Monday, June 26, 2023

Death Battle Predictions: Jayden Shiba vs Randy Cunningham


Weapons may be carried by creatures who are evil, dishonest, violent, or lazy. The true warrior is good, gentle, and honest. His bravery comes from within himself; he learns to conquer his own fears.” 

- Brian Jacques, Mattimeo

Jayden Shiba, 18th Leader of the Samurai Power Rangers.

Randy Cunningham, Norrisville's 9th Grade Ninja.

Remembering the past can be a great way to understand where we come from, and where we are today. Whether it be gaining wisdom passed down through generations, or righting the wrongs done by those that came before us; no matter the reason, looking back can give us the knowledge and power to move forward and carve our own futures.

These two young heroes might not have the experience, or in some cases, maturity as their predecessors, but they surely have the heart of a hero that will help them defend the innocent no matter what. So when these two blazing heroes collide, who will come out on top in this age-old samurai vs ninja fight? Grab your Samuraizers and grab your ninja masks, because it’s Ninja Morphin’ time in this DEATH BATTLE!

Before We Start…

We will be using the Power Rangers Samurai show, games, and comics for Jayden. We will also be using Power Rangers RPM due to their crossover and we're also not using the zords for Jayden . We will be using the shows, games, and any other official media for Randy Cunningham.


Jayden Shiba

Get into your opponents head, use your instincts to sense their next move and feel their attack coming.

Long ago, the evil Master Xandred led his army of Nighloks to the human world to terrorize ancient Japan.  However, he would soon be opposed by a group of brave heroes who could harness the power of Symbol Power, forming the original Samurai Rangers.  Xandred would be sealed away for years, only to be freed years later to exact his revenge on the next generation of Samurai Rangers, led by the 18th Head of the Shiba Clan and descendant of the former Red Samurai Ranger, Jayden Shiba.

Although he was filling in the role of leader while his sister, Lauren Shiba continued her training, Jayden found himself filling in the shoes of the team’s leader quite well, even if he still had much to learn.  Throughout his journeys, he’s fought many Nighloks of all shapes and sizes, including the mysterious, battle-hungry Deker, who sought to challenge Jayden to “the Ultimate Duel.”  Eventually, Jayden used what he had learned to strike down his opponent, freeing Deker from his curse.

But his journey would not end there, as there was still the issue of Xandred to take care of.  Luckily, Lauren came back from her training to take up the mantle of Red Ranger, with Jayden leaving now that his purpose was fulfilled.  However, even Lauren’s training would not be enough to seal away Xandred for good, and so leadership fell back onto the previous Red Ranger to save the day.  And so, by calling upon Shogun Mode and combining the other Rangers’ Zords to form the Samurai Gigazord, Jayden and the Samurai Rangers finally defeated Xandred once and for all.  

Whether he wanted to or not, Jayden became one of the most influential Power Rangers, even assisting a future generation as well as past ones in the Legendary Battle.  No matter what, when and where, Jayden will always be ready to go go!

Randy Cunningham


I was chosen to protect my school from the forces of evil. I am the Ninja. I am Randy Cunningham.

Randy Cunningham was never a standout student. He did fairly poor in his classes, and had only one real friend, Howard. However, despite these struggles he had always admired and looked up to the Norrisville Ninja. Finally, when Randy finally made it to 9th grade he was gifted the Ninjanomicon, where he became Randy Cunningham, 9th Grade Ninja.

As the ninja Randy had to overcome many challenges and opponents while keeping his identity hidden. However, he wasn’t alone as he had the help of his best friend, Howard. He was able to constantly defeat McFists robots and the stanked up monsters of his school created by The Sorcerer. 

On one of these journeys, he and Howard time traveled where he met the first ninja and his trusty friend Plop Plop. While accidental, Randy ended up messing up the course of the future which caused The Sorcerer to be free once again. Even with this, he was able to seal him away again with the help of the first ninja. However, this caused the Sorcerer’s balls to be scattered around Norrisville.

