part of the cosmological structure, are important to talk about. Old Ones are basically pureblood demons which make them stronger, faster, and bigger than your average demon is. A common misconception is that Old Ones are the creator’s of each hell dimension when that’s not inherently true. Old Ones merely are just really powerful demons which often rule over these hell demons. We know this to be true given the fact Earth used to be a Hell Dimension where many Old Ones roamed and fought for power amongst one another.

On the flip side to Hell Dimensions, there are Heaven Dimensions which are even more vague than Hell Dimensions. Not much is known about these dimensions besides the fact there are possibly zillions of these dimensions (this could be an over exaggeration) and that mostly Higher Beings are the ones to occupy these dimensions. What we do see of these dimensions implies that they are kind of foggy in how they look but there isn’t much else besides that.

Besides these dimensions there are other “dimensions” which essentially are parallel universes which are merely just called alternate dimensions. Essentially parallel universes are just alternate realities of our own, a common example used in the show is there being a universe exactly like ours but instead shrimp do not exist or there is nothing but shrimp. There are at least millions but very likley infinite alternate universes in the Buffyverse which are also described as endless worlds across endless dimensions. Alongside the infinite universes there are also alternate timelines similar to these alternate universes as talked about when discussing string theory as a solution to the greater multiverse of said cosmology.

One of these parallel universes is the Wishverse, a universe created by Anya with magic, when Cordelia wished for Buffy to never come to Sunnydale. Due to Buffy never coming to Sunnydale, The Master was able to escape which led to characters like Xander and Willow becoming vampires. While it may not seem like it at first, the implications of this are pretty big. This is due to the fact that in order for The Master to exist in this universe, there must also be a hell dimension given that vampires are demons. This is only further confirmed when they reference their being a hellmouth in the Wishverse, not just in Sunnydale but also in Cleveland. Due to this it is fair to assume she also created at least another hell universe with this parallel universe. Referring back up to the hell dimension section, we also know each hell dimension is differing in size so theoretically she created thousands of dimensions alongside the alternate universe each likely with their own time and size. While she did create this universe and hell dimension, there isn’t enough proof to say she created anything else with these so including anything else would be fairly disingenuous.

Besides this there are also a few other weird sections in the cosmology. There is an area known as the Outer Realms or Dimensions which are very likely just dimensions outside of the known cosmology however, it is fairly vague what they are exactly except for the fact they exist. There is also an area in the cosmology called the “dimensional boonies” which is also just as vague, however, the term boonies is slang for boondocks and the boondocks is a term for a remote location. So it is fairly possible the dimension boonies are very remote dimensions cut off from the rest of the cosmology similar to the outer dimensions. One of these dimensions is Anharra which has been stated to be comparable to the Earth dimension theoretically meaning it is also universal in size. This dimension is also at least planetary in size though and there are very clearly other planets inside of this dimension making it one of the bigger dimensions we have seen. 

As a brief recap or TLDR on the Buffy cosmology, there is our universe which is the Earth dimension. There are heaven and hell universes, each composed of many different dimensions. Outside of these dimensions there are infinite parallel universes and alternate timelines which have been talked about through String Theory. Then there are Outer Dimensions and The Dimensional Boonies which are very likely areas in the cosmology separated from everything else based on their names. 

Before the Verdict

Will Blade's Breathing Gun work on Buffy?

One of Blade's most powerful weapons he brings to the table is the Breathing Gun; an archweapon of hell given to him by Daimon Hellstrom, the son of Satan. This weapon is absurdly more powerful than most of his other gear, and particularly useful against demonic entities. This of course leads into a valid point: would this weapon even work on Buffy?

To answer this, let's go over what exactly the Breathing Gun does. It's a gun, obviously, but Blade pretty much exclusively uses it on demonic entities. These include your standard demons, Ghost Rider's, Daimon himself, etc, but also more muddled affairs, like possessed Iron Man armors, or Cosmic Ghost Rider's bike. Speaking of CGR, he shot through his shoulder just fine, which is important, as a sizable portion of his powers are from the Power Cosmic and not wholly demonic. This, combined with his bike being inherently a demonic object and the armors being possessed, leads me to believe all you really need to be affected by it is any portion of demonic ability or heritage. Demonic vehicles and possessed machines would lead credence to this. For example, this is the equivalent of shooting somebody with the Gun when they are possessed and it still working due to demonic traits inside them in any metric.

