Saturday, December 9, 2023

Death Battle Predictions: Vigil vs Crypto


Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” -Benjamin Franklin

Vigil, the unseen operator from Rainbow Six Siege

Crypto, the hacker and runaway convict from Apex Legends

In today’s society, you practically can’t go anywhere without seeing some sort of technology. Whether that be a phone, computer, television, or even a car. To escape technology is nearly impossible, however, these two cannot only escape it, but they have also mastered it. From creating devices which mess up cameras to hacking into the most complex devices, these two are some of the smartest at what they do. Will the masked operative secure the victory or will the high tech hacker claim his spot as the apex champion? Grab your phones, tablets, or computers and login to see who would win in a DEATH BATTLE!

Before We Start…

Both characters are fairly simple in terms of media to cover. For Vigil we will be looking at his mainline game Rainbow Six Siege, as well as Rainbow Six Extraction. We will also be looking at different events for Vigil such as Outbreak. Lastly, we will be looking at any outside materials like comics and such.

For Crypto, we will obviously be looking at his mainline game, Apex Legends. We will also be looking at other outside media like comics, season trailers, and Tales from the outlands. We will also be looking at Titanfall 2 as characters from Apex make an appearance in that game.



You never saw me coming. Don’t feel so bad, nobody ever sees me. I’m in everyone’s blind spot.

Born in North Korea at a time of tyrannical rule, Chul Kyung did not live a pleasant childhood. While attempting to flee to the Republic of Korea Chul's brother drowned and his mom had to be left behind due to an illness. This had taken a toll on Chul who had suppressed his emotions just to survive in this cruel world. His father however, could not do the same and he committed suicide leaving Chul orphaned.

Chul was able to be adopted but at the cost of strict rules and immense trauma. Chul was even told to forget his old name and life. Despite all these issues Chul got himself back on track and found a passion for electrical engineering. 

From here Chul entered the South Korean Navy where he showed his talents with radars and stealth technology (This may be important later in his life). Because of his skills he was picked up by the 707th Special Missions Group where he met Grace Nam (Later Dokkebi) and Craig Jenson (Later Blackbeard).

But all of this was small compared to the next step in Chul's life as he and Grace were chosen to go into the international counterterrorism unit, Team Rainbow. Here he would fight against many terrorists, defuse many bombs and fight in a tournament known as the R6 Invitational. In Team Rainbow Chul would get his new name, Vigil.

There's also something about an outbreak of zombie creatures called Archaeans that happens later on of which Vigil takes part in as a part of REACT.

Even with the scars Chul endured early in his life he found a new calling and a group to call family. Vigil became for many, a rainbow in the dark.


You can’t hide from your mistakes.”

The Frontier War was a moment in history that saw destruction all around. While the war would end, that didn’t save the residents with all its homes destroyed by the conflict leading people to find other planets called home. However a certain area from the Frontier would get the eyes of the military group known as the Syndicate. With the area they would make one of the biggest sports of their time simply known as the Apex Games. The games drew attention to many who would soon become legends all with their own personal goals and gains from the game. This is no different then the Surveillance Expert himself, Tae Joon park, or as his most commonly known as, Crypto

Tae at a young age was abandoned and became an orphan on the streets. However one night he came across a woman named Katerina Nox who met the young boy. Eventually Katerina would adopt Tae along with his new foster sister Mila. In an attempt to live a better life Tae became a skilled Computer engineer and got a job under the Syndicate. Under the Syndicate Tae would complete jobs for them and even invented the drone cameras used to show the games on screen. 

However all this would change when Tae and Mila got a job to work on the broadcasting system for the games. While working on it they came across something big, it was an algorithm prediction system that could predict the results of all the games. Seeing as this was huge Mila tried copying it to sell it for money however Tae was not on board fearing what the Syndicate would do to them if they found out. This proved to be the truth as the next morning Mila was abducted and presumably killed and Syndicate agents were after Tae. After barely escaping with his life Tae was accused of the supposed murder of his sister. Having no other option Tae created a new persona and swore revenge on the syndicate for framing him. He now hides in the public eye looking for the people who wronged him as the Apex Legend Crypto.

Experience & Skill


Vigil is extremely experienced given where he’s at today. Vigil has many years of experience from being in the South Korean Navy, learning how to fight and use weapons there. This led him to join a special missions group which only further enhanced his military skills and prowess. Joining Team Rainbow only thus furthered that even more, making him one of the most tactical and skilled minds in the world.

He is able to constantly take down terrorists and defuse bombs on a very consistent basis. He is able to keep up with other members of Rainbow which have the same level of experience as him, if not even more. However, most impressively, he is able to fight off alien parasites which threaten the world.


Crypto is one of the brightest minds in the games. Before the games he was an expert in computer engineering and made many drones the syndicate still uses. He is also an expert hacker as he was able to hack computer systems from Singh Labs and most notably was able to hack a Repulser Tower in Kings Canyon which he also set an EMP up to let in the wildlife. 

Crypto is also surprisingly skilled with all kinds of weaponry. He can use all the weapons found in the games and use them like a master such as pistols, smgs, ARs, Snipers, and many other kinds of weapons. He’s also quite agile, shown to be able to climb tall buildings in quick succession. 

Finally Crypto is also a skilled fighter being able to keep up with all the legends. These include people like Revenant who is a 400 year old skilled assassin, Bangalore and New Castle both of who are trained Soldiers IMC soldiers who took part of the Battle of Gridiron, Fuse and Mad Maggie both of which fought in many gladiator battles and most notably Maggie was able to hack into the syndicate who set off multiple explosions in Kings Canyon without the Syndicate knowing and many more skilled legends. So to say Crypto is a dangerous foe is a understatement. 