One of these balls caused Julian to split into two separate entities, normal Julian and Evil Julian. Evil Julian was able to get ahold of all of the Sorcerer’s balls which allowed him to rival the power of the Sorcerer. This forced Randy to free the Sorcerer and with his help he defeated Evil Julian while also freeing The Sorcerer from his curse, allowing him to pass on.

Experience and Skill

Jayden Shiba


Jayden has been training to be a power ranger and more specifically, a samurai since he was a little kid. Jayden is incredibly skilled and is easily the best swordsman amongst the group of rangers. So skilled in fact that he was able to take down all 4 of them by himself during a sparring match.

A testimony to Jayden’s skill with a blade is that Deker saw him as the worthy opponent for the ultimate duel. This is major because Deker had been alive for 200 years meaning that he didn’t deem anyone else he saw a worthy opponent for over 200 years, including the previous rangers. 

Randy Cunningham

Ninja Training

Randy doesn’t really have any true ninja training. However, the suit gives Randy the skills and experience of a ninja without needing the training. Randy gets a lot of his training and advice from inside the Ninjanomicon which holds 800 years of ninja wisdom from each of the previous ninja before Randy. 

Strangely enough Randy also has some level of skill when it comes to handling pressure points. Randy has been shown on multiple occasions to manipulate the pressure points in someone’s stomach to make the puke.


Jayden Shiba


The Morphers used by the Samurai Rangers.  While its primary use is to allow Jayden to transform into the Red Samurai Ranger, it can be used for other methods.  By using Symbol Power to write the right kanji in the correct order of strokes, Jayden can use the Samuraizer to summon or create anything that he and his fellow Rangers may need in combat.  (See Symbol Power for more).

Spin Sword

The Samurai Rangers’ primary weapon of choice. With the use of samurai discs, they can change into their signature weapons or get enhanced with special attributes.

Samurai Disc

The Samurai Disc is the standard disc seen attached to the Spin Sword for basic attacks. When spun, it transforms the Spin Sword into a Ranger's personal weapon. It is also installed onto their Zord consoles and spun to start up the zords.

Lion Disc

This is Jayden's own personal disc. This is the disc that Jayden uses for his element of fire. With this he can light his spin sword on fire for more damage.

Fire Smasher

The Fire Smasher is the Red Ranger's individual weapon. It resembles a Zanbato (means "horse slaying sword"). The Red Ranger is also able to change his Fire Smasher into a cannon mode powered by a disc from one of the auxiliary zords. The disc is placed on a peg close to the bracing area, while the other rangers' color disks are placed on one blunt side, armed for propulsion. In the final episode, Jayden used the Double Disc to summon two Fire Smashers.

Lightning Disc

The Lightning disc allows Jayden access to an element adjacent to fire-lightning on his spin sword. This has been shown to be able to allow him to shoot blasts of lightning at opponents.

Tiger Disc

The tiger disc allows for Jayden to summon the retrospective tiger zord with the help of symbol power. It also serves to change his fire smasher into its blaster mode.

Black Box

It’s stated to be a magic talisman that can unite the symbol power of all the rangers. When used it allows for Jayden to go into his Super Samurai form.

Shark Disc

The Shark Disc matched with the spin sword allows Jayden to go into Shark Attack Mode. The shark disc allows for Jayden to summon the retrospective shark zord with the help of symbol power.

Shark Sword

The Shark Sword is what the spin sword transforms into when Jayden activates the shark disc and goes into Shark Attack Mode. The sword is capable of extending massive lengths and can act like a whip at times.

Bullzooka Disc

A simple disc that allows for the activation of the Bullzooka and Super Bullzooka.


A massive energy blaster that is powered by the retrospective Bullzooka disc. It is capable of shooting multiple powerful blasts of energy which seem to explode on impact.