With that covered, let's turn to Buffy. She is obviously superhuman, but not inherently a demon due to being still a human. In reality, the Slayers were born out of a black magic ritual, and their powers have been stated “evil” in origin. Several sources across the Slayers’ history have stated or even shown that their powers are demonically based, meaning it's logical they have some kind of demonic influence on their powers, as an explanation for their many abilities. That said, we think the Breathing Gun is fair grounds for working on Buffy. We are shown that all it really needs is some kind of demonic influence or origin to work on any object, like demonic vehicles or possessed objects. Given Buffy's powers are demonic in nature and origin, it's a safe bet that the Breathing Gun could potentially affect her as well.

The San Francisco Storm

In Buffy's Season 10 comic line, her crew comes across a Chinese dragon that creates a storm over San Francisco. As for actually scaling Buffy to this, you can, she just doesn't really benefit from it in any major way. Let's look at the context. 

So essentially, Buffy and company fight the Dragon twice. The first is its initial visit, where it brings a storm that needs to be stopped (check here for context). During this battle, the dragon overpowered both Willow and Giles’ magic spells, and was pretty solidly outmatching everybody else who tried doing anything to it. Granted, Buffy could stab it with her scythe, but the depiction was more akin to an ant biting a human then actually overpowering him or anything. However, the real instance that breaks and somewhat makes the scaling is their second battle later on (check here for context).

During this second battle, Buffy was battling the cyborg magic-obsessed secretary (don't ask) who summoned Shenlong in the first place, while Willow was trying to stop the dragon. To battle the caster of this spell, Buffy was infused with the energy of “thousands” of other Slayers, per a macguffin that stole mystical energy from people; like turning a Slayer into an ordinary human. Willow on the other hand was able to restrain Shenlong for a time, but admitted herself it would soon break out. When Buffy was fighting the secretary, said antagonist absorbed part of the dragon's energy to boost her power once more. At that point, she then shot energy blasts at Buffy, who could block via the Scythe, but simply excess energy from this was tearing her body apart. She managed to reach her foe and distract her enough for Shenlong (brought back by Willow) to devour her and fly away. 

So, does she scale? Well, the simple version is no, but I'll tell you the extended version anyway. In terms of the first fight, the dragon kind of just swept Buffy's allies, and at best you could argue downscaling given she stabbed it and her allies could tank blows from it, shoving them back. In the second battle, Buffy has a decent enough scaling chain through dueling the caster of the spell that summoned Shenlong, Willow briefly restraining the dragon and later being implied to have re-energized it, and her later blocking energy from the secretary who stole power from the dragon. However, these lead to downscaling at best. Willow outright admitted herself that she couldn't restrain the dragon for long, and coupling that with its ignoring her spells in the first battle leads credence to this. While Buffy did block strikes from the secretary wielding the powers of the dragon, she said herself that she did not take all of the beast's power. Even in regards to blocking these strikes, the stray energy affecting her body severely damaged it, they nearly killed Spike just from reflected strikes, and she didn't even defeat the secretary; they instead had Shenlong eat her without a problem.

So yes, all of this means you can't really scale Buffy's physicality to it in a major way. The dragon ignored Willow/Giles spells and later would break out of her attempt at shielding, and Buffy's physical body was severely damaged by the energy from the secretary using an unknown portion of Shenlong's might. Keep in mind that this was also an amplified state while she was doing this mind you. Now, we can still somewhat compare her to this in a sense. The Scythe itself would still scale given it could stab Shenlong at all and block strikes from the Dragon-amped Secretary, and we can still apply part of the feat to Buffy. The form in question granted her the energies of thousands of Slayers, while the storm in question covering San Francisco like so gets 4 megatons of TNT. So, we simply divide the storm feat (which even then she would downstate at best) by however many thousands you think this was

4 Megatons ÷ 9,000 Slayers = 444.444 Tons of TNT

4 Megatons ÷ 2,000 Slayers = 2 Kilotons of TNT per Slayer

This means scaling Buffy's physicality to this gets 444 tons of TNT to 2 kilotons with a fair amount of leniency to her.