Vigil has a knife when all of his other close ranged options fail.

K1A Submachine Gun

One of Vigil's 3 primary weapons. This weapon does high damage but it has pretty bad vertical recoil and fire speed compared to other weapons.


Another of Vigil’s primary weapons. A high damage, long range double-barrel shotgun able to dispose of foes with ease. It fires fast and destroys walls even faster. It does only have 2 shots before needing to reload, high recoil and some pretty hard damage fall off so Vigil needs to be smart with this weapon.

Mk 14 EBR

The last of the primary weapons. The Mk 14 EBR is a semi-automatic battle rifle good at taking on foes from a long range. It has good recoil, damage and attachments but it's very ineffective at close range.

C75 Auto 

One of Vigil's two secondary weapons. The C75 is a fast firing SMG with decent damage and recoil. It does however have limited attachments, low reserve ammo and just… the worst iron sights.


This secondary quickly bursts down foes with a high fire rate and mag size. Enemies won't even know what hit them with its built in suppressor. This comes at a drawback of insanely high recoil and lower end damage. 

Golden D-50

Not the most standard gun of Vigils but there's no reason he couldn't bring it to the fight. It does very high damage from a decent distance away. The only real drawback is that the gun has 1 shot before needing to reload.


Most of Vigils weapons can receive attachments to change fundamental aspects about them like their sight, recoil patterns or if they have an under barrel laser.


  • Red Dot A: It's a red dot… 

    • (Available on the K1A, BOSG.12.2, Mk 14 ERB and SMG-12)

  • Red Dot B: A red dot with a circle around it and an arrow. 

    • (Available on the K1A, BOSG.12.2, Mk 14 EBR and SMG-12)

  • Red Dot C: A more compact sight A 

    • (Available on the K1A, BOSG.12.2, Mk 14 EBR and SMG-12)

  • Holo A: A dot with a large circle around it. 

    • (Available on the K1A, BOSG.12.2, MK 14 EBR and SMG-12)

  • Holo B: Similar to A but the circle is smaller. 

    • (Available on the K1A, BOSG.12.2, Mk 14 EBR and SMG-12)

  • Holo C: A dot with two lines left and right of the dot. 

    • (Available on the K1A, BOSG.12.2, Mk 14 EBR and SMG-12)

  • Holo D: a mix of sights A and C. 

    • (Available on the K1A, BOSG.12.2, Mk 14 EBR and SMG-12)

  • Reflex A: Switches out the iron sights for a green triangle. 

    • (Available on the K1A, BOSG.12.2, Mk 14 EBR and SMG-12)

  • Reflex B: Differences itself from the other reflexes with a different design for the sight. More of an arrow with lines on the sides of it. 

    • (Available on the K1A, BOSG.12.2, Mk 14 EBR and SMG-12)

  • Reflex C: Pretty much just A but slightly tweaked. 

    • (Available on the K1A, BOSG.12.2, Mk 14 EBR and SMG-12)

  • Scope 1.5x: Gives the gun a scope with 1.5x magnification. 

    • (Available on the BOSG.12.2 and Mk 14 EBR)

  • Scope 2.0x: Gives the gun a scope with 2.0x magnification. 

    • (Available on the BOSG.12.2 and Mk 14 EBR)

  • Scope 2.5x A: Gives the gun a scope with 2.5x magnification 

    • (Available on the BOSG.12.2 and Mk 14 EBR)

  • Scope 2.5x B: Can you guess what it does? 

    • (Available on the BOSG.12.2 and Mk 14 EBR)

  • Scope 3.0x: I was shocked we got to this high of a number as well.

    • (MK 14 EBR only)


  • Flash Hider: Reduces the vertical speed of the muzzle while shooting.

    • (K1A only)

  • Compensator: Reduces horizontal recoil.

    • (K1A only)

  • Muzzle Break: Reduces the overall recoil from firing a single shot.

    • (Available on the K1A and Mk 14 EBR)

  • Suppressor: Removes the muzzle flash while making bullet trails less visible and reducing noise from the gun.

    • (Available on the K1A, BOSG.12.2, Mk 14 EBR and C75 Auto)

  • Extended Barrel: Increases damage and reduces damage fall off range.

    • (Available on the K1A and Mk 14 EBR)


  • Vertical Grip: Reduces the speed at which the muzzle moves upwards while being fired (Basically the Flash Hider).

    • (Available on the K1A, BOSG.12.2, Mk 14 EBR and SMG-12)

  • Angled Grip: Speeds up how quick you can go between hip fire and ADS.  

    • (Available on the K1A, BOSG.12.2, Mk 14 EBR and SMG-12)

Under Barrel

  • Laser: A mounted laser that increases the accuracy of hip fire.

    • (Available on all weapons)


Vigils most defining gadget. The Electronic Rendering Cloak allows him to hide from drones, cameras and other gadgets meant to spy on him by removing all perceivable stimuli. This isn't perfect as drones can still see a slight amount of interference of where Vigil is supposed to be. This only increases the closer the drone or camera gets.


So you know how the other Electronic Render Cloak was about screwing with tech? Yeah this one screws with YOU. The ERC-8 makes Vigil completely invisible to enemies around him by disrupting them. Enemies who have been disrupted will also be scanned meaning they will be visible from pretty much anywhere. This scan lasts as long as the ERC-8 stays active. After the ERC-8's time is up it will go on cooldown and using any sort of weapon or tech will cancel the Invisibility.