Super Bullzooka

By combining the black box and the spin sword in Super Samurai mode, the Bullzooka can become the Super Bullzooka. This is usually shown to charge up for one powerful blast that usually takes out the opponent. However it has been shown to be able to fire multiple shots instead of one big blast. 

Shogun Disc

The Shogun disc is used to unlock Shogun Mode. Usually Shogun Mode can only be accessed inside of a Megazord however with a combination of the Shiba Fire Disc, he can use it outside of the Zord as well.

Shiba Fire Disc

A disc made from all of Lauren Shiba’s symbol power. It was originally supposed to be used to be able to destroy master Xandred however it failed. It was stated to be able to unlock the Shogun form for Jayden. 

Double Disc

The double disc was created to be able to double the power and weapon of the user. Jayden was able to use it to summon two fire smashers. 

Mind Control Disc

A disc that was used to free Blue Ranger Kevin from being mind controlled by Madimot. In order for it to work, one has to slice the opponent like a normal sword. However, it doesn’t cause injuries and instead frees the friend from mind control. It is unlikely that it would work on himself however, he can use his symbol power to help resist mind control.

Randy Cunningham

Ninja Suit

The ninja suit is the outfit that wraps around Randy when he puts on his mask. A suit woven from Tengu feathers which grants the wearer amazing abilities like super speed, strength, ability and more. Wearing the suit also allows him to use its abilities like air fist, earth attack, and hydro fist. The suit also seems to have some type of hammerspace, allowing him to pull weapons out whenever he wants. Inside the ninja suit, Randy can see images from his imagination of the messages that the Ninjanomicon gave him. This is evident when he kept seeing the word shoob and could interact with it due to people chanting it.

Smoke Bombs

Smoke bombs, what Randy would call the “cheese”. As they suggest, when used it produces a cloud smoke Randy can use to sneak away. Unlike what Randy previously thought, he only has a limited amount of these bad boys. Funnily enough smoke bombs also smell like fart.


Randy’s most useful tool and greatest asset. The book seems sentient to some extent, glowing when it has some wisdom it wants to empower on Randy. It also seems to be somewhat precognitive, giving lessons to Randy about whatever is about to come next. However, the nomicon can chose not to open for Randy if Randy ignores it. 

When opened and looked at the person goes into a trance as their consciousness enters the book, leaving their physical body what Randy would call, shloomped. Once inside the nomicon holds a lot of calm, natural settings like a waterfall, forest, village, but it mostly sends his opponents to a dojo. There are also temples which hold forbidden ninja knowledge and messages for Randy to learn. Mac Antfree, one of the previous ninja, said that they can do anything they want inside the nomicon. This was proven when he downed himself in a suit of armor, a sword, and gave himself ninja techniques that not even Randy knew. 

Inside the nomicon is also the Ultimate Lesson. The Ultimate Lesson is only supposed to be for the ninja once he finishes his training, mind wiping all the knowledge about them ever being the ninja. However, it has shown to work on other people like Debbie Kang who knew who the ninja was but got mind wiped to forget who he was. Also when it was first used on Randy, he seemed forget everything like who he was, where he was, and who everybody was.

Ninja Sword

The Ninja Sword, stated to be one of Randy’s most powerful weapons. Randy actually happened to break his original sword, causing him to get a new one, even though he has multiple in his suit. From this we learn that swords can cut through anything but stupid. Meaning ninja swords should only be used for ninja business. 

Ninja Scarf

The stylish accessory to his Ninja Suit. However, it’s not just for looks. Randy can use the scarf in multiple different ways. 

  • Grappling: Randy has used the scarf to save himself from falling. He has also used it to swing from place to place.

  • Lasso: Randy has used the scarf to grab enemies, objects, and friends

  • Whip: Has been used as a weapon to hit enemies with

  • Parachute: Can use it to slow his descent when falling

Ninja Rings

These seem to be Randy’s “shuriken”. These Ninja Rings are extremely sharp, capable of slicing and piecing through Metal enemies like it’s nothing. They can also reflect off surfaces.