Lightspeed Buffy?

There are various laser arguments for Buffy and company (expected from a near-30 year old franchise) that we will discuss here. Starting off with a pair of vampire siblings, these two (whose names I don't remember honestly) have shot straight energy beams from their eyes, and Angel/Faith have fought them as well as others Buffy would scale to. These beans do burn, but they also explode, which real lightspeed lasers can't do. One could argue this is due to superheating however, they are also never called lasers and could be argued to have force, so this one's out.

Moving on to Fray's laser, this is a blast from an unnamed future gun that moves in a straight line…and that's it really. We just aren't given information on it or other factors to consider it legitimate, especially when it zig-zags at a few points during its line of fire, and it bouncing off the Scythe. Lasers can only bounce off reflective materials, and while some metals are, it just isn't concrete enough to be used.

Next, let's turn to the Light Demon, who is perhaps the most solid case. He is blatantly stated to be a Light Demon and capable of dishing out this phenomena. The problem? There's no instance of people reacting to his attacks. The example shown above is evidence of that. While it may seem like she is dodging the beam, it is very likely he was just aiming at the artifact she was holding due to the fact she was going to use it to send him away, and she was merely reacting to it getting launched out of her hands. Even if you do argue she dodged it, its formation at impact seems to be an explosion and it seems to have force, which is yet two other possible holes to poke in it.

Now, let's turn to Spike, who has dodged a few potential lasers over the years.

Example 1: Spike dodges and runs away from lasers from someone. This laser moves in a straight line…but shows force when slicing a mailbox right after. Lasers can't show force.

Example 2: Spike leaps away from tanning beds emitting a burst of ultraviolet light. This one is simply just too vague to really say this is what happened. The context is that the crew is bringing some vampires to tanning beds emitting ultraviolet light to kill them, and Spike jumps off the van so he isn't affected. Not only are these rays more a grouping thing that Spike likely just jumps over, but even then it's just hard to gauge how he reacted or what really happens to justify speed scaling.

Example 3: Angel dodges an energy beam of sorts from a Cyclops. This moves in a straight line and possibly burns through Spike's jacket, but we get pretty much no elaboration on it or any other defining details of lasers, like bouncing off reflective surfaces, meaning it’s iffy to call this a laser just cuz it burns and moves in a straight line; any generic energy projectile could do this.

TLDR: Simply put, every example we could find of laser-timing in Buffy either showcases traits that break laser rules like exploding and not burning, aren't reacted to at all, or simply lack definitive proof to be called a legitimate laser, so Buffy doesn't get any laser-timing.

Higher Tier Buffy Args?

Now the moment of truth, does Buffy scale to the cosmic stuff? Well… she shouldn’t. Before we get into the super high tier stuff first we need to address some other arguments which haven’t been talked about before. The first is the destruction of Sunnydale due to the Hellmouth collapsing on itself which got 4.75 Megatons of TNT. There are a few issues with Buffy scaling to this feat. For starters this feat was not really performed by anyone and was done through an amulet which channeled sunlight through itself to destroy all the ubervamps and the hellmouth itself. There is no indication that Buffy would scale to this amulet at all besides the fact that Spike was wearing it. Even though Spike was wearing it, he eventually died to the power of the amulet and literally couldn’t do anything when the amulet was channeling the sunlight. Lastly, when Buffy was sending her goodbyes to Spike before his death, it was implied that if she stayed with Spike during these moments she would die. Thus scaling her to this feat should not be valid.

The second feat to bring up is The Beast causing a storm of hellfire and earthquakes all over Los Angeles. There are two issues with Buffy scaling to this, for starters when Angel fought The Beast he consistently got overpowered and wasn’t able to physically damage The Beast. The second issue is that he did these feats through a ritual and magic which means it’s likely The Beast does not physically scale to these feats himself and are only able to be done through some level of prep.