Bulletproof Camera 

This camera cannot be damaged by basic bullets (shocker I know). It is used by Vigil to watch and scan people in the camera's vision. This allows Vigil to know when it's the best time to strike. The camera can also fire an EMP burst to disable electronic devices. Despite being bulletproof it can be destroyed by a strong enough attack like an explosion or a sledgehammer. It can also be shut down via EMPs and the bulletproof part can be circumvented by shooting it from the side.

REACT Explosives 

Got some incoming Archaeans? REACT has you covered with a ton of explosives to get the job done.

Impact Grenade

Quick to throw explosives that detonate on impact. They are good for opening up pathways, dealing quick damage and knocking enemies away. You can hold a max of four.

Smoke Grenade

Covers an area with smoke for 15 seconds to blind foes and make assassinating enemies a breeze. Vigil can carry up three Smoke Grenades.

Stun Grenade

Stuns enemies hit by it making them easy to take down. Vigil can hold three Stun Grenades at a time.

Glue Grenade

Slows down all enemies hit by its explosion or left over glue. Vigil can carry three.

Paralysis Grenade

This grenade does what it says on the tin. It paralyzes enemies for a short time leaving them open to damage. Vigil has access to hold three of these at a time.

Fragmentation Grenade

Prime it up and throw it forward for powerful damage against any foe hit by its explosion. Vigil can have three Fragmentation Grenades on him.

Scan Grenade

Scans anyone in its 12 meter radius for 30 seconds. Vigil gets four of these.

Scan Mine

A small mine that covers a small area to scan any enemies who walk by even if they are cloaked. Vigil gets three mines to use.

Arc Mine

Does a chain attack to enemies who walk close to it. Good for clearing out small hoards and Vigil gets two of them.


You place the Claymore on the ground, attackers step close to it, and then they explode. Pretty simple stuff. Vigil can hold three of these at a time.

Field Wall

Blocks incoming projectiles with a 6 meter wide field however Vigil and his allies can shoot through it. Vigil is able to hold three Field Walls at a time.

Nitro Cell

Whether you plant it or throw it, it's going to cause a world of hurt when Vigil detonates it. He can carry up to two of these.

Recon Vapor Device

Scans attackers within its vapor. It scans for 45 seconds and Vigil gets 3 Recon Vapor Devices. 

Revive Kit 

If Vigil is damaged to the point where he is struggling to stand and fight (This is referred to as Down But Not Out or DBNO for short) Vigil can use the Revive Kit to bring himself back up. This can only be used once.

Ammo Satchel 

All of Vigil's weapons can hold 50% more ammo.

Explosive Harness 

This harness allows Vigil to carry three more REACT Explosives.

XR Recon Drone 

This little guy goes around and scans important things like attackers, objectives and supplies. It does have a 30 second recharge time so use it wisely.

Anabolic Accelerant

This item automatically activates once Vigil has taken enough damage. Once it activates it will continue to heal him until he is back up to a certain threshold of HP (50). This item does not run out. 


Pretty simple tool all things considered. Vigil can nail a set of boards to a doorway to block it off. These can easily be destroyed by pretty much anything but they are very good for slowing down an assault. Vigil also has an unlimited amount of these.


Pretty much the opposite of Barricades. Vigil can reinforce walls and hatches with a metal barrier making them incredibly hard to destroy. Only certain kinds of hard breaching devices can break through the reinforcements. Vigil is limited to 10 of these so he cannot spam them everywhere.



Crypto's main item of use is his Drone which he invented himself. The Drone holds many uses which Crypto can utilize. The Drone can scan enemies locations up to 30 meters which will be revealed to Crypto showing where they are. It can also be manually used by Crypto himself however he will be stuck in an idle state which leaves him open. However when controlling it the drone can help Crypto and his teammates in many areas. 

Firstly if a teammate is dead Crypto can use the drone to collect their banners which he can go to a respawn beacon and bring them back. It can also open doors and supply drops allowing for quicker looting. It can also look at champion banners which will give Crypto the number of enemies near him in a 200 meter radius. However the biggest feature of the drone is the EMP it holds. When ready Crypto can send a command to the drone and make an EMP with a distance of 30 meters. When hit enemy legends are slowed down to a halt, get hit with 50 damage to their shields and destroy all traps in the area set by enemy legends. While in game it takes a bit for the EMP to hit, Crypto can use a smaller burst which comes out instantly as shown when he hit Revenant with a EMP almost instantly.

The downside of the drone is that it has very low health which enemies can shoot down easily. Also if Crypto is too far away from the drown it will automatically shut off and return to Crypto which he would need to let it charge up again. 

Light weapons


The most standard of Pistol supplied in the Apex Games. Known for its decent fire rate and flexibility but it's not a very hard hitter.

RE-45 Auto

This gun can pretty much be described as death by 1000 papercuts. Low damage with a very fast fire rate.

Alternator SMG

While not the strongest SMG it is one of the most consistent with its solid range and recoil. Just never… ever put disruptor rounds back in the game.

R-99 SMG

One of the top SMG choices in the Apex Game. High damage with a high fire rate at the cost of range.

R-301 Carbine

An AR known for its flexibility and consistency as a weapon. Good on almost any legend at any time with solid damage and fire speed.

G-7 Scout

The best ranged weapon in the Light Ammo category. A semi-automatic marksman rifle that lacks at close range but dominates from afar.

M600 Spitfire

If you just need to pour a bunch of damage into your enemies this is your weapon. As an LMG it's not the most accurate or easy to use weapon but it can be devastating.