Ninja Knife Sickles

A weapon that Randy doesn’t use often. The Ninja Knife Sickles are two handheld hook blades attached to a retractable chain that are extremely useful for mid range combat.

Tripping Balls

A fairly simple gadget. When thrown, these balls multiply into tiny little marbles on the ground. When stepped on they can cause one to trip and fall.

Ninja Spikes

These spikes are capable of appearing from fists and feet. They can be used in many ways like offensively when punching or kicking. They can also be used to help climb and walk walls.

Ninja Stalling Wedge

Randy Cunningham’s greatest and most useful tool. The foolish Randy Cunningham has only used it once and that was to keep a group of zombies from opening a door.

Ninja Manrikigusari

A set of two handles linked together by a bladed chain. It is good for long range combat due to it being able to stretch great lengths. They have been shown to reconnect at the base to form short stick Billy Clubs.

Hoarking Ball

It’s a ball that can cause one to puke when hit in the right spot. So like just a normal heavy ball.

Ninja Kamas

Two miniature scythes. He can attach them together to throw at enemies.

Ninja Sai

Sai’s can be used in multiple ways like stabbing and blocking attacks. It can also be used to pin an enemy down. 

Ninja Kaginawa

A fairly simple too. It’s pretty much just a grappling hook which he can use to climb and scale walls.

Ninja Expanding Baton

A collapsable baton that can expand by pushing a button. 

Glow Balls

One of many types of ninja balls Randy has. He can use it to brighten darken areas.

Hot Balls

When the ball hits something it ignites and burns whatever it hits.

Cold Ball

As the name implies, when the ball impacts something, it freezes them.

Electro Ball

When the ball hits something, it sends a powerful electrical current which shocks and shortly paralyzes opponents.

Bee Balls

This ball releases a swarm of bees on impact. The bees don’t always attack his opponents however and have a tendency to accidentally turn on Randy.

Slipping Balls

These ninja balls releases an orange liquid that causes his opponents to slip when stepped on.

Ninja Eskrima

Sticks like weapons which Randy uses to block and beat down on enemies.

Ninja Tonfa

A simple weapon used in the ancient Chinese martial arts Guai. Randy has used it to break batons in two.

Ninja Fetching Ball

Basically a squeaky dog toy that explodes when fetched. 

Boom Ball

As the name says, the ball explodes. Unlike other balls, it seems to not always immediately work on impact, having a sticky bomb type of effect.

Flash Ball

The flash ball explodes into a burst of light on impact. Basically it’s a flash bang.

Tiny Giant Exploding Ball

A fairly simple gadget. It’s a small ball that when stuck on an object or made impact with an object, creates a massive explosion.

Running Water Sound Effect Ball

When this ball explodes it plays a water sound effect causing someone who has to use the restroom, to use the restroom. 

Expanding Stuff Ball

When this ball makes impact with something it presumably explodes into a bunch of random stuff.

Gut Busting Ball

Supposedly a really hard ball with spikes on it. When it hits one's stomach it causes immense pain.

Ninja Candelabra

For some reason Randy has a candelabra that has a total of 7 candles, all lit up. 

Ninja Ukulele

It’s just a normal ukulele with a black and red recoloring so it can be ninja-like.

Ninja Stick

The ninja stick is a long, hard staff which allows Randy to fight at close or mid range with it.

Ninja Chain Blade

As the name suggests this weapon is a chain with a blade attached to the end. Great for mid to long range combat. It has also been used to grab onto enemies before.

Ninja Chain Sickle

One of Randy’s preferred weapons alongside his Ninja Sword, it is a sickle on one end and a spear head on the other. The ninja has used this weapon similar to the Ninja Scarf, throwing it and wrapping it around opponents to swing on them or to yank them from where they are. He can also just cut them down with the sickle part of the weapon.