Now we can finally move on to the cosmic level arguments. The first of these arguments that will be addressed is the notorious sex feat. Essentially, the sex feat is basically Buffy and Angel have sex which causes them to create a 4th dimensional universe while moving through time making it not only a Universal+ feat but also an immeasurable speed feat. The issue with Buffy scaling to this feat is that the feat required very specific circumstances, making it more like a ritual which made the total sum greater than the combination of the two. Secondly, this was while Buffy was amped through Twilight’s Empowerment which she ends up losing after magic is destroyed.

The second feat which needs to be talked about is Buffy surviving a blast from The First Evil. While this may seem impressive initially, there is a lot of context which implies it is not as impressive as it may seem. The context of the scene is that Willow was using a spell to try and locate where The First Evil’s hideout may be. Through this The First Evil, who normally is non-corporeal, was able to enter Willow’s body through the magic and fire a blast of magic at Buffy which she survives. It’s very likely this was not the First Evils full power given the fact it was basically just possessing Willow’s body and the fact the context implies it was just a warning attack taunting Buffy, especially when they say, “YOU ONLY MAKE ME STRONGER!”. Also it’s very likely the attack was only powered by the amount of magic that goes into a locator spell which we don’t know how much magic goes into a locator spell.

The third feat in question is when Buffy jumps into a portal which was going to destroy the universe. The issue with Buffy scaling to this well, she dies. Her dying from this is just a fairly simple indication that she wouldn’t scale to universal levels of power. However, even if we do argue she would scale, there is an issue with this feat being universal. The context of the feat was that this portal was going to open up by draining the blood from Dawn and once all of her blood was drained the portal would be closed. This portal while open was going to destroy the universe however, it was due to the fact it was merely removing the border between Hell and Earth fusing the two into a hellish apocalyptic world. As we saw as well, the portal was taking a substantial amount of time to merge everything which would further weaken the portal potency.

The last inherent feat or feats in question is scaling Buffy to The Old Ones. There are a few issues with this, one of them being she struggles to harm The Old Ones without the use of The Scythe. Another argument against this is that The Old Ones powers seem to be fairly inconsistent amongst one another, as Olvikan “died” from a high school exploding on him but Quor’toth can contend with Dark Willow who has claims of being able to destroy Earth. Another major issue with the scaling is simply, people think that the Old Ones are the ones responsible for creating the Hell Dimensions, which they are not. They are merely residents in the Hell Dimensions in which they reside, usually being the strongest from this dimension which allows them to reign over it.



So, after 6 months (and yes we locked in solely to make this joke) here we arrive at the verdict. Starting off with stats like usual, both have various feats and scaling examples to pull from. As for power, Buffy can compare to Willow, who has casually made plants to other countries which got over a ton of TNT, and survived large blasts worth multiple tons herself. The remaining arguments for her physicality would be scaling to Illyria, and the Shenlong Dragon that crafted a storm over San Francisco. As far as that's concerned, Illyria could easily make a 2 Kiloton explosion, and battle The Magic in a younger form that possessed a statue. This matters because others like Nadira stated that The Magic at this time was equivalent to the biggest bomb in the world; potentially meaning it upscales from something like the 50-megaton Tsar Bomba. Next, we have the Shenlong Dragon making a storm over San Francisco, which requires around 4 Megatons of TNT. The issue with both of these is Buffy can't logically scale; only downscaling at best. 

For Illyria, both Angel and Faith could barely harm her, and she was taking the fight fairly lightly. Even just judging the separate fights against them and against The Magic, Illyria took it far more seriously and was actually trying to win, so Buffy could at best largely downscale her being compared to the Tsar Bomba. It's far more likely she would just scale to the 2 kiloton feat, as Illyria did so while in the same casual sort of nature she fought Angel and Faith. Moving on to the Shenlong Dragon, we already discussed it in BTV, but Buffy very clearly can't scale to it in physicality. Even when amped with the powers of every Slayer on the planet, just a portion of the Dragon's powers absorbed into one she was fighting allowed said caster to tear her body apart rather easily, and mere stray energy from this instantly took Spike off the playing field. We could debatably downscale her from this given she did manage to survive at all, and we know thousands of Slayers powers went into this, meaning we would just divide 4 Megatons by however many thousands you are okay with. Using 2,000 actually gets about 2 Kilotons of TNT, which is fairly consistent with Illyria's feat. 