Heavy weapons


This high damage heavy pistol fires slowly but hits hard. Solid at most ranges and it has been a staple of Apex for as long as it has existed.

Prowler Burst PDW

If you for some reason wanted a burst SMG here it is. Fires powerful 5 round bursts to chunk through enemy legends.


They couldn't decide whether to give this SMG light or heavy rounds so they just said “Why not both?” It's a solid SMG choice for any legend who needs something for close range damage and it's very adaptable to any setup.

VK-47 Flatline

A bit slower than the average gun but it hits a bit harder. This AR is a decent choice for a legend who just needs some solid damage.

Hemlock Burst AR

One of the best ARs for wearing down foes. Fires 3 round bursts to chip away at enemies from mid to long range.

30-30 Repeater

A good marksman rifle for long range pressure as it pokes away at foes.

Rampage LMG

What seems to be a bog standard LMG changes when you power it up by a Thermite Grenade. With a bit of fire this becomes a scary weapon that threatens any nearby legends.

Energy weapons

Volt SMG

One of the most popular SMGs in the Apex Games. Similar to the R-99 in use and function. (Best gun in the game tbh)


After a bit of charge up this gun will begin to absolutely rip through any enemies put in front of it. Good for mid range damage.

Nemesis Burst AR

A 4 round burst AR for consistent damage at mid range. Unlike other burst weapons the Nemesis will continue to fire as long as the trigger is held.


If you picked this gun up be aware you may go blind with all of its lights. It sure is a weapon on the Apex Games that does damage with low accuracy.

Devotion LMG

The Devotion starts as a very underwhelming LMG but if you are penitent and continue holding the trigger the gun will continue to shoot faster and faster for high DPS.

Triple Take

This marksman rifle fires three bullets at once to do high damage from a long range. The longer you aim the gun the less spread out its pellets become.

Sniper weapons

Charge Rifle

The Charge Rifle was originally meant to cause massive damage to the Titans from Titanfall. Now in the Apex Games it fires a laser to damage foes with its laser before discharging the energy right into the foe for even larger amounts of damage. 

Longbow DMR

A semi-automatic DMR perfect for chipping away at enemy legends from long range.


A strong bolt action Sniper that excels in long range engagements. If you charge the Sentinel with a Shield Cell it can do even more damage for a short amount of time.

Kraber .50-Cal Sniper

The highest damaging Sniper. If it lands its one shot an enemy's HP will drop. It does fire quite slowly and only has one shot to fire before reloading so be wise.

Shotgun weapons


The actual worst weapon in the Apex Games. Low close range damage with a mediocre firing speed.

Eva-8 Auto

As the name implies this Shotgun is good at close range by firing quickly. Not the best damage but it can rack up quickly with the gun's great fire rate.


A pretty weak shotgun if you don't give it time. By aiming down sights, the Peacekeeper charges up a shot where the pellets it fires become more compact the longer its charged. A fully charged shot can rup through that enemy's HP. 


The most normal shotgun of the bunch. High close range damage with a low fire rate.


Crypto has a plethora of attachments he can use for different types of guns. 

Barrel Stabilizer

Barrel Stabilizers are attachments that are put at the muzzle of the gun. They are used to improve accuracy and reduce a gun's recoil. The guns which can have a barrel stabilizer are the Hemlock, R-301 Carbine, M600 Spitfire, Rampage LMG, Devotion LMG, L-STAR EMG, G7 Scout, and Longbow DMR

  • Common Barrel Stabilizer: Reduce 5% base recoil from each shot.

  • Rare Barrel Stabilizer: Reduces 10% base recoil from each shot.

  • Epic Barrel Stabilizer: Reduces 15% base recoil from each shot.

Laser Sight

Laser Sights are attachments that are put on the side or top of the gun. Similarly to barrel stabilizers, they are used to improve accuracy and reduce a gun's recoil. They are used for the smaller guns in the game such as: Alternator SMG, Prowler Burst PDW, R-99 SMG, Volt SMG, and P2020.

  • Common Laser Sight: Reduces 20% random hip fire spread.

  • Rare Laser Sight: Reduces 40% random hip fire spread.

  • Epic Laser Sight: Reduces 60% random hip fire spread.

Extended Energy Mag 

Extended energy mags are pretty self explanatory. They are magazines with extra ammo and allow for faster reloading for energy ammo based weapons. 

  • Common Energy Mag: Gives a small increase in ammo capacity.

  • Rare Energy Mag: Gives a medium increase in ammo capacity.

  • Epic Energy Mag: Gives a large increase in ammo capacity.

  • Legendary Energy Mag: Gives a large increase in ammo capacity and automatically reloads stowed weapons after 5 seconds.

Extended Light Mag

Extended light mags are pretty self explanatory. They are magazines with extra ammo and allow for faster reloading for light ammo based weapons. 

  • Common Light Mag: Gives a small increase in ammo capacity.

  • Rare Light Mag: Gives a medium increase in ammo capacity.

  • Epic Light Mag: Gives a large increase in ammo capacity.

  • Legendary Light Mag: Gives a large increase in ammo capacity and automatically reloads stowed weapons after 5 seconds.

Extended Heavy Mag

Extended heavy mags are pretty self explanatory. They are magazines with extra ammo and allow for faster reloading for heavy ammo based weapons. 

  • Common Heavy Mag: Gives a small increase in ammo capacity.

  • Rare Heavy Mag: Gives a medium increase in ammo capacity.

  • Epic Heavy Mag: Gives a large increase in ammo capacity.