Ninja Dual Blade

A weapon which opens up into two massive blades. Originally, Randy was confused on what it was until he fought a roboninja. It can be spun around, attacking from both sides due to the dual blades. However, the curvature also allows for Randy to be able to trip his opponents off their feet.

Ninja Hand Drill

It’s a vintage drill which allows him to poke holes in things to look through to the other side.

Sticky Ball

A ball which on impact with someone or something, sticks them to a surface with a yellow, gelatinous substance.


Jayden Shiba

Symbol Power

Symbol power is the main source of Jayden’s power. By drawing out different kanji with their samuraizers they are capable of doing many things with their symbol power. This includes being able to morph, create horses, create clones, summon portals into alternate dimensions, and can create shields to block attacks.


I don’t know how or why but Jayden has been shown to be able to fly when he tried to fight master Xandred. Why did he not use this more often?

Randy Cunningham 

Art of Healing

The ninja art of healing is a technique that allows Randy to restore or grow the lifeless to living. It has shown to grow a tree from just a seed to a sprout and fix a destroyed bike to normal. However, the ninja can also use the ability to revive the dead as shown when he used it on the skeleton of Jerry Driscoll, bringing him back to life as a skeleton. 

When used it appears to be a beam of energy that heals or restores anything that it comes in contact with. It is not stated if Randy can use this on himself.

Art of Stealth 

The ninja art of stealth is an ability which camouflages Randy with his environment, practically turning him invisible. Randy most likely uses this ability when he uses his smoke bombs.

Art of Disguise 

The ninja art of disguise allows the ninja to presumably alter their physical appearance to be in disguise however we only see this with Randy’s hair. However, if this ability isn’t kept in check, it can take control of the user. This was shown when the hair on Randy’s face completely covered his face. If focused the ninja can use it in combat allowing for him to attack with his grown hairs or facial features. 

Super Senses

A fairly simple ability which heightens Randy’s hearing, sight, taste, feeling, and smell. This allows him to see things like a pimple popping from a far, see the individual flaps of the bumblebee wings, or hear a fork scraping against a tongue. He is capable of fighting and “seeing” even with his eyes closed due to this ability. However, if he loses control of the ability it can overwhelm him.

Air Fist

The air fist is a technique Randy uses to fire compressed air to strike enemies. The air fist is a great attack from long range. The air fist has been shown to pierce stone and metal showing the strength of the ability.

Hydro Hand

The hydro hand is a technique which allows Randy to shoot a blast of water in the shape of a hand. The water is strong enough to put out the fire of a Tengu Fireball. It can possibly instantly become ice on impact however, it is possible it only became ice because it was cold outside.

Earth Attack

By using a certain chant, Randy can control the earth around him. Randy can use this by rhyming words with the phrase “Earth Attack”. The ability must be recited verbally however whatever is created follows Randy’s commands. The creatures made by Randy seem to be highly regenerative as it can survive multiple slashes and being cut up with no issue. The creatures made also have an instinctual feeling to protect Randy from any form of aggression. Randy has shown to create a massive sand worm, ninjas, and mud balls that can be fired at enemies.


Randy is capable of pulling weapons and objects from the suit through some unknown pocket dimension. (Likely through the Ninjanomicon’s connection with the suit). Randy has shown to get lost about what he’s looking for as he has gotten confused about what ninja bombs he has and is looking for.


Jayden Shiba 

Super Samurai Mode

By using the Black Box, Jayden can go into Super Samurai mode. This form greatly amplifies Jayden’s strength, speed, reflexes, and durability. In this form Jayden can shoot out amplified forms of their elemental attack.

Shark Mode

A form activated by using the Shark Disc. This form is implied to amplify the user’s physical attributes. With this his sword also changes into the Shark Sword which can extend giving him amazing range with this form.

Shogun Mode

Shogun form is a form that is activated using the Shogun Disc. Usually they only harness its power inside the Megazords however, using Lauren’s Shiba Fire Disc he can harness its power outside the Megazord. It is stated to have the power of the ancestors. It further increases his power, allowing for them to keep up with Master Xandred to some extent in this form.