Moving on to Blade and his physical ability, Blade on his own has endured being near a Gamma Blast comparable to a nuclear bomb, with surface area granting him about 8 Kilotons for doing so, which is already 4 times more powerful than the best scaling we can reasonably grant Buffy. It gets even worse as we compare and likely upscale Blade from fellow Marvel street-tiers like Deadpool given how easily he defeated him, which includes Wolverine surviving a 20 Kiloton bomb, and Deadpool getting punched out of Krakoa with 30 Kilotons of TNT's worth in energy. Remember that Buffy only gets around 2 Kilotons; meaning Blade is over a dozen times stronger physically. Even if you were to try and compare Buffy to Illyria or Shenlong to get the power advantage, Blade would still prevail, because now let's talk about Spider-Man. 

Scaling other street-tiers to Peter Parker under most circumstances has been pretty controversial in recent vs terms. He's frequently and consistently shown to mop the floor with the majority of characters like Punisher and Deadpool whenever he gets serious; hence; “Spidey-tiers” have existed for a while. However, Blade is possibly an exception. He is very intertwined with Morbius, a Spider-Man villain, and the two have both earned victories over each other. Blade has fought Spider-Man himself, vampirized, an amped Darkhold version, or otherwise, on multiple occasions and held his own a decent amount of times, despite some embarrassing losses here and there. Even before his large amps through gaining vampire powers, Blade was already pretty consistently a step above most other street tiers like Deadpool. So, it's not exactly a stretch to at least downscale Blade from Peter, especially when dealing with scaling arguments like Shenlong and Illyria are brought into play. 

Even disregarding speed buffs from this, Spider-Man can compare to the Insomniac Miles Morales, who absorbed an explosion that could vaporize Harlem worth over 50 megatons of TNT; practically even with Illyria scaling to The Magic's bomb statement. Even worse is Peter tanking an Exajoule of energy, which is roughly 240 Megatons, and much more powerful than Illyria. To be clear, not everyone will buy these ends for both characters, as it is equally debatable to scale Blade and Buffy to Spider-Man and Illyria/Shenlong's peaks due to context and established power-scaling in-verse. However, the point is that Blade is already much stronger without them, and if you bring in Buffy's magical higher base arguments, Blade still outmuscles via Spider-Man scaling, which itself holds more weight realistically. Thus, Blade comfortably takes power…in their base physicality. 

Given their nature as hunters, it's only natural their weapons would be their greatest tools, and Buffy's Scythe is no joke. It can scale to the Shenlong and Illyria feats when base Buffy can't, and to even other feats beyond, like messing with all of magic and all of creation itself. This kind of power is easily capable of killing Blade if Buffy gets a good hit in with it, but once more, Blade has similar tools. The Breathing Gun (we'll talk more about this later) , his Hellfire Shotgun (can damage Ghost Rider's Hellcharger) , his strongest swords (can stab the Hulk) or even his lower weapons that can harm Morbius are all capable of similarly one-shotting Buffy. This would then turn into a Quickdraw of sorts, given both can easily kill each other with their weapons. 

As far as speed goes, Buffy is comparable to vampires like Angel and Spike, both of whom can dodge lightning; getting upwards of Mach 500, and Buffy has done the same as well. There are a few light timing arguments stemming from laser-like projectiles, but surprisingly, pretty much all of them break various rules of real life lasers, such as showing force or exploding on surfaces. Even ones directly coming from Light monsters show force, and nobody really reacts to them. This is all certainly impressive, but ultimately outclassed by what Blade can accomplish. While Buffy and her companions can dodge lightning, Blade can compare to characters like Deadpool and Moon Knight who can dodge light, and even heroes like Daredevil and Cyclops who can react in nanoseconds. This is easily thousands of times faster, and thus Blade comfortably outclasses in stats at all angles. 