  • Legendary Heavy Mag: Gives a large increase in ammo capacity and automatically reloads stowed weapons after 5 seconds.

Extended Sniper Mag

Extended sniper mags are pretty self explanatory. They are magazines with extra ammo and allow for faster reloading for sniper ammo based weapons. 

  • Common Sniper Mag: Gives a small increase in ammo capacity.

  • Rare Sniper Mag: Gives a medium increase in ammo capacity.

  • Epic Sniper Mag: Gives a large increase in ammo capacity.

  • Legendary Sniper Mag: Gives a large increase in ammo capacity and automatically reloads stowed weapons after 5 seconds.

Shotgun Bolt

Shotgun bolts are unlike other magazines. Instead of increasing the ammo amount, it increases the fire rates for the shotguns.

  • Common Shotgun Bolt: Increases fire rate by a small margin.

  • Rare Shotgun Bolt: Increases fire rate by a medium margin.

  • Epic Shotgun Bolt: Increases fire rate by a large margin.

  • Legendary Shotgun Bolt: Increases fire rate by a large margin and reloads one shot at a time while sliding.

Sniper Stock

The sniper stock is a stock which can only be equipped on sniper and marksman weapons. It improves reloading speed, handling, and aim drift.

  • Common Sniper Stock: Increases reload speeds, handling, and aim drift by a small percentage.

  • Rare Sniper Stock: Increases reload speeds, handling, and aim drift by a medium percentage.

  • Epic Sniper Stock: Increases reload speeds, handling, and aim drift by a medium percentage.

Standard Stock

The standard stock is a stock which can only be equipped on every weapon that isn’t a sniper, marksman rifle, and Mozambique. It improves reloading speed, handling, and aim drift.

  • Common Standard Stock: Increases reload speeds, handling, and aim drift by a small percentage.

  • Rare Standard Stock: Increases reload speeds, handling, and aim drift by a medium percentage.

  • Epic Standard Stock: Increases reload speeds, handling, and aim drift by a medium percentage.

Disruptor Rounds

Disruptor rounds are a type of Hop-up. Hop-up’s simply put are special attachments for very specific guns. Disruptor rounds can only be used with the Alternator and the Peacekeeper. They allow for increased damage to shielded enemies.

Hammerpoint Rounds

Hammerpoint is another Hop-up. The guns it can be used for are the Mozambique, P2020, and RE-45 Auto. It allows for increased damage to unshielded enemies.

Skullpiercer Rounds

Skullpiercer is another Hop-up. The guns it can be used on are the 30-30 Repeater and Longbow DMR. It increases the damage one does on headshots.


The last Hop-up to be brought up is the Turbocharger. It can be used on the Havoc Rifle and the Devotion LMG. Simply put, it allows weapons to hit a faster RPM, allowing for them to be able to fire more shots in a shorter amount of time or allowing for them to activate faster to fire.


Optics are a special kind of attachment which alter the lens at which you aim and see from in the game. Optics can provide different types of magnitude and can be used on different types of guns.

1x HCOG “Classic”

The 1x HCOG is an optic which is best used at close range. It’s a common optic in the game and can be used for every gun in the game. 

1x Holo

The 1x Holo is another common optic which is best used at close range. Similar to the HCOG, it is best used at close range.

1x-2x Variable Holo

The 1x - 2x Variable Holo, similarly to its downgrade, is an optic that's most useful in close range. This optic can be used for every gun. This gun has a special feature which allows you to increase the magnitude of the lens by 2x or decrease it back to 1x.

2x HCOG “Bruiser”

The 2x HCOG, also known as the Bruiser, is an optic most useful in close range. The optic, similar to the previous HCOG, can be used on every gun.

6x Sniper

The 6x Sniper optic is the first optic that cannot be used for every gun in the game and can only be used on snipers as the game suggests. This optic is most useful for long range sniper combat.

2x-4x Variable AOG

The 2x-4x Variable AOG is an epic optic which only works on ARs, LMGs, Marksman weapons, and Snipers. This optic is most useful for mid range combat.

3x HCOG “Ranger”

The 3x HCOG, also known as the Ranger, can only be used on ARs, LMGs, Marksman weapons, and Snipers, similarly to the Variable AOG. This optic also is most useful for mid range combat.

4x-8x Variable Sniper

The 4x-8x Variable Sniper is, as the name suggests, only available to Sniper Rifles. This optic is best used for long range sniper combat. 

1x Digital Threat

The 1x Digital Threat is a legendary optic which allows users to see enemies through heat signatures meaning, one can see enemies through smoke and other possible obstacles as they will be highlighted in red. This optic can only be used on Pistols, Shotguns, and SMGs. This optic works best from close range.

4x-10x Digital Threat Sniper

The 4x-10x Digital Threat Sniper is another legendary optic which also allows users to see enemies as red heat signatures. Unlike the 1x Digital Threat, this can only be used on snipers and works best from long range as opposed to close range.


Crypto has 3 different types of grenades he can use to get a long range advantage, each with their own special ability

Fragmentation Grenade

The fragmentation grenade is your standard grenade which explodes a few seconds after being thrown.

Thermite Grenade

The thermite grenade when it impacts something, it creates a 6 meter long wall of flames which can be used to damage or obscure the vision of their opponent. It can also be used to increase the Rampage LMG’s damage.

Arc Star

The arc star is a grenade which explodes after a few seconds of impact. It sticks to its opponents and causes damage and blurred vision once it explodes. It can also be used as a potential EMP.