Randy Cunningham

Ninja Rage 

When in this mode, Randy gains pyrokinetic abilities. Thus allowing him to spawn fire and surround his blade in these flames as well. Randy has multiple abilities that he can use like:

  • Tengu Fireball: This technique produces a powerful ball of flames that can explode on impact. He can conjure it from any hand or he can conjure two from both hands. It is capable of blasting through solid metal or stone. 

  • Weapon Augmentation: Randy can set weapons or tools ablaze, allowing for them to become stronger due to being infused with fire. This was shown when he turned a keytar into a fire blasting type of weapon.

  • Heat Emission: A simple ability, the suit can produce a large amount heat, melting anything he comes in contact with. 

Ninja Cold Rage

When in this mode the ninja gains cryokinesis which allows him to freeze objects and his weapons. A fairly simple form without much to talk about.


Randy’s weirdest form, this form is Randy’s suit fused with the essence of terror. It grants the ability to turn ordinary people and objects into monsters. It is unlikely for Randy to use this form given that it has been shown that the suit can turn on its user, turning into a monster itself while puking out the wearer. This form can be found in the Ninjanomicon, meaning it takes time to activate due to the fact he has to find the idol it is contained in first.


Jayden Shiba


  • Has defeated countless Nighloks with the help of the other rangers

  • Was able to hold his own against Red Ranger Scott from Power Rangers RPM

  • Was able to be deemed a worthy opponent for Deker

  • Was able to defeat Deker and free him from his curse

  • Was able to finally defeat Master Xandred after 200 years of other rangers trying to




Randy Cunningham


  • Has defeated multiple of McFists robots and the Sorcerer’s monsters

  • Has been able to defeat McFist, The Sorceress, Cat Booray, and etc. on multiple occasions 

  • Was able to able escape the Land of Shadows with the help of Julian and Howard

  • Was able to defeat Evil Julian with the help of The Sorcerer

  • Was able to finally free The Sorcerer of his curse after 800 years





Jayden Shiba

Even though he’s a great leader and swordsman, he often doubts himself and his skills. He can become blinded by this doubt causing him to do things like challenging Deker by himself, going harder than he should during training, or leaving the power rangers when Lauren arrived. 

Randy Cunningham

While Randy is a skilled ninja, he is also a very immature one. Given he is only in the 9th grade he isn’t very mature which causes him to leave himself open. He often pauses to make puns, one liners, jokes, or just trying to explain himself which leads to him getting hit by sudden attacks.

Fan Art

Thumbnail by The_Elemental2

Before the Verdict

Morphin Grid/Other Ranger Scaling

Something that needs a little clarification before we move into the verdict. Firstly, we didn’t use morphin grid scaling mainly because we thought it would be too big of a stomp in Jayden’s favor and wouldn’t be all that interesting. I mean you can get Jayden to large planet and MFTL pretty easily with it. However, there is also some more reasoning to why it wasn’t used. Morphin Grid scaling is a tad bit dubious because it’s implying that each ranger is around equal to one another due to the fact they feed off the same power source. However that logic is a little flawed given that doesn’t mean they can contain the same amount of power from that source. For example if you give two different cars the same engine, they still won’t move at the same speeds. Even so we just didn’t generally want to use it to make it more interesting for us and more fair to Randy.