Arsenal & Abilities

These two characters have a pretty wise array of things they can use at their disposal so let's go through how each other are able to interact with one another. We will handle each section in terms of a situation in the fight, these being; close range, long range, and stealth. While I would talk about mid range, neither really have mid great range items anyways. To begin with let us start from the ladder, being stealth. As one may notice, neither can really be stealthy. While Blade likely is stealthier, he wouldn’t be able to capitalize on this given the fact Buffy has enhanced senses which would likely allow for her to detect Blade as well as her sixth sense which lets her detect vampires, something that Blade is. However, if Buffy ever tried to go on the stealth that would also very likely backfire considering the fact Blade has a spidey sense for supernatural entities which Buffy is as well as him having enhanced senses which would let him track Buffy. This coupled with the fact he has the witch compass which can also detect mystical energy would mean Buffy would always be able to be found. Thus stealth is a minute point for the both of them which forces them to engage with each other in some form of combat.

Next to talk about is them engaging in a long range fight. It is fairly obvious that Blade would win in a long range fight. Blade has a way bigger arsenal of guns at his disposal which he could use to simply kill or incapacitate Buffy with as opposed to Buffy who nearly has a single fire crossbow which takes forever to reload. This leads into Blade being able to use his Breathing Gun which would likely kill her fairly quickly and easily due to its potency and AP. While you may be wondering if this can even affect Buffy, it's been stated and shown that Slayer powers are the result of a evil demonic ritual, and are “evil” in nature, which is certainly enough for it to affect her given the Gun's other showings. Blade also has explosives which would be extremely useful from range while also giving him enough AOE to damage Buffy if she just tried to hide and take cover. Due to this Buffy would likely try to close the gap to make it a close ranged fight which is where the main dynamic of the fight happens.

This fight was extremely focused in close range combat. Both have weapons which can one shot each other but how do each of these weapons and the rest of their powers and arsenals interact with one another. Well for starters, Buffy trying to disarm Blade would not be very smart. Blade not only has swords which he can self destruct, but they also can shred the hands of anyone who tries to wield them which aren’t Blade. This would mean Buffy is forced to fight with her own weapons and if she did try to use Blade’s sword she would shred her hand, giving Blade an advantage. Blade also has other weapons besides the Adamantium Odachi and Breathing Gun which could one shot Buffy. Due to Blade’s weapons likely being Spidey Tier, they would easily be able to cleave through or penetrate Buffy, damaging her which the same can’t be said about Buffy’s arsenal. This is due to the fact Buffy’s arsenal is generally very weak besides The Scythe.

Blade does not hold the same weaknesses as other vampires like sunlight, stakes, crosses, and holy water, meaning he can resist the vast majority of Buffy's gear just fine. Just the fact Blade’s armor can take explosions and gunshots means it would be hard to even damage him without the use of The Scythe. Speaking of damage, both of these characters have healing factors which would let them stay in fights for longer than they normally would. Buffy’s healing factor is relatively quick, healing her from getting stabbed, cut, and bruised in just a few minutes which would mean any minor injury wouldn’t do much significant damage and chip damage wouldn’t be viable. However, the same could be said about Blade. Blade’s regeneration allowed for him to regenerate from bruises, cuts, and stab wounds in mere seconds meaning that chip damage and minor damage aren’t a factor for either. If we had to compare regeneration, Blade’s would likely be better. While Buffy was able to regenerate basically all her blood back in a day, Blade was able to do the same thing while also regenerating from getting tortured in just a few minutes, thus Blade should take regeneration. 

Besides his weaponry, Blade has many other ways to be able to kill Buffy. For one he could use his vial of vampire blood to inject it into her bloodstream, turning her into a vampire. This would lead her open to any of the normal vampire weaknesses like stakes, garlic, sunlight, and such which Blade would be able to exploit given his various Vampire-killing tools. If this somehow backfires, Blade could always turn Buffy back into a human with his plasma capsules meaning he would be able to keep things in control if something ever went bad. Blade could also potentially use his Energy Siphoning powers to turn off her Slayer powers similar to how he siphoned energy from Robbie Reyes or genetically altered super soldiers. Blade can always use his shapeshifting powers to turn into mist, go inside of her body, and explode her from the inside out, something he has done in the past. He can also use this shapeshifting to dodge any attack that is sent his way by either turning into mist, a bat, or a group of bats. This would make Blade incredibly hard to hit while also giving him a way to end the fight. 