Healing items

To keep himself at the top of his game Crypto has many ways to keep himself healed up.


The smallest of the healing items. Heals Crypto by 25 HP after its use time of 4 seconds.

Health Kit

A big med kit for big healing. Heals Crypto for 100 health after being used for 8 seconds.

Shield Cell

The weakest of the shield healing items. After 3 seconds it will replenish Crypto's shield by 25.

Shield Battery 

Restores Crypto's shield by 100 after its use time of 10 seconds.

Phoenix Kit

The Chug Jug of Apex Legends. Restores Crypto's health and shield by 100 each.

Ultimate Accelerant 

The Ultimate Accelerate is a device which increases the amount in which the Legend gets their ultimate by 20%. 

Heat Shield

The Heat Shield is a device which Legends use to protect themselves from the storm. It only lasts a few seconds before it gives out to the storm.

Evac Tower

The Evac Tower is a device which allows Legends to summon a tower which they can zip line up to the top and fly away to get a better vantage point or to just travel around the map.

Evo Shields

Evo Shields are the best defense of any legend in the Apex Games. By wearing one of these you gain an extra bar of HP called “shield” which absorbs damage. They also increase in level as the legend does more damage.

  • Common Evo Shield: Absorbs 50 damage and evolves after 200 damage.

  • Rare Evo Shield: Gives 75 shield and evolves after dealing 300 damage.

  • Epic Evo Shield: Absorbs 100 damage and evolves after dealing 750.

  • Mythic Evo Shield: Absorbs 125 damage.

  • Legendary Body Shield: While most Body Shields have been removed from the game, one lives on. The Legendary Body Shield cannot evolve but It can take 100. The body shield also gives you a passive buff to syringes and shield cells, boosting them from 25 healing to 50 healing.


Helmets are the best defense against headshots in the Apex Games. When wearing these, headshots against you do less damage and you can take more headshots before you are downed.

  • Common Helmet: Decreases damage to headshots by 20%.

  • Rare Helmet: Decreases damage to headshots by 50%.

  • Epic Helmet: Decreases damage to headshots by 65%.

  • Legendary Helmet: Decreases damage to headshots by 65% just like the Epic Helmet. However, it also has other special features. It reduces tactical and ultimate ability recharge time by 20%.


Backpacks very simply do what backpacks do, increase the amount you can carry.

  • Common Backpack: Gives the player 12 inventory slots.

  • Rare Backpack: Gives the player 14 inventory slots.

  • Epic Backpack: Gives the player 16 inventory slots.

  • Legendary Backpack: Gives the player 16 inventory slots just like the Epic. It also increases the max amount of shield batteries, med kits, and Phoenix kits one has.

Knockdown shields 

Knockdown shields are what allowed downed players to protect themselves from being killed. They are incredibly useful in staying alive so your teammate can come and pick you back up.

  • Common Knockdown Shield: Absorbs 200 damage before being destroyed.

  • Rare Knockdown Shield: Absorbs 450 damage before being destroyed.

  • Epic Knockdown Shield: Absorbs 750 damage before being destroyed.

  • Legendary Knockdown Shield: Absorbs 750 damage like the Epic Knockdown Shield. With this Legends are able to revive their squadmates with more shields and health. In the Mobile Game, they can also self-revive which takes 12 seconds.

Biwon Blade

The Biwon blade is a collapsible, high-tech Korean Jikdo. While there is nothing inherently special about it, it is still something Crypto has and can use in close range.

Buster Sword?

So as we are writing this blog The Game Awards revealed a Final Fantasy and Apex Legends collab. In the promotional video we see Crypto pick up and use Cloud Strife’s famous weapon. While we have no details on the collaboration yet we at least know Crypto is being granted a Buster Sword.






Neurolink is a passive ability which connects his brain to that of his drone. This allows him and his teammates to see things such as doors, supply bins, care packages, traps, and even enemies by highlighting them, these highlights can be seen through walls and enemies specially are highlighted with an orange triangle.




  • Became a prodigy in engineering, specifically with radars and cloaking tech.

  • Was able to become a successful Rainbow operative

  • Helped wipe out an alien virus



  • Vigil can sprint across large areas in a short amount of time such as the length of a street or plane.

  • Scales to other Operators

    • Ram was able to outrun minigun fire for a short period of time




  • Was able to join the Apex Games

  • Created multiple little gadgets and his signature drone

  • Is one of the most intelligent legends






While incredibly skilled Vigil still has one major weakness, he’s still human. While superhuman, he still can be damaged and killed by normal bullets and guns. He gets tired just like a human and can be damaged just like a human.

Another major weakness and disadvantage Vigil has is his technology can and has been prone to being hacked. Characters like Dokkaebi can hack into characters' drone phones and while it’s not conventionally hacking, characters like Mozzie can use different gadgets to override Vigil’s drone.


Similarly to Vigil, while Crypto is a superhuman, he is still human. He can still be damaged or killed by normal means such as bullets and grenades. And just like a normal human he still can be tired out and lose endurance.

Before the Verdict

Arknight Scaling

Arknights is a Chinese Gacha Tower Defense… not what you would suspect to collab with Siege huh? In the Operation Originium Dust event, operators Ash, Frost, Iana and Tachanka are transported to the planet of Terra because Isekai. While we couldn't find anything that just stated outright the collab was canon it does not contradict Rainbow Six Siege’s own lore due to it being an Isekai. It is also not too out of the box for something like this to happen in the Siege verse as R6 Extraction shows us Siege in an alien apocalypse. However, due to there being no record of this collaboration being stated to be canon to Siege it will be treated as a high end. In Arknights the Siege operators should scale to the lower tier characters of these verse which have the feats of…

Planet Level Titanfall/Apex

Firstly it’s probably best to explain why Apex characters can scale to Titanfall characters and feats. Well the first and main reason is because Ash is a character in Titanfall and was an Apex Predator. The reason this is important is because Apex Predators are characters in Titanfall that are considered some of the most skilled pilots in the series. So already we know Ash should be above basically every normal pilot in terms of stats.