Let’s start off with stats like always. While this matchup becomes fairly clear-cut when taking Morphin’ Grid scaling into consideration, without it, it becomes a bit more interesting. In terms of scaling, Jayden fought the likes of Arachnitor and, in an official crossover, Red Ranger Scott of the RPM Rangers. Unlike the aforementioned Morphin’ Grid scaling, Jayden and Scott fought alongside one another and even fought each other to a standstill. While yes, the two were only pretending to fight to fool Professor Cog, they were still able to get good hits in on one another, and Jayden even claimed Scott could’ve turned his laser down a bit, so it’s likely he was still hurt by Scott’s attacks. And as we mentioned earlier, the two were able to fight characters that could harm the other, so overall, the two should be comparable. What all this means is that Jayden scales to a character who could damage and take hits from the Hammer Attack Bot, who shook all of Coronith in one strike. Mountain-level strength is also decently consistent, as Jayden himself has fought Arachnitor, who could vaporize skyscrapers. Now with Randy you can scale him to Catfish Booray’s mountain level feat however that is extremely debatable given no other feat in the verse gets even close to that level of strength again so it’s likely an outlier. The best feat for Randy besides that is the high end of the meteor feat that McFist was able to do, which gets to town level. Using this feat Jayden is about 11,000x stronger and more durable than Randy. This big of a gap pretty much means Randy would never be able to hurt Jayden while one good hit from Jayden would immediately kill Randy.

When it comes to speed Randy should be faster. Even if you are generous and say Jayden has lightning fast reaction time (which should be slightly slower than that), Randy still has about 1,300x better reaction speeds than Jayden. However, Jayden most likely has equal or better movement speed than Randy given the fact they both can create afterimages by just moving. In Super Samurai, Jayden casually creates afterimages by moving as well, showing more solid feats of just having faster movement speeds.

If we were to give both the benefit of the doubt then the characters actually switch roles. Jayden would actually be faster while Randy would be stronger and more durable. The difference though is that the gaps between the two would be significantly smaller. This would pretty much mean stats won’t matter as much and it comes down to skill and their arsenals which as you will see below, Jayden should have the advantage in.

Arsenal and Abilities 

When it comes to both characters' arsenal and abilities, it’s pretty even. Randy has a lot of things he could throw at Jayden like his ninja balls or his just ninja weapons, none of them really come close to Jayden’s tools in terms of utility. The samuraizer could always just allow him to create a shield to block Randy’s ranged attacks as well as the Bullzooka just being a better ranger weapon. The spin sword has great variety, being able to shoot out blades of flames or lightning. It also can extend massive lengths in Shark form which would constantly keep Randy on his toes, not really allowing for him to get a break. Also Randy rarely ever uses most of his tools, normally just sticking with his katana to fight. 

Both characters' abilities are surprisingly close too. While Randy has more, Jayden’s symbol power can match them. While Randy can create sand clones, Jayden can also create working doubles. The air fist and hydro hand would likely get countered by a shield based symbol power. The art of healing could come into factor but Randy has never shown to heal himself with that ability so it’s hard to say he could. 

Now it's time to cover the most important topic, the ninjanomicon. Jayden doesn’t really have many counters to the ninjanomicon due to how it works. If Randy did decide to basic BFR his consciousness into the nomicon then Jayden would be left pretty much helpless with no weapons or tools inside the nomicon. However, Randy using the nomicon is shakey to begin with. Usually if Randy were to use it, he would use it to gain knowledge, not send someone inside the nomicon. It also just isn’t something he would do immediately. If Randy were to BFR Jayden’s consciousness inside, Jayden’s still is significantly more durable than Randy so he wouldn’t be able to do anything from the outside. It’s also likely that the nomicon would call it unninja like. This is supported by the fact when Randy sent Debbie inside the nomicon, it claimed it was unninja like and attempted to revoke him of his title as the ninja while it also let Debbie outside the nomicon. Lastly, if Randy were trying to mindwipe Jayden, it most likely won’t work given the fact it only kind wipes the memory on who the ninja is or was, something Jayden has no knowledge of. We also just don’t know if Jayden could be killed inside the nomicon. We see Randy “die” a few times inside the nomicon just for his consciousness to go back into his body so what’s to say Jayden’s body wouldn’t do the same.