Blade could also theoretically seal Buffy away with the Sealing Artifact which would be another thing added to the list of potential Blade wincons. However, Buffy could potentially break out using The Scythe if she has it with her when she gets sealed due to it being able to tear holes in reality and create portals. This finally gives Buffy her first advantage. Buffy would also be able to use the Scythe to potentially block and deflect attacks from the Breathing Gun or the Hellfire Shotgun due to them being magical in nature. While Buffy takes some advantages and can counter some of Blade’s arsenal and abilities, Blade just has more going for him when it comes to close and long ranged combat. This section goes to Blade.

Tertiary Factors

The last section has finally arrived. Let us start off with their skill. Both of them are masters in combat, Buffy has the skills of thousands of slayers while Blade is a master in weapon based combat and is a master martial artist. This gives them relative skill as they are both masters in weaponry and martial arts. When it comes to experience, while Buffy inherited the experience of other Slayers, it can only be activated while dreaming. She herself has around 15 years of experience as opposed to Blade who has been doing the same thing as Buffy for nearly 100 years. This gives Blade the experience advantage. When it comes to stamina both have fought for days on end and have fought prolonged fights where they were significantly injured and kept fighting. So it’s very likely their stamina is very similar. Thus tertiary factors are likely very similar, barely going to Blade.


"Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill."


  • Stronger, faster, more durable with both low ends and high ends

  • Has several weapons that can one-shot Buffy, like the Breathing Gun

  • Generally better arsenal

  • Will always have a read on Buffy thanks to his Witch Compass or his super senses

  • Buffy has no counter to Blade turning her into a Vampire or shutting off her powers via his Energy Siphon

  • Superior abilities, like healing factors

  • His Dhampir Physiology means the vast majority of her vampire-killing arsenal is ineffective

  • Blade’s shapeshifting theoretically means it would be hard to hit him and could be used to insta kill Buffy


  • Buffy’s scythe would one-shot him

  • Buffy can potentially break out of his sealing thanks to the Scythe's portal creation

  • Some of his magic attacks can be reflected or absorbed by the Scythe

  • Stealth is useless due to Buffy’s enhanced senses


"Dawn the hardest thing to do in this world… is to live in it… Be brave. Live. For me."


  • Can kill Blade with her best weapon

  • The Scythe can counter some of Blade's arsenal, like his sealing or a few of his magic attacks

  • Counter Blade’s stealth with her enhanced senses

  • Healing factor could help her hang in…


  • Loses the stat trinity 

  • Worse arsenal overall with less options to deal with Blade

  • Vulnerable to Blade turning her into a Vampire or shutting her powers off

  • Vampire killing tools aren’t really helpful due to Blade being a Dhampir

  • …but Blade’s is better

  • Buffy writers are freaks (we ran into incest. Thrice)

In conclusion, Blade solidly takes the victory here. He has straightforward edges in stats, even when comparing their most powerful gear. His superior speed and ranged weaponry would ensure he could get his gear and tools out to attack first, and his weaponry in general is far more impressive. He showcases better examples of ability like healing factors, and has several abilities to bypass Buffy’s defenses in the first place, like turning her into a vampire vulnerable to his wider arsenal or just shutting her powers off. His own Dhampir Physiology renders her Vampire-killing tools ineffective, and she can't easily get around his mist or shape-shifting tricks. While Buffy may have the skill of thousands of slayers, she's only been doing this for 15 years as opposed to Blade doing it for over 100, lending him superior experience. It may have taken us all Summer, but Buffy has been slain; courtesy of one Adamantium Blade. 

The winner is Blade.

Final Tally

Blade (10) - Asura, Bang, Cryotechnics, door-kun, iceking, Round 1 Fight, Seba, Spirit, Tru, Why am I here

Buffy Summers (1) - Saul (He liked the half of Angel he watched) 

Next Time...


Death Battle Predictions: Blade vs Buffy Summers (Marvel Comics vs Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

  “ My Lord Godalming, I, too, have a duty to do, a duty to others, a duty to you, a duty to the dead; and, by God, I shall do it!” -Van He...