However that’s for pilots not for the Titans themselves. Now some might be asking can the legends scale to Pilots? Well yes actually, the reason is actually pretty simple.

In Titanfall there are weapons that are designed solely to take down Titans, mainly the charge rifle which its weapon description says it’s a Anti-Titan rifle and in game can take down a Titan with just a few shots. And guess what, the charge rifle is a weapon in Apex legends can use. And most notably Legends can actually survive a few shots of the weapon in game. So yes characters from Apex can scale to pilots and possibly other characters in Titanfall. 

So with that out let’s talk about Planet level Titanfall.

In the Titanfall 2 story mode there is a weapon called the Ark which is an alien device that can be used to destroy moons, planets and even rip space and time as shown in the mission Effect and Cause.

Now that’s all impressive and all but how do characters scale to it? Well in the last mission BT (a Titan and the goat btw) says his reactor core can blow up the Ark which he did while also blowing up a whole planet along with it. So yeah Titans have the energy to destroy a weapon that can also destroy planets. Now as for scaling well it comes back to the Charge Rifle which can damage titans like BT and in Apex, legends like Crypto can survive multiple shots from the weapon which would be Planet Level stats. 

Now keep in mind along with Arknights scaling this isn’t gonna fully effect the verdicts as it will be considered a high end feat if anything. 



For stats, both characters are capable of scaling to everything present in their verses. All operators are able to harm each other, take certain attacks from each other and in Vigils case, outrun and keep up with even the fastest of operators. Similarly, Crypto can also damage, survive attacks, and even like Vigil, keep up with other Legends. So for this verdict on stats we will mostly be using feats from other characters due to the fact both scale to other characters from their verse.

For strength and durability Vigil and his fellow operators can very easily take wall shattering attacks like the Breachers, Chargers, Nomad’s Airjab and Ash's stone wall busting Breaching Round. While most of the walls aren’t very sturdy walls, Ash’s breaching round was able to destroy a stone wall, a feat worth 41.21 - 96.27 Megajoules of energy. 

Crypto and his fellow Legends can create shockwaves by hitting something with a baseball, survive building leveling explosions, shatter metal doors, and survive attacks from the Titan harming Charge Rifle. While kicking through metal doors gets 12.89 - 35.23 Megajoules, making Crypto weaker with calcable feats, this gap can easily be closed by surviving building leveling explosions and even surviving attacks from the charge rifle. 

If we are to give both their respective higher ends then that makes things go from a relative even playing field to a way more one sided playing field. While Vigil could scale to the Arknights which brings a level of consistency to Ash’s breaching round scaling as there are two feats which get around the same as Ash’s breaching round, Crypto just gets so much higher. Crypto and other Legends survive being hit by the charge rifle, which scales to titans whose reactor core can destroy planet level weapons. This feat would get way higher physical yields making Crypto planet vs Vigil’s small building AP to Dura.

Next would be speed for which seems to be in the peak human to bullet timing tier for Vigil. R6 is sadly lacking in many speed feats but, Operators like Ram could outrun Helicopter fire and Vigil is at the highest speed of operator. Crypto and other legends just show a higher level of consistency in speed. They consistently dodge bullets and can even perceive bullets moving in slow motion like the charge rifle or L-Star. Hell, they can even out run black holes which should take at least light speed reactions. Even giving Vigil scaling to Arknights, the highest calc for them is Mach 15.19, still leagues below Crypto.

All in all, comparing this to Vigil's lower ends he should be able to match Crypto somewhat in power on a low end. On a high end for Crypto, Vigil may be outmatched as he has no way to match Crypto's potential planet level attack power. For speed Vigil is being outran as well due to Legends like Crypto being capable of outrunning Horizon’s black hole which could get to faster than light speeds.

Arsenal & Abilities

To start off with, Vigil has plenty of useful tools in this match up. His ERC-7 and ERC-8 would allow him to hide from Crypto and his drone by disrupting them. His ERC-7 can disrupt Crypto’s drone making it hard to see Vigil, even though it still shows that Vigil is in the area. And his ERC-8 would make Vigil completely invisible to Crypto, however once Vigil decides to attack, Crypto would be able to see him again. However, this is assuming Crypto's drone is close enough to Vigil's close range static to work, however, this would be hard given Crypto’s drone can be used from a far range as well. Unfortunately for Vigil, if Crypto is able to successfully pull off his drones EMP or even hit Vigil with an Arc Star, Vigil would have none of his best tech and would be left with just his weapons.

Vigil also can take fights at any range with his guns. The Mk 14 EBR gives Vigil an option for long range, the K1A gives him a solid mid ranged gun and the BOSG.12.2 along with his SMGs would be powerful close range tools. However, Vigil would be outmatched in the amount of guns he has total as Crypto has a lot more weapons with a lot more variety. This gives Crypto better options to choose from, from any range especially given his weapons are far more advanced than the weapons of Rainbow Six Siege, putting Crypto at a gun and weapon advantage.