Tertiary Factors

When it comes to tertiary factors, Jayden takes it very easily. To start off with, Jayden is way more skilled due to the fact he had been training since he was a kid to be the Red Samurai. While Randy’s suit does give him some skill with weapons and such, he still has shown that he needs training, that’s why he goes inside the ninjanomicon to train. They both have similar combat experience however, Jayden consistently fights stronger opponents than Randy does and often fight’s opponents equal to his own strength while Randy has shown to commonly fight opponents who aren’t nearly as strong as him. This allows for Jayden to be able to fight someone similar in strength.

When it comes to forms, Jayden also takes it. Jayden’s forms give him a boost in stats and also gives his abilities a boost allowing for them to be stronger. Some of Jayden’s forms also give him extra abilities along with the boost in stats like the Shark mode allowing for his sword to extend great lengths. While Randy’s forms are good, they don’t provide any inherent boost in stats, only giving him extra abilities which can easily be countered by Jayden or just backfire on Randy.



  • Far stronger and more durable

  • Equal if not faster movement speed

  • Faster reaction speed using debatable feats

  • Better combat skill and experience

  • Far stronger gadgets than Randy

  • Forms are better than Randy’s forms

  • The theme song bangs


  • Far slower reaction speed than Randy

  • Using debatable feats, Jayden is weaker and less durable

  • Could get overwhelmed by all of Randy’s gadgets

  • Could get BFR’d by the ninjanomicon

  • Wouldn’t have his gadgets inside the ninjanomicon

  • Terrible dialogue

  • Not Scottish


  • Far faster reaction speed than Jayden

  • Stronger and more durable using debatable feats

  • More gadgets that could potentially overwhelm Jayden

  • The Ninjanomicon could send Jayden’s consciousness inside of itself, giving him the advantage 

  • Rizz God


  • Far weaker and less durable than Jayden

  • Slower using debatable feats

  • Is less experienced and mature than Jayden

  • Often gets distracted which leaves him open for attacks

  • Could get overwhelmed by the strength of Jayden’s gadgets and abilities 

  • Randy’s forms aren’t nearly as good as Jaydens

  • Stuck in cancellation limbo

  • Not Scottish

When it comes down to stats, it’s surprisingly close. While Randy is around 1200x faster given his 2.11c feat, Jayden is just way too durable for Randy to reasonably be able to damage. This is due to the fact Randy’s best reasonable feat is the 48 kiloton feat of McFist destroying the meteor. While Jayden’s best is scaling to Scott who defeated an attack bit which shook the city of Cornith, a feat worth 542 megatons. This makes Jayden 11,000x stronger and more durable than Randy. Thus Jayden would eventually get one good hit in due to the fact Randy often gets distracted while fighting, allowing for Jayden to pretty much win.

When it comes down to arsenal and abilities, it is also surprisingly close. While Randy does have more gadgets he can pull from, Jayden’s gadgets are just better. His Bullzooka not only has great range but it’s significantly stronger than all of Randy’s range. When it comes down to close quarters combat, Jayden’s sword is very similar in strength and even has more versatility than Randy’s melee weapons, especially his sword. The ninjanomicon is something that most likely could work on Jayden however it’s a very unlikely wincon for Randy due to all the shakiness in the arguments for it being a valid wincon.

When it comes down to tertiary factors Jayden should also take it. He is far more trained with relative combat experience, thus giving him the edge on skill. His forms are also a lot stronger than Randy’s giving his forms an advantage overall as well. In the end Randy would go go down in a fight against the Red Samurai Ranger Jayden. The winner is Jayden Shiba.

Final Tally

Jayden Shiba (7) - OhFuckALawyer, 𝓐𝓼𝓾𝓻π“ͺ, Why am I Here, Doctorhippotime, LandonTalksALot, Reggy, 08

Randy Cunningham (2) - Duke the Duk, The_Elemental2

Next Time…

We will also be releasing two bonus blogs which don’t really have an estimated time of when they will be finished. One of which is Adam Warlock vs Orion and the other is a battle royale between a Vampire, a Werewolf, a Mummy, and a Zombie.

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