When it comes to grenades, Vigil takes this category with ease. He has more grenade options that are more varied and have greater impact. The stunning and slowing of the Arcstar is replicated and surpassed by the Stun, Paralysis and Glue Grenades. The Field Wall gives Vigil an advantage when engaging against Crypto due to its one way shield technology. The Scan Grenade, Scan Mine, Recon Vapor Device all can match Crypto's own scanning tech but it is very circumstantial and not as effective in long range combat. Both characters have very basic fragmentation grenades and the impact grenade from Vigil is better than Crypto’s fragmentation grenade. However, Crypto’s thermite grenade could allow Crypto to manipulate where Vigil goes or help blind Vigil. The thermite grenade could even wear down or damage the Field Wall. Even with the this grenade, that is not enough to out weight the variety Vigil has. 

When it comes to other tech Vigils Bullet Proof Camera, it provides solid utility with its abilities to help spot Crypto and EMP his Drone. The Anabolic Accelerant and Revive Kit can keep Vigil alive even if they are inferior to Crypto's healing items and legendary Knockdown Shield. The XR Recon Drone is a weaker yet still functional counterpart to Crypto's Drone and the Explosive Harness and Ammo Satchel can somewhat match Vigil's Backpacks. Vigil has no counters to the Evac Tower though, the best he can do is beam Crypto with bullets as he goes up. As you have read, a lot of Vigil’s equipment is inferior to that of Crypto’s. It doesn’t help that Crypto's Neurolink allows Crypto to know where Vigil is even when not in use of the Drone. This allows for him to know when and where to use his healing options.

Attachments are not a category that is kind to Vigil. Crypto has a wider variety and does have more impactful attachments such as Magazines, Digital Threat Sights and Hop Ups. Overall this category is not a big enough deal to make a significant impact.

While Vigil’s bullets could damage and kill Crypto, it would be harder to do given the fact that Crypto has ways to mitigate this damage with his shield and helmet which allows for him to take more bullets and damage. This is only made worse by the fact that Crypto can always replenish his shields with a shield cell or battery. While on the opposite end, Vigil really has no reliable way to mitigate damage to his body if shot similar to how shields work.

Even with Vigil having less to work with when it comes to arsenal he still isn't fully outmatched in any category and his REACT Grenades are a major factor that can help him control the pace of the fight. However, it does become clear while it is similar and close, Crypto’s arsenal is far more varied and superior to that of Vigils.

Tertiary Factors

When it comes down to experience, both characters are extremely skilled and experienced. Vigil has had plenty of combat and military training. Couple this with the fact he fights and trains against other similarly skilled operators makes him plenty of a tactical mind. However, while Vigil is experienced, Crypto unironically fights people just like him everyday. He consistently goes up against characters like Bangalore and Newcastle with military training similar to Vigil. He also goes against characters with far more years of experience such as Revenant who is a nearly 400 year old assassin. Crypto just fights against people way more skilled and experienced, while being able to keep up with them just fine so in terms of experience, Crypto should take it.

Not only is Crypto more experienced, he can also reliably exploit Vigil’s technology. Like stated in Vigil’s weakness section, his tech has been shown to be susceptible to hacking as shown when Dokkaebi hacks into operators drone phones, forcing them to ring. There is no reason Crypto could do this or even more given his level of expertise in hacking. This allows for him to potentially take over not only Vigil’s drones but also his cameras and ERCs.


"Actions speak louder than words."


  • Similar in AP and Dura with low ends

  • Has a better arsenal of grenades

  • ERC-8 could allow for Vigil to sneak attack Crypto

  • Vigil could shoot Crypto down while he uses Evac Tower

  • Used to be Meta

  • Gets bomb head from his girl, SLOPPENHEIMER


  • Slower no matter what ends are used

  • Much weaker using high ends

  • Has worse healing options

  • Has less of a weapon variety

  • EMP would wipe out tech leaving him only with weapons

  • His tech is easily hackable for someone like Crypto

  • Not as skilled

  • Toxic Game

"I’ve been through hell to get here. Can you say the same?”


  • Similar in AP and Dura with low ends

  • Much much stronger using high ends

  • Much faster using both ends

  • Has more variety of weapons

  • Has better healing options

  • Shields and Helmets allow for him to be able to take more damage

  • Evac Tower gives Crypto a range advantage…

  • EMP could wipe out Vigil’s tech leaving him with only his weapons

  • Neurolink lets him track Vigil without using the drone

  • Could hack into Vigil’s tech, giving him the complete advantage

  • Fights equally against more experienced foes


  • Has a worse arsenal of grenades

  • Could get snuck attacked due to ECR-8

  • …but Vigil could shoot at him while he’s zip lining up

  • Bulletproof Camera’s could EMP Crypto’s drone

  • Toxic Game

  • Has never been Meta

All in all this is really a clear cut victory for the hacker of Apex. He has the stats to either match all of Vigil's feats or be way way above him for giving him the stat advantage. He has a wider variety of weapons for close, medium or long range. Crypto also has the benefit for having more options for healing if he ever does take damage. And possibly the big nail in Vigil coffin is that when the EMP land’s basically all of his tactics like laying traps or sneaking around unseen from a camera goes out the window allowing Crypto to have an easy kill. 

Put simply, Crypto has everything he needs to win in this battle. Vigil tried to lay Siege to Crypto, but Crypto turned out to be the Apex Predator.

The winner is Crypto.

Final Tally

Vigil (0) - RIP

Crypto (4) - 𝓐𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓪, Tru, Hi Hi, Birb

Next Time…

Poseidon vs Malenia (Record of Ragnarök vs Elden Ring)

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